Has anyone had BKT long enough to fully revert back?

Hey girl. I'm so mad to see you're doing EXACTLY what I am. :lachen: I need to be studying... writing that paper... submitting extra financial aid docs...

And this is OT, but that exam today was CRAZY! :dead:

And yes, BKT. :nono: I will post in another thread because I think what I want to say about it will be more on topic.

ETA: Shoot, I'm saying what I want to say. I don't like it. I think it's scary and I think our "okie dokie"-like acceptance of it makes my skin crawl. I think I find it eerie because to me, it's pretty much just a less permanent relaxer/texturizer that has a different means to the same end. I don't really see the difference between it and a less-permanent relaxer. Why do it over and over and over again? Isn't it the same thing? I wouldn't be so scrambled in the head if we were addressing it like a relaxer, I think. But we aren't, which is what has me.
Girlllll that fool gets me so angry:wallbash:
We never did vocab and all of a sudden you want me to know how to say "I comb my hair with an expensive comb???" ugggg. He better not play me. But I'm done now!!!

*sorry to thread hyjack back on topic*
Thanks for posting the pics Sheba1. It looks like your curl pattern has significantly loosened.

My point for starting this thread has nothing to do with damaging your hair. A lot of ppl have seen positive effects of using and re--using. My point is does your hair revert back to it's ORIGINAL virgin texture? It seems to me that the reason most naturals are considering this is because of that promise. If it doesn't happen, what's the point?
Thanks for posting the pics Sheba1. It looks like your curl pattern has significantly loosened.

My point for starting this thread has nothing to do with damaging your hair. A lot of ppl have seen positive effects of using and re--using. My point is does your hair revert back to it's ORIGINAL virgin texture? It seems to me that the reason most naturals are considering this is because of that promise. If it doesn't happen, what's the point?

That's just the reason I posted the pics. I don't think they try it with the express purpose of having their hair revert to exactly the same texture. I think you have to do bkt with the knowledge that it may not go back to exactly the same. If you do a deep condition do you get looser curls? I do. And they look a lot like my hair after my second bkt. My point is that, if it were to tighten but not get as tight as my first pic, I'm ok with that. I had to accept that before doing the treatment.

I think if someone is so concerned that their hair return exactly to the same curl pattern they had before, they should not touch bkt with a 10 foot pole. However, the same could be said for the sour cream and lime treatment. :ohwell:
That's just the reason I posted the pics. I don't think they try it with the express purpose of having their hair revert to exactly the same texture. I think you have to do bkt with the knowledge that it may not go back to exactly the same. If you do a deep condition do you get looser curls? I do. And they look a lot like my hair after my second bkt. My point is that, if it were to tighten but not get as tight as my first pic, I'm ok with that. I had to accept that before doing the treatment.

I think if someone is so concerned that their hair return exactly to the same curl pattern they had before, they should not touch bkt with a 10 foot pole. However, the same could be said for the sour cream and lime treatment. :ohwell:


If this is the case then that needs to be advertised more. The people posting and praising have NOT been saying that. That would refute the entire argument that was going on in the "Is BTK natural" thread...
Thank you for making my point :yep:

I have read through a lot of responses and everyone is saying how they can just go back to their natural texture after a while. It doesn't seem like they have even considered the fact that they may not get their original texture back.


If this is the case then that needs to be advertised more. The people posting and praising have NOT been saying that. That would refute the entire argument that was going on in the "Is BTK natural" thread...
That's just the reason I posted the pics. I don't think they try it with the express purpose of having their hair revert to exactly the same texture. I think you have to do bkt with the knowledge that it may not go back to exactly the same. If you do a deep condition do you get looser curls? I do. And they look a lot like my hair after my second bkt. My point is that, if it were to tighten but not get as tight as my first pic, I'm ok with that. I had to accept that before doing the treatment.

I think if someone is so concerned that their hair return exactly to the same curl pattern they had before, they should not touch bkt with a 10 foot pole. However, the same could be said for the sour cream and lime treatment. :ohwell:
Or Henna.:yep:

If this is the case then that needs to be advertised more. The people posting and praising have NOT been saying that. That would refute the entire argument that was going on in the "Is BTK natural" thread...


All the people I've seen interested in it have said well it's fine because I can go back to my natural texture in a few months.

