Thermal Reconditioning Pics of Black Hair

Thank you Robin!
Thanks for the welcome everyone. Sassygirl my hair is in the 2 catorgory but still I understand where everyone is coming from
Thanks for the input everybody. Now I have to get ready for work!

Have a blessed day everyone

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Sassygirl my hair is in the 2 catorgory

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And you want to put chemicals in it?

Just kidding! Your new growth should be really easy to manage with just a blow dryer and some straightening balm.

Welcome to the board!
Sassygirl I second that opinion! Now I'm really up this morning! Radiance I wasn't reading your posts the way I'm supposed to! I've read where that procedure can run into the thousands of dollars! How long do you plan on growing your hair? Because the longer your hair, the more money you have to pay. Also, I've sat in a salon for more than 6hours and paid way under what you plan on shelling out. So if they think just because they spend six hours on a head and they are deserving of all that money, they must be crazy! I'm going to delete that other post about you taking heat... I'm with your family and the board members on this one. Like your family said, "aint that much intriguing in the world" to pay that kind of dough
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For one is that type 3c and 4a/b hair is very obvious when it grows in

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That's exactly what I was thinking but for that matter, ANY texture would be obvious after six months. I wonder how people with any kind of curl or wave or kink in their natural hair could go that long. I assume you would just have to keep your hair maintained at the salon. After six months, you would have about three to six inches of new hair. Even a woman with frizzy 2B hair will be obvious with three to six inches of frizzy wavy hair on top of straightened hair. I was looking into this procedure but the only place I know in my area that performs it is this Russian salon but they jacked my hair up in the past so I don't trust them anymore. They only charge three hundred dollars though and they specified on the sign on the window that they will thermally recondition "Afro hair." As far as the price, I have to admit I waste money like nobody's business. The only thing about this particular technique is, like someone else said, you are paying a couple hundred dollars and it won't even really last after that first month when the new growth comes back. I mean Oprah has Andre in her bathroom every morning to do her hair. We would have to make do ourselves disguising the new growth. Either way, I won't chuck this idea out the window just yet. My hair is only about four inches long so for me to grow out my relaxer and get TR or a texturizer would be no big deal.
HoneyRockette it seems like a very healthy procedure to me but the only thing is the touch-ups cost the same as getting the whole head serviced. And with Afro-textured hair those people will be making a killing off of us! Paying $200-$800 a month for a touch-up? I don't think so. Radiance if I were you I would invest in the Affirm system since I believe you mentioned it. Not trying to discourage you but do you really have that kind of money to continue with this procedure on a monthly or bi-monthly basis? And once you use this, you're basically stuck. I understand what you mean when you saw hydroxides damage the hair, but I don't know. I have to look into this myself because the relaxed heads of hair around here are looking pretty good, damage and all.
Welcome to the board.

It sounds and looks good, but gosh, it is expensive. If you go for it, please keep us posted.
Sounds and looks wonderful but I'll pass. A chemical is a chemical and you still have to take care of it. Not only that the procedure takes hours! Yikes!
and the price! Whoa!

A couple of ladies at my job have had this done. Two of the four ladies hair looks great (one's Indian the other white). The other two white ladies hair looks awful. Dry and broom like with no shine at all. I heard one say that she used a curling iron and it fried the ends of her hair right off.

Good luck if you decide to go with it and keep us posted.
I'd like to say that of the pics of the black women who've gotten it done it seems their hair was in the 3 range and I really don't believe that Julia Roberts, Nicole Kiddman, Oprah Winfrey, &amp; Janet Jackson got this procedure done no matter what that salon site says because with this process you cannot revert back to curly hair and Julia &amp; Nicole both do curly and straight they simply get blowouts and like someone mentioned before Oprah said this was NOT for blacks and I don't theink she'd get this procedure done because of her previous bad relaxer experience and from my knowledge she gets her hair pressed by Andre.
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Radiance I was wondering was THIS the other lady you were speaking of?

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Hey! That is the picture that the Russian Salon has in their window. They scribbled 'we do Afro hair' right under the Black lady's picture.
'Scuse me for having a senior moment here (Gosh I'm only in my late 20's) ... but why are we discussing this? Why is this a better alternative to relaxing or pressing? I understand the permanence part... but a relaxer is permanent too right?

