Has anyone ran off and

I haven't - but I would certainly do it!

Me too. My friends says I don't have the guts to elope. I may not elope but I don't think I want to go through the big traditional wedding charade... I'd spend too much money
I am running off and getting married to....

Method Man once his divorce is final..LOL

No, I was reading on this wedding site about ppl that have done it and it just sounds so romantic...

I would do it just b/c I don't want a whole bunch of folxs makinga big deal out of my day...

so I would just go and do it on an island on a beach to be exact....

***How beautiful***
I wouldn't do it.

If I was getting married and didn't want a big wedding I wouldn't have one. I'd do a small one or even just sign papers and go to dinner with family.

I just think it is so sad to deprive family of something they want to be a part of.
Hubby and I did. I was 21 and hubby 22. We got tired of certain friends (female) of his continuously trying to break us up because they wanted him with someone of their choosing. After a particularly bad event where we went to the movies with the whole group of friends he got really pissed because one in particular was making sure I knew I was not wanted and her groupies thought it was funny (the whole group was not like this, just about 3 in particular) I got really upset and started crying and he had it and we left. Driving home we talked about the fact that we'd been engaged for over 4 yrs with no plans to get married and I told him I thought her plan to break us up would eventually work. Right then and there he asked me if I wanted to get married that day. Screw our family, friends and everyone. I did'nt believe him but within the hr we were on the road to Reno! We had kidnapped two of our friends who were so high on weed they spent the entire trip giggling and laughing thinking we were joking and really just going to gamble. when we actually stood in front of the preacher holding hands and the woman started talking they were still giggling and then suddenly in shock one yelled "Oh, my God! You guys are serious!!" The look he got from the preacher shut him up but he was drop jawed the entire ceremoney. We got married so fast I forgot to take off my puffy jean jacket:ohwell:. Also, even though we went up there on Sat. Nov 10th, by the time we got the license and such, it was after midnight. Veteran's Day! We spent the night gambling, eating and then sleeping, crammed into our camaro.

After we got married (on a Sunday) we both took Monday off to enjoy being newlyweds. Hubbys best friend called (he had been at the movies also and knew everything) and hubby told him we'd just gotten married. After the shock and congrats they hung up. Within 2 minutes the phone rang and it was her. the &*^$! I could here her screaming and crying from across the room. Hubby told her off and told her if she could'nt deal then don't ever call again and hung up.

Yeah, how we got married was impulsive and probably for the wrong reasons at the time but we were meant to be together. That was 16 yrs ago come Nov. 11th!

As for this hateful woman, she ended up swallowing her tongue never again tried to break us up. She and my hubby had been friends for years and I think she realized she had done serious damage to their friendship over me. Even though I know she never liked me she never again showed it. Their friendship still petered off because he stopped wanting to hang around her and the group due to my uncomfortableness. When she found out we were pregnant for the first time I know it burned in her craw. We saw her once during my pregnancy then she moved due to job. He never bothered contacting her again. His best friend (who happens to be best friends with her) still keeps in touch with her but she and her posse have dropped from our lives. Hubby has absolutely no interest in resuming the friendship either.

I miss not having a real wedding. Hubby and I do plan to renew our vows. it got delayed due to our youngests birth and now it's going to get delayed again due to my being pregnant again. We want to go to Hawaii and have a ceremony there.

Forgot to mention that both of our families were shocked but in a good way. No one got upset that we did'nt do a big wedding. They were just glad we did it. Of course everyone assumed I was pregnant:ohwell:.
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