Has anyone experienced a lot of shedding with ORS Creamy Aloe Shampoo?


Well-Known Member
I used it to clarify a few days ago and it made my hair shed a lot. I had detangled my hair with Aloe Vera juice before washing. I combed my hair with a wide tooth comb and barely lost hair. I noticed the stark difference in the amount of hair loss when I combed my hair with the same wide tooth comb after the shampoo. I had not put conditioner in my hair yet, the shampoo was the only thing I used before combing so the shedding can't be caused by another product. I’m now scared to use the shampoo again. Has anyone experienced this?
I have never experienced increased shedding after using that shampoo but I also don't comb or brush my hair without conditioner in it. Do you usually comb before the conditioning step? I see that you used aloe juice to detangle, maybe the extra aloe was too much for your hair. I really don't know but I hope your hair improves.
I have never experienced increased shedding after using that shampoo but I also don't comb or brush my hair without conditioner in it. Do you usually comb before the conditioning step? I see that you used aloe juice to detangle, maybe the extra aloe was too much for your hair. I really don't know but I hope your hair improves.

Thanks for your response.
I always comb before I apply leave-in conditioner because if I don't, my hair tangles more in the process of applying the conditioner. It could be the way I apply my conditioners but I struggle to detangle more after applying a leave-in. I have fine hair so my hair also feels weighed down a bit after applying conditioner until it's dry. I detangle when my is damp and not soaking wet. With only shampoo or rinsed out deep conditioner, it feels fluffy and easy to comb. I usually use a moisturizing shampoo, so combing without conditioner isn't a problem. After using the ORS shampoo my hair wasn't very tangled. A little tangled than usual but it's a clarifying shampoo, I expected that. I have been using the shampoo for years. I was experiencing a lot of shedding a while back and it has reduced significantly. It wasn't until I used this shampoo that I noticed that again.

I always detangle my hair with aloe vera juice before I wash it. It prevents excessive tangles while washing. I have never had issues with it.
Thanks for your response.
I always comb before I apply leave-in conditioner because if I don't, my hair tangles more in the process of applying the conditioner. It could be the way I apply my conditioners but I struggle to detangle more after applying a leave-in. I have fine hair so my hair also feels weighed down a bit after applying conditioner until it's dry. I detangle when my is damp and not soaking wet. With only shampoo or rinsed out deep conditioner, it feels fluffy and easy to comb. I usually use a moisturizing shampoo, so combing without conditioner isn't a problem. After using the ORS shampoo my hair wasn't very tangled. A little tangled than usual but it's a clarifying shampoo, I expected that. I have been using the shampoo for years. I was experiencing a lot of shedding a while back and it has reduced significantly. It wasn't until I used this shampoo that I noticed that again.

I always detangle my hair with aloe vera juice before I wash it. It prevents excessive tangles while washing. I have never had issues with it.
No problem, just trying to help. When you clarify, do you follow with a moisturizing shampoo? If not, you should. Try that and see if it solves your issues. Are you natural or relaxed? What I'm about to suggest is tedious but it's the easiest way to figure out if it's shedding or breakage. Try checking each hair for a bulb, bulbs equals shedding but no bulbs equals breakage. You said something similar happened a while back, if the occurrence is yearly it just may be your shedding season. After detangling, do you twist, braid or section your hair to prevent further tangling? When you wash your hair do you keep the hair going in one direction or are you piling your hair on top of your head? I apologize if you don't find any of this helpful. I hope some of the fine haired ladies chime in.