Has anyone kept up with MacherieAmour?

You mean, much of her information CAME from here.

Isn't everything that people know based on prior knowledge from somewhere? While I regard LHCF as home, I am realistic and I realize that we can't claim to be omniscient about hair care. There are people who try an experiment and post results -- here, on BHM, on HairBoutique and several other places all in the same hour. If I read something on BHM and I read it previously on LHCF that doesn't mean it is plagarized, stolen or inappropriately attributed to a poster. It just means the knowledge has been shared. It is likely that Macherie has members that don't frequent any of the forums I mentioned. As long as they are getting the needed information, does it matter where it originated?
Isn't everything that people know based on prior knowledge from somewhere? While I regard LHCF as home, I am realistic and I realize that we can't claim to be omniscient about hair care. There are people who try an experiment and post results -- here, on BHM, on HairBoutique and several other places all in the same hour. If I read something on BHM and I read it previously on LHCF that doesn't mean it is plagarized, stolen or inappropriately attributed to a poster. It just means the knowledge has been shared. It is likely that Macherie has members that don't frequent any of the forums I mentioned. As long as they are getting the needed information, does it matter where it originated?

I'm going to let you think about and arrive at your own conclusion about that. I think you have.
maybe she didn't have bad hair before she came to the boards. a lot of members that come here have long hair at the beginning of their journey sometimes.
I love Marcherieamour, and will always give her credit for being my first hair inspiration model.

Her Rollersetting DVD was the reason I became a DIYer... I even built up enough confidence to do my own relaxers. And this is from someone who didn't know jack about hair before this site :nono:
OP, Here is the answer to your exact question from Macherie herself via the old healthy textures typepad site that is still up and I still use for reference btw..

How Come You Dont Have Pictures of Your Damaged Hair?

Q. You frequently mention that we should take pictures of our hair to track our progress. But when I visited your fotki, you only have pictures of you with long hair. What gives?

A. I actually started my hair journey when I was 11. Im now 26 years old. So, Ive spent nearly 15 years trying to improve my hair. The reason why I took so long is because I wasnt monitoring my hair growth. Mostly, because I was just a kid and didnt think about taking pictures of my hair or keeping a journal. So, I ended up making the same mistakes over and over again.

But if I had kept a record of my progress and regimens, I would have noticed earlier on what was and was not working for my hair. When I finally started keeping a journal and taking pictures, I was better able to find a regimen that worked for me. I realized that it really didnt HAVE to take me 15 years to grow my hair. So, that is why I encourage people to take pictures and monitor their progress. That way they can get to where they want to be a lot sooner.

So there you have it.
That's a whole lotta money for hair care advice! I liked the site when it was free though. But it was the same info I get here. :ohwell:
I can't knock her hustle as she is one of few people who realize that you can make money off of anything, even something that is free to all and especially so if it is something you are passionate about too. I commend her for that and wish her much success!
I havent really read all the posts.

But I did read that Macherie didnt transform her her, she has said that she has always had long bsl length from a young age, and I think for her its more about maintaining her her. I like her youtube videos
the only way id pay 100 for a hair care website is if "guiding hands" were to emerge from my monitor and personally assist me with my hair.......
I'm a member over there and I actually prefer that hair forum. :look:
I don't think you have to insult her or members on either board though. It's all about options and choices.

The price isn't an issue for me.

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she brought me to LHCF, so i can do nothing but sing her praises. the true measure of her success is not getting people to pay $100 for a membership to her site, but getting them to RETURN again and again. i cannot afford it and feel that i have learned enough on LHCF to give me the health and length i am looking for, so i will not be joining her site, but i commend her for going to such extremes to help black women overcome all the stereotypes and negativity that have been thrown at them over the years.
she brought me to LHCF, so i can do nothing but sing her praises. the true measure of her success is not getting people to pay $100 for a membership to her site, but getting them to RETURN again and again. i cannot afford it and feel that i have learned enough on LHCF to give me the health and length i am looking for, so i will not be joining her site, but i commend her for going to such extremes to help black women overcome all the stereotypes and negativity that have been thrown at them over the years.

When I was researching starting hair care instead of asking hairdressers, her old site directed and credited LHCF for her hair care. So, I definitely paid the money for LHCF because it was cheap and reasonable.

I wish I had found LHCF earlier. I wish Machierearmour the best.
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i joke, but i have nothing against spending money if you feel like it. price isnt an issues for me either, but there are some things you wont catch me spending money for and it has nothing to do with price.

i love her hair an shes an inspiration to alot of ppl, so kudus to her :)
MacherieAmour is a kind, sweet and intelligent businesswoman who turned something she enjoyed into a full blown money making machine.

I have no problems with what she did. And honestly, leaving this site may have been out of respect, since she is now competing with LHCF.

She went to one of the best business schools in the country, so the fact that she was able to take that degree and make a name for herself speaks volumes.

I wish her nothing but the best of luck.:yep:
Isn't everything that people know based on prior knowledge from somewhere? While I regard LHCF as home, I am realistic and I realize that we can't claim to be omniscient about hair care. There are people who try an experiment and post results -- here, on BHM, on HairBoutique and several other places all in the same hour. If I read something on BHM and I read it previously on LHCF that doesn't mean it is plagarized, stolen or inappropriately attributed to a poster. It just means the knowledge has been shared. It is likely that Macherie has members that don't frequent any of the forums I mentioned. As long as they are getting the needed information, does it matter where it originated?

