Has anyone REALLY had increased growth from VITAMINS or is it just a waste of $$$??

Hi ladies,

I really would like to grow my hair the fastest it can possibly grow during the summer. Right now I am doing conditioner and regular washes about 3+ times per week. The verdict is still out re: whether this will increase the amount of growth I get.

I was thinking of also adding vitamins but I have heard mixed reviews. I really don't want to waste the money if it really doesn't work or produce noticeable results ...SOOO here are my questions:

1) If you have REALLY experienced increased growth as a result of vitamins, can you tell us which specific type and brand you use?

2) If you haven't REALLY experienced increased growth with vitamins but have with other means, can you tell us what you do that has caused the most increase in growth?

3) For those who do frequent washes do you feel you've noticed more results with just washing more vs. the vitamin route?

4) If you have any exact measurements that would be great too (For example you might say something like this..."Before taking X vitamin OR before increasing the amt. of times I wash I got 1/2" per month and now I'm getting 3/4" per month").

Thank you for your help!!!! :drunk:
Re: Has anyone REALLY had increased growth from VITAMINS or is it just a waste of $$$

Personally I can't really say if I've noticed an increase by taking certain vitamins because (1) I've taken supplements religiously for years to complement my diet; (2) I've always tried to eat healthily; (3) I didn't always know good haircare so any success I might've had might be just from better habits; (4) the only thing I can say with certainty is that when I had a bald spot, the Essential Oil Blend that's been posted a few times on this forum, really helped.

Winniebread, people have had growth spurts from using BT, MTG, Monistat, taking MSM, biotin, protein drinks, etc, but just because they had success using/taking those products doesn't mean they will work for you. What works for one person will not work for another because the real reason a boost is seen is because the body/blood/cells were lacking the nutrients in that product so that hair follicles were malnourished. So you add the missing ingredient and the follicles get well fed and they respond. I bought biotin when I joined the forum but I didn't notice any change in my growth rate. Why? Perhaps because I take oatmeal porridge every single morning which is high in biotin and have done for for years. Biotin is a very common element in many foods so chances are I wasn't lacking in it. So taking the supplement just meant biotin laden pee. Then there are people who will use Monistat on their scalp and report hair growth and others find it a futile waste of time. Why? Because Monistat an anti-fungal product probably took care of a "handicap" caused by systemic candida albicans--a fungus that lives in all of us, usually dormant but at times acting up and causing everything from skin rashes to yeast infections. Candida doesn't have to be hurting you in a loud way. There are people who live with conditions they come to accept as normal because they cause them little discomfort and then one day discover a way to disable candida's activity in the body and their health goes through the roof.

So it's all about trial and error really, and trying to eat a healthy, balanced, varied diet or else making sure you've got a good multi-vitamin/mineral complex so that whatever your diet is lacking, your multi provides. The Feature of the Month articles have people's regimens described so you could go through those and get ideas, but don't go crazy trying to keep up coz you may just find that you're already getting all the nutrients you need at the moment. Massaging the scalp is another thing that is cheap and easy to do, and it helps circulate all the vitamins you're taking to your follicles so that they are being utilized where you want them.

The thing most people find to be a sure way to grow long hair is low manipulation of your hair and wearing styles that keep the ends moisturized and away from clothes that could cause wear and tear and hence split ends takes them a long way to achieving great lengths. So if your hair is growing and looking healthy, don't worry so much about reaching goals NOW, but rather find out how to retain every bit of length you acquire, and in time you'll wake up to find your hair grew when you weren't paying attention, like the proverbial pot that boils when it isn't being watched.
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Re: Has anyone REALLY had increased growth from VITAMINS or is it just a waste of $$$

winniebred this may not be what your looking for but it works for me, i thought it doesn't hurt to share.

when i think about it, i don't think vitamins will make our hair grow, especially faster but to provide our bodies with w/ the nutrients we lack or need extra of. prime example, my nails were a dull white color b4 taking them, but soon after like a week or so, my nails brightened up and hardened a bit more. when i look at the ingredients i've noticed some of the stuff like zink, magenese, and a few others i was really lacking or wasn't getting as much in my diet, but have gotten from the vitamin. So as the saying goes we are what we eat, my hair is getting fed with these same benefitial nutrients.

june 1st i'm seriously thinking about eating a whole lotta raw fruits n veggies, little to no bread, basically switch up my eating b/c last year i've notice an increase in hair growth(<.5" mth) when revamping my diet with vitamins, water, and supplements.
but last year i went to vitamin shoppe< same brand as store and got:
powder flaxseed
daily women's vitamin...or i would take the (the 1 n a pink box @ walmart)rexall hair, skin, and nails pills
with a balanced diet

If you think the answer will be in a pill maybe you should look at your diet. is it balanced? too much zinc will push out fiber from your body.
Re: Has anyone REALLY had increased growth from VITAMINS or is it just a waste of $$$

Personally I can't really say if I've noticed an increase by taking certain vitamins because (1) I've taken supplements religiously for years to complement my diet; (2) I've always tried to eat healthily; (3) I didn't always know good haircare so any success I might've had might be just from better habits; (4) the only thing I can say with certainty is that when I had a bald spot, the Essential Oil Blend that's been posted a few times on this forum, really helped.