Kenesha, I've never seen Oprah with curly hair but maybe the curly hair that Janet sports is a weave? I don't know whether or not she's really gotten this procedure, but if she has maybe that explains why you see her later with curly hair. Also, one of my former co-workers, a blonde woman, had this done. Her hair was naturally curly, but she sported her curls on some days. I never asked how she did that, but it's just my .02.
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but why are we discussing this? Why is this a better alternative to relaxing or pressing? I understand the permanence part... but a relaxer is permanent too right?

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People say it's because the hair turns out straighter and silkier than with a typical relaxer. You can maintain a smooth look with less product and less manipulation.
It seems to be not worth it to me, especially since you still have to return for touch ups as you would with a plain ole relaxer. But that's just my opinion. Radiance, go for it and please keep us posted on your results. Oh, I almost forgot - welcome to the forum!!
I worked at an exclusive beauty supply store that only serves liscensed cosmetologists and salon owners and I have been advised that the thermal system is definately not for Black hair, particularly relaxed hair. Your hair will be torn up.
You are so much better off with relaxers.
Here's my 2 cents,
I think that there is a big potential for hair loss but that thermal straightening is permanent and you have to grow it out just like everything else.
Now let me play devil's advocate here
I'm not saying this isn't a good idea but why do we women of color regardless of hair type run to the nearest chemical service before we have checked out all the pro's and con's more so why are we made to feel we HAVE to.
I don't want to offend anyone but this is what I think, and I just may be a jaded natural, but hey I've said my peace.
welcome to the board radiance and about the TR i used to think that relaxers were harsh and all that until i saw some of the ppl here who've managed to archieve their long hair goals despite the fact that they have relaxers and yet pay much less for them compared to the fortune thy'd be forkin out. i gess what i'm tryna say is that they both need care coz the'res a lady on one of the pages that had blonde hair lookin awful and yet its supposed to infuse moisture and protein n all that. If u do get it pliz post pics and rememebr that the hair still needs to be cared for
Thanks for the post Radiance and the information.
I hope the procedure works well for you.

I'm still not convinced that this is a good technique for those of us in the 3-4 range. It might work for you because you are in the 2 range, however I read somewhere that Tyra was getting this procedure done and the last time I saw her hair (w/o the weave) it looked very dry and brittle. Not healthy or shiny at all. The girl on the NY1 website did not appear to be in the 4 range, more like 2 or 3A.

As far as the price, it is waaayyy too much. I pay about 40 every time I get a relaxer which is about 5 times a year and I could never see myself paying close to $200-$800 for ANY service. Yes, some people pay that amount for weaves but the majority of members on this board don't wear weaves. And for those that do and spend that kind of money, they're doing so because of the technique, having the hair braided, hair quality etc. etc...Not for a straightener.

But again, good luck with the procedure. And post b4 and after pics for those who are considering it.

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Sassygirl said:
And you want to put chemicals in it?
Just kidding! Your new growth should be really easy to manage with just a blow dryer and some straightening balm. Welcome to the board!

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Sassygirl you are too much! There are plenty of people with 2 category hair that put chemicals in it. I guess that saying of familiarity breds contempt holds true here. I guess this would answer your question Lucia. Those with curly hair want it straight, and those with straight hair wanting it curly. We as humans are never satisfied. Is not a matter of black women running to and fro trying to achieve a Eurocentric standard of beauty. It only comes naturally for any woman regardless of race to want change every now and again. Did you see the photos? Alot of white women with what we term as already straight hair are getting this process as well.

