Has Anyone Tried the MoeGro Growth Recipe

I'm making some this as soon as I get my order in. I ordered the Horsetail last night.

I can't wait, hopefully this will give me a glimmer of hope in that 12 inches in 12 months challenge.
Very interesting.

subscribing so I can keep up when the results come in...keepi it coming ladies....I wanna see if this works.
will the only way this work is through the infusion method, or can i just some extracts and do it that way? I really don't have the time to monitor a glass jar and since i am forgetful, the thing will prob sit for months before i remember about it.

How long have you been using it? So you are saying that you might have gotten a half of an inch more of growth since you've been using it?

I made my mix last Monday and have been applying it to my scalp since then while it was marinating for the 3 days so my mix wasn't officially ready until last Thursday. I am going to shoot for growth results in two weeks vs the weekly results the original creator of the recipe stated.

I started using it in April. I had measured my hair and it was at 2.5, the next week it was already at 3 inches. I then kinda slacked off and it went back to its normal growth rate, the next week I used it and I only got .25, because I was not scritching my scalp daily. Sooo, I kept trying to get everything right so I could get a consistant .5 every week, some worked, some only let me get .25 until the beginning of this month. For some reason, this one smelt really really potent. Like after I applied it, my hair smelt like tea. The only thing I did differently is I didn't let it infuse as long as before on the stove. Another tip I do is, I make a jar full of it and leave it on top the fridge. My fridge emits a little bit of heat. I put a piece of stocking across the mouth of the jar, and pour a good amount into the applicator bottle, and then put the rest back up on top the fridge. Then I add the aloe to the applicator bottle. That way, the rest gets to continuously infuse. Anyways, soo, I used it, and made sure to scritch. I got .5 inches again, but I trimmed and ended up back at 4.5. I measured last week wednesday and I was at 4.5, I even made sure to take pictures. On sunday, I added a little bit of peppermint oil to it to see if maybe that extra stimulation will let me be able to get the growth without scritching, because I am planning to perfect and then sell this oil :eyebrows2, and I know some people do not have the time, or cannot remember to be scritching their scalp all the time. I sure know I don't. I have to force myself to remember to do it in the night before bed, so as I dont mess up my curls during the day. So now here I am, waiting for tomorrow to take the wednesday picture, and see where it is. I usually measure every sunday, and this sunday, the ends were a little bit over 5, so I figure by wednesday, the whole bulk of that area will be at 5. I can't wait to see the effects of the peppermint oil next week though. It better do more than just feel nice :fistshake:
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it sure is... (I dont mean to be rude with the "...", I just needed to make up 10 characters. Which I surely did by now :look: lol)
Has Anyone tried the Moe Gro Recipe that is posted at the other natural hair board. The person who introduced the recipe says she gets 1/2 in a week using it and a lot of people are agreeing that it has increased their hair growth. I'm going to give it a shot and buy the ingredients tomorrow.

It's basically horsetail herb infused in jojoba oil for 3 days and add aloe vera gel to it and apply to scalp every other day.

Anyone here tried it?

whats the website for the other natural board
ok thanks........

HTH! If you search "Moegro" at the top of the nappturality page, you can find the different parts of their conversation.

So I just got all my supplies together for this and heated the mix for 3+ hours. I went a lil crazy and put in sage, horsetail, nettle, rosemary, parsley and even red pepper flakes! Hope that works...

Only problem is-- I was too enthusiastic to wait and buy a mason jar. My aunt had to take my mix out of the pot and tell me that the empty pasta jar I used could have exploded from too much heat! Kind of scary. I forgot glass could explode. Be careful!

I WAS trying not to check my growth too much for the summer, but I will be looking attentively now that I'm using this method.
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I used to pour this stuff over my head when I first went natural, I loved it! I just got away from the watery/wet leave ins now,but I would totally use it again

and it has horsetail or shavegrass and tons of other herbs!

African Pride Herbal Liquid Complex (Indian Hemp, Nettle, Rosemary, Burdock, Birch, Rose Hips, Irish Moss, Coltsfoot, Wild Cherry Bark, Dandelion, Elder Flowers, Shave Grass, Echinacea), Aloe Vera, PEG 8, Dimethicone Copolyol, Collagen, DL Panthenol, Allantoin, Cetyl Pyridinium Chloride, PEG 75 Lanolin, Polyquaternium 10, Fragrance, Propylene Glycol, DMDM Hydantoin, Methyl Paraben, Propyl Paraben, Dissodium EDTA, Diazolidinyl Urea.
I also read the other thread and wondered about the extract/caps/powder and no one has really posted results. One poster asked about using the extract instead of the actual herb and Moe said it should be ok. Many of the women used the caps/powder and she didn't say anything against it. Don't know if it would make it more potent, less potent. That wasn't clarified there nor here.

I personally purchased the extract and plan to experiment by adding the mix to my megatek mix .:spinning: Let's see what happens. I'll let you know if I go bald! :blush:
chichi how are u prreserving ur batch girl? i have aloe vera gel but in any formulations that tihs get's moldy after like a week or 2. so what it do, what it do!
chichi how are u preserving ur batch girl? i have aloe vera gel but in any formulations that this get's moldy after like a week or 2. so what it do, what it do!
The original creator stated that since there's no water in the recipe, then there is no need to add a preservative but if you still want to you can add Vitamin E oil which can act as a preservative or make your mix up in small batches to last you 2 weeks at a time or you can store your in the refrigerator. For me, I did not add a preservative but keep my batch in a cool area under my sink. I should also mention that I did not add aloe vera gel to my mix since that is just used to moisturize my hair. I apply the oil to my scalp first then I apply my aloe gel afterwards to my hair
r u looking for horstail(shavegrass), http://www.mountainroseherbs.com/search/search.php?keywords=horsetail i got mine here!
anitagrant.com for horsetail herbs
...and the next LHCF hair growth fad is born!

Well I got my horsetail but don't have any jojoba oil and I'd rather try the original oil as it was intended before trying to even tweak it my way. But I probably won't even get the chance to do all that due to my moving soon. But once I do, I'll come back and post on this thread.
My oil mix was ready two days ago but I have added the aloe vera or used it. I added a few drops of peppermint oil but I've been pondering the idea of getting a relaxer. I didn't want it to make my scalp sensitive. Hopefully I'll decide what to do, then I start using my mix.
The original creator stated that since there's no water in the recipe, then there is no need to add a preservative but if you still want to you can add Vitamin E oil which can act as a preservative or make your mix up in small batches to last you 2 weeks at a time or you can store your in the refrigerator. For me, I did not add a preservative but keep my batch in a cool area under my sink. I should also mention that I did not add aloe vera gel to my mix since that is just used to moisturize my hair. I apply the oil to my scalp first then I apply my aloe gel afterwards to my hair

okay cool, i've opt out on the avg. so i won't have to add a preservative. thx but will keep it cool
Has Anyone tried the Moe Gro Recipe that is posted at the other natural hair board. The person who introduced the recipe says she gets 1/2 in a week using it and a lot of people are agreeing that it has increased their hair growth. I'm going to give it a shot and buy the ingredients tomorrow.

It's basically horsetail herb infused in jojoba oil for 3 days and add aloe vera gel to it and apply to scalp every other day.

Anyone here tried it?

You mentioned that horsetail makes your heart race, I noticed that when I take silica, but I assumed that it was me. I'm glad that you confirmed this.