Handheld Blow Dryer on "Cool" - Yay or Nay?


I think I finally stumbled upon a drying method that works for me -- using a handheld dryer on cool (no comb attachment -- just using my fingers to fluff my hair) then rolling my hair on satin rollers or flexi rods. However, is this as bad for my hair as using a warm handheld blowdryer? There's no heat involved, but I wonder if this will be too drying long term.
I've been doing this alot lately (airdrying in this cold weather is not an option for me) and for some reason my hair feels waaay more moisturized than when I airdry....I dont know why.
I would think it was good because the cold is closing the cuticle. Much better than a hot dryer IMO.

yeah I've been blow drying my hair on cool for the last few washes using PinkSkates tension method and my hair is wayyyy more moisturized and silky than when I normally blow dry my hair on medium or high heat. This method is definitely a keeper because it gets my natural hair super straight and silky smooth!
:hiya: Ladies I was just thinking of trying this method of drying. Do you still use a heat protectant?
I used to do that a long time ago, not because I was trying to protect my hair, I just don't like blowing hot air at myself. Come to think of it, I was BSL in those days, I should definitely go back to this.
I think this would be a perfect prep for those who flat iron later and don't rollerset like myself. As a transitioning 4b I cannot airdry then try to go through my hair with a fine tooth comb for flat ironing without loosing a ton of hair. So I think blow drying on cool using the tension method and then flat ironing would be great.

I would still use a serum even if I weren't flat ironing afterwards just to help protect from the force of the air.
I do this. My cool setting is actually a little warmer than airdrying. I will do this and it works fine.

But, if I am in a hurry I will turn it up to medium. Also if I am partly airdrying, I will also use medium.
I have done this the last few times I have straightened too and I think it works wonderfully! I still use my heat protectant before I blow-dry on cool and then follow up with the flat iron. I started doing it b/c I wanted to use a little heat as possible on my hair. It indeed was shinier after I finished! :grin:
i guess if you eliminate the comb attachment, blow drying on the cool setting wouldn't be very damaging. no heat involved. just a strong flow of cool air.

i'm glad i started reading this thread! i am letting my hair air dry a little bit right now and then will use pinkskate's tension method of blow drying. :)

Bumping. Does anyone think blow drying on cool only 2-3xs per week is damaging?
I think I finally stumbled upon a drying method that works for me -- using a handheld dryer on cool (no comb attachment -- just using my fingers to fluff my hair) then rolling my hair on satin rollers or flexi rods. However, is this as bad for my hair as using a warm handheld blowdryer? There's no heat involved, but I wonder if this will be too drying long term.

I doubt it's bad for the hair.
I'm glad I stumbled on this thread! My new blowdryer is on the way and I was trying to figure out how to incorporate it in my regimen. I agree with everyone else in that I don't think it's damaging.
i used the tension method last night and blow dried my hair on the cool setting the whole way through. sometimes i would run a wide tooth comb through my hair to keep it straight. but mostly, i just held onto each section with my hand. i'm not too good with the comb...

anyway, i had -very- little shedding! i kept checking the sink every time i blew out a section i could count the hairs in my sink when i was done. and my hair had a nice shine. i made sure to blow in a downward direction.

i put in a little bit of NTM leave in, sealed with a little bit of hair oil, twisted my hair in 4 sections... took my hair down the next morning... looked fine the next day!

i think it took me an hour to dry my hair.... with heat, it takes 30-45 minutes. i will take this option over roller setting any day!
I tried it once, and it just took way too long, but that's probably not going to stop me from doing it again because I know it's really good for my hair. The less heat, the better.
Same here. When I Do flat-iron I do cold blow-dry...the less heat the better. I try to give myself more time...so I try to let it hair dry some too....:yep:
anytime I pull out the handheld it gets used on the cool setting. It takes longer but it's worth it. I love how my hair feels after. I used the heat setting the last time I flatironed my hair and my hair felt dry and rough. I hated it. Too much heat. I will definately stick the cool setting.
Definitely :yay: The common "bad denominator" is heat. And as someone mentioned earlier cool air helps seal the cuticles (old hairdressing trick). I do not know why the new breed of blow dryers do not have a cool shot?

ETA: I do this quite a lot I sit under my hood dryer until dry and then just use cool air and the comb attachment to straighten out my hair.
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Thank u for this thread OP!!!! I use this method 1x a month when I want to wear my hair out however I was using slight heat then cool. With this method I don't have to P.S with wigs I can wear my transitioning hair OUT MORE!!! I am really excited because I was truly tired of the wigs!
Thanks again!
Definitely :yay: The common "bad denominator" is heat. And as someone mentioned earlier cool air helps seal the cuticles (old hairdressing trick). I do not know why the new breed of blow dryers do not have a cool shot?

ETA: I do this quite a lot I sit under my hood dryer until dry and then just use cool air and the comb attachment to straighten out my hair.

I do the samething PR. I am hoping it is a yay. I sit under my soft bonnet dryer on low for 30 min, but now that my hair is thicker and longer it is not completely dry like it used to be. I then use the hand held with the cool shot for 5 min and I am mostly dry.
I've been doing this once a week for the past month and I love it!

I have a blow dryer that has a COOL setting in addition to the typical COOL shot button, making it easier for me. Before when I used a dryer w/ just the COOL shot button, my thumb started to hurt from holding it down so long...now I just switch the dryer onto the COOL setting and I'm good to go!

I wash in braids (loose near the root) & I usually stretch my hair w/ braids (tight from root to tip) post washing to ensure my hair stays stretched until my my hair is no longer dripping wet & I'm ready to blow dry . I also use the Tension Method (holding the ends taught--no combs/brushes). My hair comes out stretched and smooth but not silky & flowing by any means, which is to be expected from dense natural 4B hair and no heat use at all. I wanted to make sure my hair still looks & feels like my natural texture and not even like a hard press or flat iron job. It reminds me of thick kinky straight lace front wig hair LOL! And since I am not using any heat, I do not need to use those silicone-laden heat protectants and the harsh cleansers to remove the silicones.

I typically have major shrinkage from my tight coils, but stretching my hair out this way allows me to do buns, rolls, small pony tails on my between neck & shoulder length not-so-short not-so-long-hair! At the end of the week, my hair is much easier to detangle with conditioner prior to washing b/c it's stretched and I have not allowed it to shrink up & tangle into itself. This means less hair breakage & hopefully I can retain more length this way with the peace of mind that I'm not doing anything damaging in the process :yep:

Here is a pic of my blow dryer
(Remington D-2012 Tstudio Collection Tourmaline and Ceramic Hair Dryer - Amazon.com):

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Pics of my hair styled after a Blow Out:

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Hope this helps!
Nappy Rinna your hair is BEAUTIFUL!!!! Thanks for sharing what dryer you use. IA w/ stretching hair for certain hair types is definitely beneficial as the hair dries.
anytime I pull out the handheld it gets used on the cool setting. It takes longer but it's worth it. I love how my hair feels after. I used the heat setting the last time I flatironed my hair and my hair felt dry and rough. I hated it. Too much heat. I will definately stick the cool setting.

The same thing happens to me when I blowdry & I always use the heat settings. I have the FHI Heat Nano Salon Pro 2000 & it definitely comes out much smoother than when I would just buy the cheapest blow dryer in the BSS, but it still comes out too rough for my liking.

Maybe blow drying on cool is my missing link.

P.S.: NappyRina, your hair is lovely!!!