
New Member
I am a newbie to this site and have learned so much about my hair and I want to achieve a hair length goal. I have purchased the vitamins and am just starting some of the other things I learned on the site. The problem is when I tell my friends or family what I'm doing they laugh at me. I told my friend that I bought hair vitamins and about this website and she could not stop laughing. They all are like "whatever" all of this is a waste of time just to grow hair.
I just wanted to know if anyone else on this site have ever been discouraged, laughed at or thought you were insane once you started telling people about this site and what you are doing?
Yes, I've been discouraged. I consider my hair damaged and I am working very hard to correct it and I have been making progress. Just have patience. Keep taking care of your hair. Don't let ANYONE discourage you from your goals.

And too those laughing at you, let them laugh when you've got healthy, beautiful, long hair
I only tell my mother about the site. Anyone else would look at me like this --------->
. My mom even gave me that look when I mentioned an ACV rinse.
Ok that makes me feel a little better. I was like ok maybe am I crazy or something? I think they are pushing me to reach my goal so I can show them I'm not crazy.
Do it because YOU want to

I bet some of the ones laughing get manicures, pedicures, facials, and spend money on other beauty needs. I never understood why people want to make a huge deal when it comes to hair, like it's such a weird thing.
Yeah I didn't really want to tell my mom she would really laugh at me. She has type 2a hair and I have 4b (Hence the reason in my pictures as a kid my hair was always lookin a hot mess. LOL) and she would NEVER understand why my hair hasn't grown and what products I'm using and stuff like that. She can use anything and her hair will grow.
I actually never told anyone I was growing my hair. I never set out to "grow" it but to make it healthier and reduce shedding. When I started seeing results that's when growing my hair became a reality...

I was one that thought I couldn't grow my hair because "I didn't have that type of hair"...This attitude was learned from family members and I bought into it.

NOW people (friends, family and strangers) ask me .."what are you doing?" Then, I share (a little, it depends) because telling someone all the things you may do will seem overwhelming to the listener. If they are really interested you'll know it, they continue to ask you then you can share more........you can't share all you have with everyone (only MHO)

KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING .....It WILL payoff and then all those people who doubted will be like" wow,
what are u......"
Thanks for the advice. I'm going to keep doing what I'm doin and let them see. I'm not going to tell anyone else.

I think they are most shocked at the fact that there is a website about this and I'm "wasting my time on it". My friends were like "is this a support group like a 12 step program do yall have meetings" so I'm going to keep this to myself and reach my goal.
Just like everyone else said do it for you and have patience. Before you know it, you'll be gaining inches and all those people who made fun of you will be lurking on the board trying to find secrets.
Here we go again!!! You are not alone. My friend w/totally fried hair told me "Oh, I am so not interested in a hair site". I told her its so much more than hair. It's a sisterhood w/a common goal, no different from a fan club board but we are positive and uplifting to each other. I refuse to stop sharing this great board with women who stop me in the street about my hair. Keep your head up. Watch how they change their tune once they see your results.
when i told my 2 good friends, one I knew since middle school, the other since high school, (I'm in college now) about cd washes, 2x a week washes instead of 1 every two weeks and a lot of other stuff I 've learned, they looked at me like I was crazy. they told me all the usual stuff like washing to much will dry my hair out and make it fall out. That I was crazy if I ever thought I could have really long hair. I told them my first goal was brastrap. If anything it encourage me even more cause in the end I know they will be begging me for information.

so, keep doing what you're doing and don't let anyone discourage you.
Don't ever let people stop you from getting something you really want. I had friends that tried to put me down, but now that my hair is almost bra strap. I have people walk up and compliment me on my hair all the time now. Keep on moving with that hair growth. Personally I decided to keep the board to myself. I find that people want to hang on to all of the falsehoods about black hair.
offthechainliz said:
they told me all the usual stuff like washing to much will dry my hair out and make it fall out. That I was crazy if I ever thought I could have really long hair.