If it doesn't completely revert then...
Soooo than if you've done a sour cream and lime treatment you are not natural, correct?

The definitions of that (when someone is natural or not) are individualistic. There's no sense in trying to tease it out, because answers will always vary.
oh oh, lets not make this into a Natural VS unnatural thread. I could care less. I just wanted to make ppl carefully consider their expectations against reality. Since the possibility of non-reversion has not been really talked about.

If this is the case then that needs to be advertised more. The people posting and praising have NOT been saying that. That would refute the entire argument that was going on in the "Is BTK natural" thread...

Not really. I think it does revert back to normal. But Lime treatments and henna do change the texture of the hair. There are 0 bonds broken. So therefore you are not altering the texture of your hair permanently.

Relaxers break bonds. BKT doesn't.

The whole formaldahyde debate I've posted links before so I won't do it again. It's everywhere, even in care exhaust, nail pollish, and paper (contains formaldehyde). That doesn't mean to go pouring tons on you, but in moderation, with proper ventilation even my medical school boyfriends says it's NOT a big deal. We've even had scientists come in and say the same thing.

BKT keeps you natural. Try a shampoo that's not congruent with it and see. I've read about complaints on the internet from people whose hair reverted right back because they used the wrong shampoo. something permanent doesn't have to use those precautions.
Soooo than if you've done a sour cream and lime treatment you are not natural, correct?

Or Henna.:yep:

I think with both of these things you have to accept the fact that the texture may be affected...doesn't happen to everyone...and it happens to varying degrees...but it's definitely a possibility. If your texture changes, it's up to you to decide if you're still natural.

But this thread is not talking about either of those. People keep saying that BKT is great because it COMPLETELY reverts after a few months.

The question is: Does BKT fully (100%) revert?
Luckiestdestiny said:
Or Henna.:yep:

Exactly! Or henna!

Please understand I did not say that the hair would not revert. I am saying, however, that one must understand that, since many kinky haired individuals have not used the treatment, we have to come to it with a spirit of exploration. For some this is exciting.

For others, they will wait another 7 years. Either way is fine. But everyone that had done it on the boards understands that it is still "new" in the sense that there are not many examples (especially 4's) and no 4's (that I can find example of) have stopped. But they do it anyhow.

There is nothing wrong with the marketing. There is no one that has come forward to say their hair hasn't reverted. Funny thing, someone mentioned it earlier; more people, not less, would do it if it were permanent. Many can't justify the high price tag for a semi permanent treatment. :shrug: I think if the hair would not revert, the company would be jumping up and down to offer it as the next relaxer/texturizer/etc. They cannot, however, because it wears.
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Not really. I think it does revert back to normal. But Lime treatments and henna do change the texture of the hair. There are 0 bonds broken. So therefore you are not altering the texture of your hair permanently.

Relaxers break bonds. BKT doesn't.

The whole formaldahyde debate I've posted links before so I won't do it again. It's everywhere, even in care exhaust, nail pollish, and paper (contains formaldehyde). That doesn't mean to go pouring tons on you, but in moderation, with proper ventilation even my medical school boyfriends says it's NOT a big deal. We've even had scientists come in and say the same thing.

BKT keeps you natural. Try a shampoo that's not congruent with it and see. I've read about complaints on the internet from people whose hair reverted right back because they used the wrong shampoo. something permanent doesn't have to use those precautions.

While I understand what you are saying, there is conflicting information about the state of your hair after BKT. I personally cannot do it after this thread because the response have me questioning if people really know what they are talking about.
Not really. I think it does revert back to normal. But Lime treatments and henna do change the texture of the hair. There are 0 bonds broken. So therefore you are not altering the texture of your hair permanently.

Relaxers break bonds. BKT doesn't.

The whole formaldahyde debate I've posted links before so I won't do it again. It's everywhere, even in care exhaust, nail pollish, and paper (contains formaldehyde). That doesn't mean to go pouring tons on you, but in moderation, with proper ventilation even my medical school boyfriends says it's NOT a big deal. We've even had scientists come in and say the same thing.

BKT keeps you natural. Try a shampoo that's not congruent with it and see. I've read about complaints on the internet from people whose hair reverted right back because they used the wrong shampoo. something permanent doesn't have to use those precautions.

