Has Anyone Tried the MoeGro Growth Recipe

Can someone explain the aloe gel to me please? Should I use aloe gel like from the beauty supply store or do you need the kind straight from the plant? Where are you all getting yours from and what kind are you using?

Im ready to get this party started!!!:grin:
You can use the store bought aloe vera gel or the plant if you want. Mine is Lilly of the Desert 99% aloe vera gel that I ordered from Purtains.
YES! It is a staple in my regimen at least until the end of the year..(I dont want to be greedy lol and by then if it all works out I'll be at my goal.) I have gotten .5 in one week, but I am tweaking it a bit to see what is the best mix. I make mine with olive oil, horsetail herb and nettle. I infuse the olive oil with the herbs and then after 3 days I mix it with some aloe and apply to my hair every day with an applicator bottle. It really really does work. If I don't get .5 a week, I get .25 which really is not bad seeing as I get .5 in a month without doing anything....its like worst things worst I double my growth in a month. I'm taking some pictures this month to document it weekly though because I want them for reference and I also am on the 12 inches in 12 months challenge. So far, my best mixture is the one I am using now with nettle, and horsetail in olive oil. The jojoba gave me .5 too, but it's so expensive. I'm watching this batch though, because if I don't scritch my scalp daily, it only yields .25

oh my EFFIN gosh. Im in!
Ok can someone please post results.. not just one person... This thread has been active now for more than a week. I want to see progress.
I've seen Aloe Vera powder that is supposed to be very potent even when using very little. I wonder if this can be used instead of aloe vera gel which seems to account mostly of water in some versions.
I've seen Aloe Vera powder that is supposed to be very potent even when using very little. I wonder if this can be used instead of aloe vera gel which seems to account mostly of water in some versions.

I have been using the aloes powder for some time. I like it for my homemade stuff because it does not have water in it to create mold. bonjour
I purchase it at Health Store in the powdered herb section. Hope this helps. bonjour

Thanks so much!! :hiya: Can you tell me how much you use in your oil mixture? Do you include the powder before letting the oil sit or do you use it after the 3 days of infusion?

Thanks and sorry for the questions. :kiss:
Bumping for updates.............and I have a question. I ordered the ingredients for this oil and they are supposed to be arriving today. Here's what I ordered:

Macadamia Nut Oil
Nettle Leaf
Shavegrass (Horsetail)

I plan on making the infusion today as soon as I get the package and I plan to start using it on Monday. I already had some FOTE Aloe Vera Gel. Will this be okay to use in the recipe?
Question... what is everyone's consistency. Is the mix more like a gel or a liquid?
I would think that it would be more of a liquid than gel, because of the amount of oil. But, I can't say much on that because I haven't made my mix yet. But when I do, I'll report back on the consistency of mine.
Bumping for updates.............and I have a question. I ordered the ingredients for this oil and they are supposed to be arriving today. Here's what I ordered:

Macadamia Nut Oil
Nettle Leaf
Shavegrass (Horsetail)

I plan on making the infusion today as soon as I get the package and I plan to start using it on Monday. I already had some FOTE Aloe Vera Gel. Will this be okay to use in the recipe?

I think any kind of aloe gel will work, as long as it is somewhat organic. I had used the one that has a preservative in it, I think it was lily of the valley 99% aloe gel and it worked fine. I just started using the one that you have to keep in the fridge and its going well also. Just don't use that generic one in walmart that is like green.
I think any kind of aloe gel will work, as long as it is somewhat organic. I had used the one that has a preservative in it, I think it was lily of the valley 99% aloe gel and it worked fine. I just started using the one that you have to keep in the fridge and its going well also. Just don't use that generic one in walmart that is like green.
Thanks Sui_Topi! I got this one from RiteAid and it's the clear kind. It says pure aloe vera gel (although it does have preservatives in it).
I think any kind of aloe gel will work, as long as it is somewhat organic. I had used the one that has a preservative in it, I think it was lily of the valley 99% aloe gel and it worked fine. I just started using the one that you have to keep in the fridge and its going well also. Just don't use that generic one in walmart that is like green.

geeze...thx Sui..I just made my concoction w/the aloe to keep in the frig..never thought about keeping the mix in the fridge.:rolleyes:

Q: How long does it sit out before you use it?

Started today w/jojoba and nettles...IT'S GREEN....:lachen:

Thanks so much!! :hiya: Can you tell me how much you use in your oil mixture? Do you include the powder before letting the oil sit or do you use it after the 3 days of infusion?

Thanks and sorry for the questions. :kiss:

Sorry. I missed that part in my answer. what I do is warm my oil and all all of my herbs to it and let them infuse for a few hours (like overnight) or longer if you desire.....after the heat is turned off. I cover the pot of course. As for the Aloes powder, I add that last. then after everything is infused for a few hours, I strain well with used panty hose to get rid of the grains etc. My oil ends up being very dark. Hope this helps. bonjour
My mix is liquid..

Okay. My mix has been "infusing" on the dashboard of my truck for a while but I didn't add the Aloe yet. I'm going to the BSS and get a bottle (like the one they use for hair dye). Did anyone leave their herbs in or is everyone straining theirs out?
How do you apply it? I put some in my hand and rub it across my finger tips and then message my scalp with it.
Okay. My mix has been "infusing" on the dashboard of my truck for a while but I didn't add the Aloe yet. I'm going to the BSS and get a bottle (like the one they use for hair dye). Did anyone leave their herbs in or is everyone straining theirs out?

I strained my mix through a piece of cut panty hose..had a glob of herbs at the bottom of the glass jar.

I think I put too much on my scalp, used an applicator bottle...felt kinda runny for a while.:rolleyes:
If you use the extracts do you need to infuse them or just really heat them a little to get the desired effect? Anyone using capsules with the powder, are you able to strain that powder out, and is it necessary?
Okay. My mix has been "infusing" on the dashboard of my truck for a while but I didn't add the Aloe yet. I'm going to the BSS and get a bottle (like the one they use for hair dye). Did anyone leave their herbs in or is everyone straining theirs out?

If you want to keep the herbs in so that they keep infusing (in the style of some indian oil products) then simply put a piece of cheesecloth or pantyhose between the opening and your nozzle. Screw the nozzle over the strainer of choice. This is if you're using all dried herbs and oil without anything water-based. Water-based products can mold. If you're using it up VERY fast, you might be alright just keep an eye on it.

geeze...thx Sui..I just made my concoction w/the aloe to keep in the frig..never thought about keeping the mix in the fridge.:rolleyes:

Q: How long does it sit out before you use it?

Started today w/jojoba and nettles...IT'S GREEN....:lachen:


I generally leave mine for three days before I pour off a little bit, but I just pour off like 2 ounces at a time, the rest I leave to soak in the herbs until it's all done. Mine gets pretty green too. I keep it in the fridge now with that kind of aloe gel, but if I use the aloe gel with the preservatives, I don't. Although I like the cold feeling, it lets me feel where I put it.
Wondering if anyone else gets the tingly feeling once you apply the oil to your scalp? I get it now after the second week of using this oil but don't recall the feeling the first week.
Wondering if anyone else gets the tingly feeling once you apply the oil to your scalp? I get it now after the second week of using this oil but don't recall the feeling the first week.

how much growth have you gained from this?