Winniebread, people have had growth spurts from using BT, MTG, Monistat, taking MSM, biotin, protein drinks, etc, but just because they had success using/taking those products doesn't mean they will work for you. What works for one person will not work for another because the real reason a boost is seen is because the body/blood/cells were lacking the nutrients in that product so that hair follicles were malnourished. So you add the missing ingredient and the follicles get well fed and they respond. I bought biotin when I joined the forum but I didn't notice any change in my growth rate. Why? Perhaps because I take oatmeal porridge every single morning which is high in biotin and have done for for years. Biotin is a very common element in many foods so chances are I wasn't lacking in it. So taking the supplement just meant biotin laden pee. Then there are people who will use Monistat on their scalp and report hair growth and others find it a futile waste of time. Why? Because Monistat an anti-fungal product probably took care of a "handicap" caused by systemic candida albicans--a fungus that lives in all of us, usually dormant but at times acting up and causing everything from skin rashes to yeast infections. Candida doesn't have to be hurting you in a loud way. There are people who live with conditions they come to accept as normal because they cause them little discomfort and then one day discover a way to disable candida's activity in the body and their health goes through the roof.

So it's all about trial and error really, and trying to eat a healthy, balanced, varied diet or else making sure you've got a good multi-vitamin/mineral complex so that whatever your diet is lacking, your multi provides. The Feature of the Month articles have people's regimens described so you could go through those and get ideas, but don't go crazy trying to keep up coz you may just find that you're already getting all the nutrients you need at the moment. Massaging the scalp is another thing that is cheap and easy to do, and it helps circulate all the vitamins you're taking to your follicles so that they are being utilized where you want them.

The thing most people find to be a sure way to grow long hair is low manipulation of your hair and wearing styles that keep the ends moisturized and away from clothes that could cause wear and tear and hence split ends takes them a long way to achieving great lengths. So if your hair is growing and looking healthy, don't worry so much about reaching goals NOW, but rather find out how to retain every bit of length you acquire, and in time you'll wake up to find your hair grew when you weren't paying attention, like the proverbial pot that boils when it isn't being watched.

ITA with everything you said. This response covers it all. :thatsall:
Re: Has anyone REALLY had increased growth from VITAMINS or is it just a waste of $$$

Personally I can't really say if I've noticed an increase by taking certain vitamins because (1) I've taken supplements religiously for years to complement my diet; (2) I've always tried to eat healthily; (3) I didn't always know good haircare so any success I might've had might be just from better habits; (4) the only thing I can say with certainty is that when I had a bald spot, the Essential Oil Blend that's been posted a few times on this forum, really helped.

Winniebread, people have had growth spurts from using BT, MTG, Monistat, taking MSM, biotin, protein drinks, etc, but just because they had success using/taking those products doesn't mean they will work for you. What works for one person will not work for another because the real reason a boost is seen is because the body/blood/cells were lacking the nutrients in that product so that hair follicles were malnourished. So you add the missing ingredient and the follicles get well fed and they respond. I bought biotin when I joined the forum but I didn't notice any change in my growth rate. Why? Perhaps because I take oatmeal porridge every single morning which is high in biotin and have done for for years. Biotin is a very common element in many foods so chances are I wasn't lacking in it. So taking the supplement just meant biotin laden pee. Then there are people who will use Monistat on their scalp and report hair growth and others find it a futile waste of time. Why? Because Monistat an anti-fungal product probably took care of a "handicap" caused by systemic candida albicans--a fungus that lives in all of us, usually dormant but at times acting up and causing everything from skin rashes to yeast infections. Candida doesn't have to be hurting you in a loud way. There are people who live with conditions they come to accept as normal because they cause them little discomfort and then one day discover a way to disable candida's activity in the body and their health goes through the roof.

So it's all about trial and error really, and trying to eat a healthy, balanced, varied diet or else making sure you've got a good multi-vitamin/mineral complex so that whatever your diet is lacking, your multi provides. The Feature of the Month articles have people's regimens described so you could go through those and get ideas, but don't go crazy trying to keep up coz you may just find that you're already getting all the nutrients you need at the moment. Massaging the scalp is another thing that is cheap and easy to do, and it helps circulate all the vitamins you're taking to your follicles so that they are being utilized where you want them.

The thing most people find to be a sure way to grow long hair is low manipulation of your hair and wearing styles that keep the ends moisturized and away from clothes that could cause wear and tear and hence split ends takes them a long way to achieving great lengths. So if your hair is growing and looking healthy, don't worry so much about reaching goals NOW, but rather find out how to retain every bit of length you acquire, and in time you'll wake up to find your hair grew when you weren't paying attention, like the proverbial pot that boils when it isn't being watched.

I agree 100%. Well said.