New Member
Thats what I do, I just pour out enough for a week or so, I don't know, as much as I can pour until my hand gets tired of holding the jar up, into the application bottle, and then add the aloe to the applicator bottle and go my way, I don't make a big pre prepared amount. I like it that way, cause by the end of my main batch, its like...hella potent.
Also, what does yours smell like cieramichele and eshille? Mine smells like tea, it doesn't smell bad at all. I can only smell it if I try to smell it in the bottle or on my fingers after I rub my scalp. I find it peculiar that yours smells, unless you just don't like the smell of tea or something and it smells the same lol. What oil are you using too, that may have an effect.
Mine smells like tea, too. Even with the Lavendar herb added. Next time, more lavendar.

eta: I have a tendency when I have leftover oil and stuff on my hands to rub it on my knees and elbows

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