Has Anyone Tried the MoeGro Growth Recipe

I'm curious to know, what kind of aloe vera gel are you ladies using? Is it the store bought gel or is it fresh gel from the actual aloe plant? Or is either of them okay to be used for this recipe?

ETA: Never mind I found some aloe I can use.
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FYI...i know most average about .25 inches a week well I am averaging .25 in two weeks which is great for me because before I would only grow about .25 inches a month
FYI...i know most average about .25 inches a week well I am averaging .25 in two weeks which is great for me because before I would only grow about .25 inches a month

lol get in where you fit in...I naturally get .5 a month so you are right on schedule
i found a little jar at target.

I use my Pyrex measuring cup in a small skillet w/water to heat the herbs/jojoba then transfer it to a clean clear glass spice bottle to marinate. I was determined that jojoba and lavender eo were the only expenses I would incur on this adventure...:lachen:
Haven't tried it yet. But will give it a try! I'm desperate and sick and tired of it just staying at "almost" BSL. Who knows? Maybe we've found something here!
I'm still using it but I put my hair in braids... Next week is when I will update with pics on the ng from my braids!
Has Anyone tried the Moe Gro Recipe that is posted at the other natural hair board. The person who introduced the recipe says she gets 1/2 in a week using it and a lot of people are agreeing that it has increased their hair growth. I'm going to give it a shot and buy the ingredients tomorrow.

It's basically horsetail herb infused in jojoba oil for 3 days and add aloe vera gel to it and apply to scalp every other day.

Anyone here tried it?

I'm starting tonight for the 1st time since it is the 1st of the month and I'll go from there & see what happens this month!
has anybody used this with aloe juice? man i ordered gel over the net from the vitamin shoppe and what they sent me was juice. it has the same exact description as it does online but its pure liquid. im not trying to wait till i get some gel.
Im still using it. Not a faithfully as I was but I still put it on my scalp every wash day. I have gotten good growth with it when I used it every other day.
I cut my hair in a ear length bob and shaved the back in the beginning of July and by mid August my hair had already grown over the shaved area and the bob grew from the top of my ears to just past my ear lobes. This is big for me because my hair normally grows very slow.
I have been taking pics all along. Im going to stop being lazy and finally post them .
has anybody used this with aloe juice? man i ordered gel over the net from the vitamin shoppe and what they sent me was juice. it has the same exact description as it does online but its pure liquid. im not trying to wait till i get some gel.

Yes, I am. It was by accident, but it appears to be the same thing except it isn't in a gel form. I'm going to keep using at least for the rest of the month. I've been using it every other day. Don't want to scare you, but I'm already seeing some growth:yep: (not a lot - but some). Never saw progress that quick!:nono:
lol yeah ive been using my juice for the past week. i wasn't trying to wait for another trip to the store or for another package to come in the mail, so the same night i posted the question, i just used the aloe juice. i got some from sui and she put a bunch of peppermint oil in it and it smells super. my daughter actually likes me to oil her hair for the first time ever. and it makes your head feel so cool. i'd continue to use it solely for those 2 reasons.

i havent noticed anything adverse as of yet so ill continue with the aloe juice. i have some aloe powder, i could try that too. I've been only using it for a week but i think i'm going to straighten this weekend so that I can start tracking my growth since i'm a wash n goer.
lol yeah ive been using my juice for the past week. i wasn't trying to wait for another trip to the store or for another package to come in the mail, so the same night i posted the question, i just used the aloe juice. i got some from sui and she put a bunch of peppermint oil in it and it smells super. my daughter actually likes me to oil her hair for the first time ever. and it makes your head feel so cool. i'd continue to use it solely for those 2 reasons.

i havent noticed anything adverse as of yet so ill continue with the aloe juice. i have some aloe powder, i could try that too. I've been only using it for a week but i think i'm going to straighten this weekend so that I can start tracking my growth since i'm a wash n goer.

Hey, glad to hear it went through okay! I found out that fabiennd actually uses it without aloe anything and she says that it is working great for her too. When you straighten it, if you are going to use it, you should probably just use it in the oil form because it will make your roots puffy. Also, make sure to remember massage it in!
Guys, im going to be trying this growth oil because im on a mission to reach APL by the end of the year. I've bought my ingredients and now im just waiting for it to infuse for the next 3 days.

I have created an album in my Fotki dedicated to this so that i can see if it really works. I've added some pics of what i've done so far, and i'll be updating in a few days with starting pics of hair measurements then i'll be updating every 2 weeks.

Feel free to have a peek. I thought i'd share because i don't think i've seen any progress pics, but if anybody has some i would love to see.
How long did you all leave the oil to heat up for?

Im not sure i left mine on the heat long enough, im thinking i might have to heat it back up again. The reason is because, i pretty much took it out when the water boiled, the jar was warm but now im wondering if the oil actually got hot.

Also this smell that some of you have mentioned, i don't seem to have any smell, i used EVOO and it just smells like EVOO.

Shall i heat it again? That shouldn't be a problem should it? :perplexed
How long did you all leave the oil to heat up for?

Im not sure i left mine on the heat long enough, im thinking i might have to heat it back up again. The reason is because, i pretty much took it out when the water boiled, the jar was warm but now im wondering if the oil actually got hot.

Also this smell that some of you have mentioned, i don't seem to have any smell, i used EVOO and it just smells like EVOO.

Shall i heat it again? That shouldn't be a problem should it? :perplexed

you didn't let it infuse long enough. i let mine infuse in a crock pot on low overnight. if i use the water bath method i let my herbs infuse for 4 hours in the hot water.

i think you should heat it again. you should be able to smell the herbs in the oil
Just an FYI:: after boiling mine for about 2-3 minutes, i put my mix (evoo + peppermint + nettle + horsetail) in a candle warmer to infuse longer...