Has anyone on the board gotten 8 inches or more in a year?


New Member
Hey ladies, now that we've been using growth products for at least a year or so now, I was wondering if anyone's growth has really increased dramatically? Like getting up to 8-9 inches in a year? (or increased from what you had before like say you got 4 inches a year but now you get 6 inches)

Personally I've been using MTG on and off and now Boundless Tresses but it seems my hair is only getting thicker not much longer. Can anyone post a testimony to how much their hair growth increased and what they think it was a result of?
Do a search - I think this exact same question was asked and discussed a few weeks ago.

Candycane044 said:
Hey ladies, now that we've been using growth products for at least a year or so now, I was wondering if anyone's growth has really increased dramatically? Like getting up to 8-9 inches in a year? (or increased from what you had before like say you got 4 inches a year but now you get 6 inches)

Personally I've been using MTG on and off and now Boundless Tresses but it seems my hair is only getting thicker not much longer. Can anyone post a testimony to how much their hair growth increased and what they think it was a result of?