Remember the term misery loves company? Sounds like this is the case with your friends. I am new to this site and have not told a soul. I have been growing my hair long for about a year now. I have surprised myself with all this growth. Everyone asks what I'm doing but they never really listen. I have even had friends ask was I wearing a weave. I just added vitamins to my routine about 5 months ago and that gave me quite a boost. Even still I have never told anyone but my husband about this site. Keep your head up and keep trying new things. It is through experimentation that you learn what works for you and what doesn't. I have justed added conditioning washes to my routine and NO ONE understands how my hair can benefit from washing with no shampoo. I just grin and go on. I let my success speak for me! Good luck!
I've told a few people about the site and hopefully, they took my advice. This board has taught me so much, but the only thing that's discouraged me is not having the length I expected to have now. It's been almost a year since I've become a member of this site, and I've only made a little progress. I am working really hard to achieve my hair goals and I am letting NO ONE stop me!
Wolftrap, I understand how you feel. When I started lurking on this about 3-4 months ago I realized I could have long relaxed healthy hair. I was told that I had long hair when I was a child but my mom when out of town and she told me when she came back my aunt had took my hair out. I vaguely remember having long hair but one of my great aunts have a picture that no one else have with me having long hair. Now my baby sis has always had long hair and it never came out until she started cutting it. I was going to my hairdresser every week until I discovered LCHF and then I realize that I could take care of my own hair and do a much better job because my hairdresser does not detangle your hair she just pull those combs with the little teeth through your wet hair.
I had to ask her several times not to use them on my wet fragile hair. Now I am blessed because even with PCOS my hair still grows but I was getting a touch-up every 5 weeks and a trim. So we were actually trimming my new growth after coming here and finding out I did not need a trim every 5 weeks because my hair is healthy and had no split ends, I made her stop and then she admitted she was only trimming her own ends about every 3-4 months.
So why in the world would she trim my hair when she knew I did not have split ends and did not need a trim. Can you say hater? I told her about the board but she had no interest in healthy hair care unless it was her own hair. I now only go for touch up and has strectched my last touch up to 8 wks. I told her I wanted to grow my hair to waist length and she told me your hair will never grow this long. That is coming from a person that never had any hair, even with a jheri curl. I grew up with her. One thing I agree with she is right I will never have waist length hair if she keeps trimming it every 5 wks and now I am about 3 iuches to brastrap. Can you say progress? I told my mom and sis about this hairsite and first my sis was skeptical. You know the sibling rivalry thing but now she is a member and her and Mommy went out today and bought some mango butter and S-curl. I also have a hair buddy, Vitatlity, that I share my goals with and all my LHCF sisters..Thank so much to everyone here.
brickhouse said:
Now I am blessed because even with PCOS my hair still grows but I was getting a touch-up every 5 weeks and a trim. So we were actually trimming my new growth after coming here and finding out I did not need a trim every 5 weeks because my hair is healthy and had no split ends, I made her stop and then she admitted she was only trimming her own ends about every 3-4 months.
So why in the world would she trim my hair when she knew I did not have split ends and did not need a trim. Can you say hater?

[/ QUOTE ]

HATER !!!!! Wow get out of here!! That is pure jealously.
myco said:
Just like everyone else said do it for you and have patience. Before you know it, you'll be gaining inches and all those people who made fun of you will be lurking on the board trying to find secrets.