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SeaMist said:
Sassygirl I second that opinion! Now I'm really up this morning! Radiance I wasn't reading your posts the way I'm supposed to! I've read where that procedure can run into the thousands of dollars! How long do you plan on growing your hair? Because the longer your hair, the more money you have to pay. Also, I've sat in a salon for more than 6hours and paid way under what you plan on shelling out. So if they think just because they spend six hours on a head and they are deserving of all that money, they must be crazy! I'm going to delete that other post about you taking heat... I'm with your family and the board members on this one. Like your family said, "aint that much intriguing in the world" to pay that kind of dough

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SeaMist I see you finally woke up! Okay mommy #2. You got your point across and I heard what you said loud and clear
My family was high-fiving you through the screen when they saw this! You kept it real and I thank you for that
You know what, I'm still going to have a consultation, just to hear what they have to say and report back to you all. As a matter of fact, I'm scheduled to have a consultation Wednesday and will report back to everyone when I return home. Now to be totally honest, after weighing the pros and cons and hearing what my family and friends had to say and now hearing the opinions of my cyber-friends, I'm leaning more toward a conventional relaxer. Everyone of you make a whole lot of sense and I think I got caught up with the exoticness of the procedure. And then $200.00 didn't seem all that bad to me. My friends actually said to buy a relaxer, and if it was shine I was looking for, to go get some Sebastian Cellophane and call it a day

Iris that was not the photo I was referring to, but everyone who I showed it to, said her hair looked very dry. And by me showing people that photo, it didn't help my cause at all

HoneyRockettewhen I go for the consultation I'm going to ask them specifically how this process affects 3 and 4 type category hair. If it would do more damage than good for these hairtypes, I would definately want you to know.

Adrienne, BrightEyes, Valleygirl, CarmenRose and for everyone who shared their opinion: Thank you all for your frank, honest discussions, and especially for keeping it real with me. I really appreciate that

For those of you who have supported my decision to go ahead with the procedure, Your voice was equally as important and I thank you as well
Really whether you were for or against this procedure, you all are looking out for my best interest, so thank you all.

I didn't anticipate that this thread would provoke such a strong response. It seems to have hit a raw nerve with the majority of you. I usually end up doing what I want regardless of opinions, but this is one of those times that I think I'm going to listen to what the majority has to say
I can't put into words the feeling of gratitude I have for all of you who have extended such sincere concern towards a complete stranger. My appreciation runs deep and and I'm left looking for words to try and convey how grateful I am to you all. Thank you all so very much for your welcome and genuine concern
And believe me, my family wishes to thank you all for helping to talk "some sense" into me as well!
Hi Radiance

I'm glad you made the decision to go the conventional route
I would have hated for you to come back here with a not so stellar report. And it sounds like you have a wonderful family as well
I think it's great that you are still going ahead with the consultation as it would shed alot of light on the subject of thermal reconditioning and type 3, 4 hair. Take care and I'm looking forward to your report.

Hi Radiance

I'm glad you decided to use consumer relaxers. I really believe that the whole T.H. process would have been a total waste of time and resources. You can invest that money into savings, etc. So much could be done with the amount you would have been shelling over to some stylist/salon. And as Iris noted, you do have a wonderful family. From what you've written, they, like the members here were very concerned about you potentially being taken for a ride in terms of dollars, getting that procedure. Your family care and we care as well. BTW, I had to chuckle at the hi-fiving comment. Me and your family were on the same page concerning this whole issue
Take care sweetie, and I'll be looking for your post tomorrow
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ms_kenesha said:
I'd like to say that of the pics of the black women who've gotten it done it seems their hair was in the 3 range and I really don't believe that Julia Roberts, Nicole Kiddman, Oprah Winfrey, &amp; Janet Jackson got this procedure done no matter what that salon site says because with this process you cannot revert back to curly hair and Julia &amp; Nicole both do curly and straight they simply get blowouts and like someone mentioned before Oprah said this was NOT for blacks and I don't theink she'd get this procedure done because of her previous bad relaxer experience and from my knowledge she gets her hair pressed by Andre.

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I agree. This man IS trying to SELL his services. I can put up a website saying Oprah bought stuff from me too, but that doesn't make it a fact. I'm just REALLy skeptical about people who claim to work with celebrities. And you how Oprah is, if she was blown away by her hair treatment, she would have had the stylist on her show giving away free treatments!!

You have a point smlwndr97
I'm finding out that alot of salons don't want to touch this procedure with a ten foot pole when it comes to black hair for fear of lawsuits, etc. Anyway, even though 2category hair can withstand the process, I'm going to get a traditional relaxer because the maintenance and upkeep is just less complicated. Thanks everyone for responding to my thread