If I hit the dang thanks button trying to quote ONE more time... :ohwell:

Are you planning on using BKT? I know you were considering your options at one point.
Not really. I think it does revert back to normal. But Lime treatments and henna do change the texture of the hair. There are 0 bonds broken. So therefore you are not altering the texture of your hair permanently.

Relaxers break bonds. BKT doesn't.

The whole formaldahyde debate I've posted links before so I won't do it again. It's everywhere, even in care exhaust, nail pollish, and paper (contains formaldehyde). That doesn't mean to go pouring tons on you, but in moderation, with proper ventilation even my medical school boyfriends says it's NOT a big deal. We've even had scientists come in and say the same thing.

BKT keeps you natural. Try a shampoo that's not congruent with it and see. I've read about complaints on the internet from people whose hair reverted right back because they used the wrong shampoo. something permanent doesn't have to use those precautions.

I am seriously skeptical about the bonds being broken issue. Can a chemist come and break this down to me? If there are ppl whose hair is close to permanently straight after a Year of using BKT consistently, how can we says that their bonds are not broken? Doesn't pressing break bonds? Why would BKT, whose process involves extreme heat application not do the same?
If I hit the dang thanks button trying to quote ONE more time... :ohwell:

Are you planning on using BKT? I know you were considering your options at one point.

Yeah. I wanted to stay natural but have to spend less time on wash day. That's why I took so long to make up my mind. I've been natural for too long and didn't want to change w/o serious debating.
I am seriously skeptical about the bonds being broken issue. Can a chemist come and break this down to me? If there are ppl whose hair is close to permanently straight after a Year of using BKT consistently, how can we says that their bonds are not broken? Doesn't pressing break bonds? Why would BKT, whose process involves extreme heat application not do the same?

Where are you getting the permanently straight part? That's not true. I researched countless articles and posted them in other BKT threads. I even posted stuff from the New York Times (one of the most reputable magazines in the country and winner of the most pulitzers) as well as other papers that state it's a temporary substance.

The reason you have to put it on more for a natural is that natural hair is not as porous so it takes more applications to "take" the keratin into the hair to keep it straight longer. BUT it wears off. If you use the wrong shampoo it's over.

If you use a lot of heat, the coating (bkt) protects hair from the heat. You are also not using heat on a continuous basis.
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Soooo than if you've done a sour cream and lime treatment you are not natural, correct?

Or Henna.:yep:
At least we these we have endless threads of information. If you do coconut/sourcream/lime your hair will revert if you do not continuously do it every few washes. Same with henna. This is the information that has been given and pics have been posted. If there is a change it is probably less than 5% or less so that I have never seen it. So in essence we need more info/pics about BKT

Also, you hair can change texture and still be natural. Often times when you improve your hair practices your texture changes (mine did). While that is not the full story of henna that has something to do with it. Making sure your hair is getting protein etc will change it.....
I got it from watching a youtube video of a girl who has had it over a year and her hair is stick straight out of the shower. Even if the BKT itself is not breaking the bonds, I would be skeptical that th process of applying the heat is not doing so. I am a bit jaded to relying on reputable magazines or whatever, health officials yada yada since as I mentioned before, if they were always correct there wouldn't be so many massive recalls on different products that have gone through so called "extensive testing" and are FDA approved. I am still waiting to see proof from someone 4ab preferably who has undergone the process and acheived full reversion to be convinced.

Where are you getting the permanently straight part? That's not true. I researched countless articles and posted them in other BKT threads. I even posted stuff from the New York Times (one of the most reputable magazines in the country and winner of the most pulitzers) as well as other papers that state it's a temporary substance.

The reason you have to put it on more for a natural is that natural hair is not as porous so it takes more applications to "take" the keratin into the hair to keep it straight longer. BUT it wears off. If you use the wrong shampoo it's over.
While I understand what you are saying, there is conflicting information about the state of your hair after BKT. I personally cannot do it after this thread because the response have me questioning if people really know what they are talking about.

I got the impression from your first post in this thread that you already did not have any desire to bkt. I don't think this thread changed your mind, one way or the other, nor do I think it was meant to.

I'll be the first to admit that we don't know a whole lot about bkt on type 4 hair. My first post in this thread was that I was surprised to see so many interested because it's still so new to type 4 hair. However, many are doing it anyway. Which leads me to believe that bkt fills a void for many people in our hair care.