[/ QUOTE ]
I bet they are already lurking...
I just wanted to thank everyone on this board for their encouraging words for me. You make me very inspired to reach my hair goals. My hair has never been long even when I was little. Right now it is grazin my shoulders and I want to continue the growth. I don't want waist length hair like everyone else on here. (that is just to much for me) but my overall goal is my bra strap and hopefully I will reach that goal in due time. But thanks so much and I am so glad that I found this site!!
brickhouse, if I were you I would stop going to that stylist. Sooner or later she is going to jack your hair up on purpose.
The writing's on the wall.
UmSumayyah said:
brickhouse, if I were you I would stop going to that stylist. Sooner or later she is going to jack your hair up on purpose.
The writing's on the wall.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the concern UmSumyyah, I appreciate it. You girls are the best. That's why I feel blessed I found you all. Getting back to my hair dresser she is not crazy and knows is she jacks up my hair by mistake or purpose I will catch a case.
I am serious and she knows it. We have been knowing each other for over 20 years. Trust me when I say she knows I don't play that. I agree she sounds a little jealous to me. About 5 yrs ago I got my hair cut and then I decided I wanted to grow it back and started going back to her. I have been going to her for years off and on. Her hair was longer of course but my hair caught up and passed her. When I found out about biotin,msm and b5 from this board I thought I would pass the info to her. Guess what she was already taking those plus hair vitamins and never said a word to me.
I am eager to help any sister grow long and healthy hair and is not the least bit jealous. Then she had the nerve to tell me if I praised my hair is would come out.
It surely would have if she kept trimming every 5 weeks. I only go to her for a touch-up only and I am now doing my own hair at home and saving money instead of going to my stylist every week. I have 3 more inches to brastrap. Come on brastrap.
Thanks for the concern UmSumyyah, I appreciate it. You girls are the best. That's why I feel blessed I found you all. Getting back to my hair dresser she is not crazy and knows is she jacks up my hair by mistake or purpose I will catch a case.
I am serious and she knows it. We have been knowing each other for over 20 years. Trust me when I say she knows I don't play that. I agree she sounds a little jealous to me. About 5 yrs ago I got my hair cut and then I decided I wanted to grow it back and started going back to her. I have been going to her for years off and on. Her hair was longer of course but my hair caught up and passed her. When I found out about biotin,msm and b5 from this board I thought I would pass the info to her. Guess what she was already taking those plus hair vitamins and never said a word to me.
I am eager to help any sister grow long and healthy hair and is not the least bit jealous. Then she had the nerve to tell me if I praised my hair is would come out.
It surely would have if she kept trimming every 5 weeks. I only go to her for a touch-up only and I am now doing my own hair at home and saving money instead of going to my stylist every week. I have 3 more inches to brastrap. Come on brastrap.
Thanks for the concern UmSumyyah, I appreciate it. You girls are the best. That's why I feel blessed I found you all. Getting back to my hair dresser she is not crazy and knows is she jacks up my hair by mistake or purpose I will catch a case.
I am serious and she knows it. We have been knowing each other for over 20 years. Trust me when I say she knows I don't play that. I agree she sounds a little jealous to me. About 5 yrs ago I got my hair cut and then I decided I wanted to grow it back and started going back to her. I have been going to her for years off and on. Her hair was longer of course but my hair caught up and passed her. When I found out about biotin,msm and b5 from this board I thought I would pass the info to her. Guess what she was already taking those plus hair vitamins and never said a word to me.
I am eager to help any sister grow long and healthy hair and is not the least bit jealous. Then she had the nerve to tell me if I praised my hair is would come out.
It surely would have if she kept trimming every 5 weeks. I only go to her for a touch-up only and I am now doing my own hair at home and saving money instead of going to my stylist every week. I have 3 more inches to brastrap. Come on brastrap.
I only told one friend about this board because we were always "cared" about our hair. I don't tell anyone else though, because I know some friends are still STUCK in the old way of caring for hair and they don't want to hear it etc.... the idea of washing hair every week to some people is like
brickhouse said:
When I found out about biotin,msm and b5 from this board I thought I would pass the info to her. Guess what she was already taking those plus hair vitamins and never said a word to me.
I am eager to help any sister grow long and healthy hair and is not the least bit jealous. Then she had the nerve to tell me if I praised my hair is would come out.

[/ QUOTE ]

That would make me feel sad that she didn't share tips. She's just jealous.

I tell my mom and sisters about supplements and Surge and LHCF when hair comes up in conversation. Even if they conclude that I'm a pill-popping bush-wacked hair board addict, at least they know I wasn't holding out on them.
megonw, I was mad when I found out she was doing everything under the sun to grow her hair and even said she wanted to start taking shen min after she mentioned she was taking supplement. At that point I stopped sharing any info with her. I never thought about her being jealous. Since she is my hairdresser it seems like she should have been encouraging me to grow my hair, instead of telling me if I praise my hair it would come out. Now who's fooling who? My hair is so much healthier now. It was actually healthy anyway. I hope she reaches her goal with growing out her hair.
Wolftrap, if your friends and family are anything like mine then part of the reason they are not as supportive as we would like is because the thought that 'our' hair can't reach lengths like other nationalites is bred into us. And that having hair that is ours, healthy, and long is a goal women of color can't achieve.I even at one time fed into that disabling mentality. But the ladies here at the forum have proven we can achieve it. I've so far only been sharing what I've been learning with my mother and even she is a skeptic.I would like her to be happy because I'm doing something that makes me feel good, is good for me and makes me happy. But I'm doing this for me, and I'm excited about it. When she (mom) starts seeing my progress I know she'll be more interested. Keep doing what you're doing all of us here have your back and everyone else will eventually come around. If not so what you'll have beautiful hair and they won't. Boooya!!!! Just tryin 2 keep it real. :-)
Wolftrap said:
I am a newbie to this site and have learned so much about my hair and I want to achieve a hair length goal. I have purchased the vitamins and am just starting some of the other things I learned on the site. The problem is when I tell my friends or family what I'm doing they laugh at me. I told my friend that I bought hair vitamins and about this website and she could not stop laughing. They all are like "whatever" all of this is a waste of time just to grow hair.
I just wanted to know if anyone else on this site have ever been discouraged, laughed at or thought you were insane once you started telling people about this site and what you are doing?

