Happy Hair Growing EveryOne

This pic was from the later in the first week of Oct when my hair was freshly relaxed.

This pic was in Nov 14???? (forgot the date due to thread disappeared :perplexed)

This pic is today...I need a relaxer terribly, I couldnt stretching anymore :nono

It is fun to grow out your hair longer but I don't know if I want my hair THAT long....I like APL is better for me personally. :yep: You can do it by take of it like it is your pure gold so it could grow much longer as you want. I am going to show yall my whole length, roots, or w.e. on Jan 1st before I relax again because I want it to be surprise on 2009 then I am going to cut it back to APL where I prefer. :yep: Good job ladies for your best results of hair growth. :yep:
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