[/ QUOTE ]

You are right I told a family member and her response was that my hair was never going to be long and it would never grow as long as I want it to unless I got a weave. So I am going to have to prove everyone wrong.
I get teased at. I also get discouraged. One time i told a friend about hair vitamins i take and he laughed. Then i was like it takes a month to work. So a month later nothing really happen and he was like i guess they didnt work. It made me feel so bad.
The last thing you should do is get discouraged! I am on this website faithfully just about every day, and there is so much encouragement and motivation, which is why I keep coming back. If you want we could be buddies and check up on each other's progress. Reply and let me know. I think it's a great idea. After all, you girls are the only ones that I can really talk to about hair without sounding crazy myself!
Thanks for the offer and I appreciate it. Of course I would like to be a buddy with you. That would be great. Send me a PM and let me know all your stats, goals etc..and I'll reply. thanks so much!!11
yeah, people used to laugh at me. not anymore. most people laugh because they think it's impossible. we've all had our doubts. try to remember that frame of reference when the do laugh.

don't tell anyone else for now! just stick around and apply what you learn here... they WILL stop laughing!!
I haven't told anyone but my mom and she is very supportive although at times I think she gets tired of hearing about it. I don't share with others because I know that htey will find it hard to deal with. I think that ccd gaves some great advice. God bless and I hope you reach your goal soon.
just do what you plan to do and grow your hair, you don't need to be validated by people to do that. another thing, alot of time people don't want to see you happy, you were probably WAY too excited for them. when people are already envious or they feel threatened, the last thing they want to do is watch someone be happy. hate to say this but it's true. most of the women on this site don't even bother telling people about this site or their goals for their hair for the EXACT reasons you just mentioned. all i have to say is crabs in a barrel.........---jainygirl
Everybody laughed at me when I started my hair challenge, but the same people noticed a difference in my hair in only 3 months. Even my mother couldnt understand why I was going through so much to take care of my hair (she has the long, thick, 'I can do anything to it and it stays healthy' hair) When she saw how healthy my hair looked from wearing it in a bun everyday, she is now starting to wear buns and ask me about the baggie technique.

So basically the doubters will feel pretty silly when your hard work starts to pay off. Dont be discouraged, its gonna pay off!
My family is supportive as well. My mom cracks up at me because she says because of this board I have become obsessed with hair everything. Until this board I was too lazy and afraid to do my own hair (shampoo residue reasons). My stylist laughs at me. I will have the last laugh if I reach my hair goal (4-5 inches more/bra strap)quicker than she anticipates (she say August or September). This board has so much hands on knowledge and experience in regards to hair. How else are we going to find out how products work on the actual head. Thanks to all the members for all of your support and knowledge.
People used to laugh at me a year ago. But now everyone wants haircare advice and reommendations. So, don't worry, your day will come!!!
I have been discourage, but not by others. I guess you can say I'm more frustrated than anything. I had a major set back the other day. Something I used, I'm not sure what caused a tangled, knotty mess in my head. It took over an hour to untangle, my mother had to help me. I lost so much hair and I now have a lot of broken areas. So, I'm going to get it cut thursday.
All my hard work down the drain just in the blink of an eye. It's all my fault though. I think it was the hot oil treatment I left on too long(i was trying something new) and the infusium shampoo didn't help any. :/
That is why I don't tell anyone about my hair obsession. I fear they wouldn't understand. Like I mentioned on the off topic board, hair is way more imporant than people make it out to be. It can make or break a person's looks. When you reach your goal, people will begin to understand.
Don't feel bad! Just keep going until you reach your goal and solve your hair problems.

I got SUPER discouraged when I would conditioner wash and then comb my hair in the shower. A lot of hair would come out on the teeth of the Jilbere shower comb because my relaxed hair is too fragile to comb twice a week when wet. I saved the shed/broken hair in my hair journal from August to December 2003, and I got fed up. Finally, I decided to quit combing in the shower. It doesn't work for me as well as it does for some others.

I'm sometimes asked "How do you get your hair to look like that?" when I wear the ringlets down. I mention the LHCF url when hair comes up in conversation, but I only STRONGLY urged my mom and sisters to check it out.
I've been discouraged my whole life!! I always believed my hair just couldn't grow to the length I wanted, so I covered it up with extensions for years. Ever since I joined this board, I've started to have faith in my hair and realised that I wasn't treating it right. Now I know that our hair is fragile and maybe needs a bit more attention, but it can grow!!! The pictures I've seen are so inspiring, and I'm exited to get my hair healthy and strong too.

I agree with the others who say that you should try keeping it to yourself right now. When I told my mom about it she laughed and was skepical, but I figure once I start seeing results, she'll become a believer too!!!
Just keep doing what you're doing and keep your head up!!!
Please don't let them discourage you. The only person I have mentioned this web site to is my Mom. She understands.
Stick around here, and you'll get plenty of good tips, and always feel free to share you hair accomplishments with us. Oh yeah, and welcome to the LHCF.
Crysdon said:
I only tell my mother about the site. Anyone else would look at me like this --------->
. My mom even gave me that look when I mentioned an ACV rinse.

[/ QUOTE ]

That look you put in their nearly made me tee-tee my pants...