[/ QUOTE ]

When I joined this forum in April 2004 and started discussing hair things to my family and friends, they thought I was crazy!
They think I'm becoming obsessed with my hair and some think I'm wasting my time. But I try not to be discouraged because my hair has been taken more care of than in the past where I used curling irons and hardly ever washed my hair because of the myths about black people's hair. They think the forum is a bunch of BS!
I don't think so because there are tips and products mentioned on here that have helped my hair!
I ignore them and usually continue on with my newly found interest in hair care and my goals.
I was discouraged before joining this board. No one seemed to have any advice or methods in growing out my hair. If I even mentioned wanting longer hair, I got shot down and told I was crazy or that was hair was long enough (shoulder length). I knew it could grow longer because I had managed to get it slightly past my shoulder but the ends would be so damaged that all my growth would be cut off by my shs (who always took off more than she had to).
I had tried GNC hair vitamins but had never heard of silica or msm. I have told a few people about my new regimen, they don't know why I'd be willing to take so many vitamins or wash my hair often. When I mentioned the site, they seemed sure all of you w/ bra strap length hair had weaves and were just lying.
I'm just so glad that I found this site. It renews my belief that I can have the hair I've always wanted.
I don't tell anyone unless they ask me for assistance or advice. Then I'll be running at the mouth with suggestions and tips and showing them this board. I have told many ladies on other hair boards about LHCF (luring them away
). So no, I haven't been discouraged.
yup! My family and friends thinks i am obsessed and make fun of me all the time ( especially when they see me with with my hair tied in a scarf at night)This is the only place i can talk about my hair without looking crazy.
well to my surprise my husband started to supporting me a liitle more than usual. if I needed anything he'd go out and get it! but as for my friends THEY ARE STILL LIKE /images/graemlins/ohwell.gif /images/graemlins/nono.gif. So now I don't bother unless they ask and only then they get the extremely short verson! When they get tired of their hair looking like a sheeps butt, and want to be serious, then and only then, I'll help. ( sorry I don't mean to sound so /images/graemlins/angry2.gif)
Don't be discouraged. If you don't feel comfortable talking to people about it, then don't.

I haven't told anyone about this website. I don't even mention my haircare goals b/c I don't need the discouragement. I just keep it to myself and I figure when they see what happens, then they'll see.
The only person I have told about the website is my mother and this was only last week that I mentioned it. I showed her my album and everything. She said that If I needed to take a picture of my hair she would do it for me so I would not have to stretch and bend funny to get a good shot. /images/graemlins/spinning.gif She sees results and now she is supportive /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Yep, I sure have been discouraged. I'm discouraged right now. I despair of ever finding a competent stylist in Minnesota. The last one I went to did a good job relaxing my hair but she insisted that I get a trim with every touch-up - even if I've been wearing my well-conditioned/moisturized hair in protective styles. She was very set in her ways. I asked her how long her hair was (she was wearing braided extensions) and she indicated a length that couldn't have been more than 3 inches. So what does she know about what hair needs? I ask other Black women in Minnesota who they go to but most of them seem to get their hair done by a friend that apparently doesn't need any more clients. /images/graemlins/frown.gif

As for la familia, I share stuff with my mom, who's all natural (she hasn't straightened her hair or even used a brush on it in *50+* years). She usually takes the suggestions. But some of my relatives complain about their hair and I've tried giving suggestions...to no avail. But then, whenever they see me, they think I'm wearing a piece, LOL. Even my mom thinks that. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif I tell them it's all my hair and that it reached its current length by following the exact suggestions I've given them; it falls on deaf ears. As the adage goes, "You can lead a horse to water..."

I find LHCF hair posts to be encouraging. /images/graemlins/smile.gif