Macherieamour was the reason I found LHCF. Her video lead me to her site and I believe she did say thank you or hello to the LHCF ladies so that's why I googled this site. But I think that was removed. I was a member of her site when it was free and I joined for 1 month when it wasn't . I didn't keep subscribing because the site wasn't updated everyday.

I agree and disagree with what you said about where information comes from. On her free site I know some information came from here. Some of her writers were active members of this site. Stuff that had been on here for months would be turned into a more elaborate article. Her new site which you have to pay for is different on the other hand. She shows what she does, gives specific techniques (of hers), interviews and all that other stuff. It is a different site than this. There is a part of the site where it just focuses on her. Alot of us on here want to know what other members regimens are and there she gives hers step by step. So I don't agree that everything people know is based on prior knowledge Look at people's regimens and what works for them, you might not find anywhere else. But information about hair ...... well it's just hair information and if it's posted on the www it belongs to everybody. So I agree that her information is specific for those people and it's not plagerism.
I think she at one time had a pic of her hair when she was in college, and it was long, but not as long as it is now. Either way her hair definitely improved. She might not have a lot of pics of herself during that time period. There's a period of time in my life where I didn't photograph much either.

PS. To my knowledge she's been on her hair-care journey for a long time. She at first used to go to Dominican salons to get her hair done, but over the years she gathered enough information to do her hair on her own. She made a video about DC'ing in which she states she's been faithful to DC'ing for over a decade.
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I can't afford to be a member of her site, but I wish her the best of luck. She has beautiful hair and I would take her advice if I could afford it.
I used to be a member of her free site. I didn't join again after she started to charge $10 a month. Honestly I can see where she saw a need and made a business out of it. Lhcf is great, but I can see where a person can feel lost with so much information. Maybe over there she will answer a question insteading of saying "use the search option" I subscribe to her videos and I love her hair.

By the way, I trust the advice of a person with long hair for 15 yrs quicker than I would someone with long hair for a few months. That's just me though.
My issue with her---

She started charging us. Hair care advice is free, honey.
There's nothing wrong with making money off of a simple, or obvious, idea. Many of the most successful businesses involve packaging or reselling something that was previously free, or cheap. (bottled water, cups of coffee, etc.)

Her main problem is that she's priced herself out of her target market, but she has the right to make that decision.
There's nothing wrong with making money off of a simple, or obvious, idea. Many of the most successful businesses involve packaging or reselling something that was previously free, or cheap. (bottled water, cups of coffee, etc.)

Her main problem is that she's priced herself out of her target market, but she has the right to make that decision.

Regarding the bold, I don't think she did. Think about it this way, there are lots of black women out there with super damaged hair who will pay 500$ for a weave to cover it up or go to the salon weekly so they don't have to deal with it.

A lot of people don't find LHCF first when they start searching the web for haircare help. So you take those same women who are digging in their pockets for their hair anyway and if they stumble on healthy textures first then they'll gladly pay the 10$/month just to get some answers.

Nowadays, people don't like having to do all the legwork, no matter what it is. Signing up for her site means you don't have to and it's not that expensive in the long run (especially in comparison to going to the salon).
Regarding the bold, I don't think she did. Think about it this way, there are lots of black women out there with super damaged hair who will pay 500$ for a weave to cover it up or go to the salon weekly so they don't have to deal with it.

A lot of people don't find LHCF first when they start searching the web for haircare help. So you take those same women who are digging in their pockets for their hair anyway and if they stumble on healthy textures first then they'll gladly pay the 10$/month just to get some answers.

Nowadays, people don't like having to do all the legwork, no matter what it is. Signing up for her site means you don't have to and it's not that expensive in the long run (especially in comparison to going to the salon).

You think? I always thought LHCF was the largest general haircare site that's searchable through Google. But I guess a lot of people find her through You Tube.

Her main competitors are all free sites (all of the haircare info on LHCF is perfectly free for lurkers), so I just don't think that charging $100 a year was the right way to go, especially since so many of her longtime fans would've been willing to join if the price was slightly more reasonable. Very few "how-to" websites charge that kind of fee.
You think? I always thought LHCF was the largest general haircare site that's searchable through Google. But I guess a lot of people find her through You Tube.

Her main competitors are all free sites (all of the haircare info on LHCF is perfectly free for lurkers), so I just don't think that charging $100 a year was the right way to go, especially since so many of her longtime fans would've been willing to join if the price was slightly more reasonable. Very few "how-to" websites charge that kind of fee.
I think for some of her site visitors, it's more than hair tips. I was a member of her free site and a lot of the members said they preferred the environment there better than other hair sites so they had no problem paying.

It must be working for her, though. She hasn't lowered her prices and I haven't heard of any complaints about her site so good for her.
You think? I always thought LHCF was the largest general haircare site that's searchable through Google. But I guess a lot of people find her through You Tube.

Her main competitors are all free sites (all of the haircare info on LHCF is perfectly free for lurkers), so I just don't think that charging $100 a year was the right way to go, especially since so many of her longtime fans would've been willing to join if the price was slightly more reasonable. Very few "how-to" websites charge that kind of fee.

LHCF is large but it doesn't necessarily come up in google searches when you don't really know what you're looking for. I had never heard of forums before finding lhcf and I'm pretty sure I'd stumbled on archived threads before in google searches but didn't really understand what they were. And yeah, I'm sure a lot of people find her through youtube. And I doubt she mentions lhcf all that often so people don't really have an idea that it's here if they don't know already.

I do think her prices are high for me, especially after learning everything I have here. But, it's pretty cheap for someone who doesn't mind going to the salon every week or buying quality hair. It would have been nice if she did a first time discount or something for people who were already fans of hers though.