It's new for us. So who could know? If you want to relax there are many many threads on relaxing. Lye or No-lye? The best regimen in preparation for and after. It's effect on fine vs coarse hair. People have been relaxing for many years. If you want to twist or braid or wear a wash n go; again, many threads on technique, product and the best way to do so. BKT is new to type 4 hair. How is anyone supposed to know, without a shadow of any doubt, what will happen on any head? All we have is the experience of a handful of people that have done it last year and still do it. And another handful that is interested and inspired enough to try it now. This is an exploration. But it's a journey that many are curious enough to take. Some are excited by the possibilities. That's all.

If this is the case then that needs to be advertised more. The people posting and praising have NOT been saying that. That would refute the entire argument that was going on in the "Is BTK natural" thread...

This - answers the question clearly.

Your hair will NOT be like it was before.

Ok - Case Closed.:yep:

BTW - Coconut and Lime - is certainly not permanent. I have done it - and have the same kinks and coils.
I think with both of these things you have to accept the fact that the texture may be affected...doesn't happen to everyone...and it happens to varying degrees...but it's definitely a possibility. If your texture changes, it's up to you to decide if you're still natural.

But this thread is not talking about either of those. People keep saying that BKT is great because it COMPLETELY reverts after a few months.

The question is: Does BKT fully (100%) revert?

Looks to me like the answer is NO.
BKT is new to type 4 hair. How is anyone supposed to know, without a shadow of any doubt, what will happen on any head? All we have is the experience of a handful of people that have done it last year and still do it.

I agree.

That's why I think statements like "your hair will completely revert after a few months" shouldn't be made.

Truth is, nobody knows for sure.
This - answers the question clearly.

Your hair will NOT be like it was before.

Ok - Case Closed.:yep:

BTW - Coconut and Lime - is certainly not permanent. I have done it - and have the same kinks and coils.

No one actually said this. What was said is that no one with natural 4 kinks has stopped doing the treatment and reported their results one way or the other. :yep:

What I said was that this is new and if you are sooooo concerned with this question clearly being unanswered, you should not do bkt, as it is still an exploration.

so, yeah... sorry, case not closed on that argument.
I agree.

That's why I think statements like "your hair will completely revert after a few months" shouldn't be made.

Truth is, nobody knows for sure.

Hence the 2 to 5 year wait.

Remember Thermal Reconditioning????

That Chewed people's hair......

And all the rest of the miracles out there.
I got the impression from your first post in this thread that you already did not have any desire to bkt. I don't think this thread changed your mind, one way or the other, nor do I think it was meant to.

I'll be the first to admit that we don't know a whole lot about bkt on type 4 hair. My first post in this thread was that I was surprised to see so many interested because it's still so new to type 4 hair. However, many are doing it anyway. Which leads me to believe that bkt fills a void for many people in our hair care.

It's new for us. So who could know? If you want to relax there are many many threads on relaxing. Lye or No-lye? The best regimen in preparation for and after. It's effect on fine vs coarse hair. People have been relaxing for many years. If you want to twist or braid or wear a wash n go; again, many threads on technique, product and the best way to do so. BKT is new to type 4 hair. How is anyone supposed to know, without a shadow of any doubt, what will happen on any head? All we have is the experience of a handful of people that have done it last year and still do it. And another handful that is interested and inspired enough to try it now. This is an exploration. But it's a journey that many are curious enough to take. Some are excited by the possibilities. That's all.

I have no desire to do BKT because I just protective style. I have no strong feelings on it.
My problem is misinformation. You are saying that we do not know enough about BKT to know anything, which is probably true. Unfortunately if you look in other threads a different story is being told!!!!!!

I don't think every person considering it has been told what you are saying...
Yeah but if you are doing a two year wait just look up foxxylisa and for an over the year and a half wait look up crazydaze911. Over two years brittany again.

I guess we'll have to do what our conscience and our hearts dictate. signing off. I have to work on my thesis and I'm all posting away lol!:lachen: No more procrastination for me.
Yeah but if you are doing a two year wait just look up foxxylisa and for an over the year and a half wait look up crazydaze911. Over two years brittany again.

I guess we'll have to do what our conscience and our hearts dictate. signing off. I have to work on my thesis and I'm all posting away lol!:lachen: No more procrastination for me.

Have these 3 members stopped BKT and acheived full revision? If they are still using BKT, this does not answer the question.