Ok so last night I washed my hair as I normally do. When I went to start putting in my DC, I saw that my hairline was GONE!! I had been having trouble with my temple areas after my perm 5 weeks ago and it has now spread to my ENTIRE hairline:nono::sad:. I used a new satin cap this week and I think the elastic part (even though it's covered in satin too) ate up my hair line!! I got my hair done and I hadn't done anything to my hair so I really think the cap is the culprit. I REALLY trying not to be discouraged but this is DEVASTATING!! I don't know wth I'm supposed to do with my hair now since I don't have a hairline! I'm not good at styling yet (as you can see from the non swooped bang) but I can't keep going out of the house like this. Again, I'm trying to stay encouraged and make myself believe that it will grow back but I get really sad everytime I look in the mirror or think about it. Ladies, please help, I don't know what to do. I've attached pictures so you can see the damage and the satin cap. Please let me know what you think.

P.S. I was going to get braids next week to get my hands out of my hair, however, I think that is a no go as I think it will exacorbate the problem. I need a suggestion of a protective style or something to do with my hair while I try to grow my hairline back

To think, this is my first post. I was hoping to do a thank you post instead of a tragedy post :sad:


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IDK, whatever you do, don't get braids. I was thinking maybe wigging it?:sad:
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I use the satin caps without the elastic (which hasn't damaged my hairline). It's very gentle.

Don't get braids.

Maybe some of the other members can suggest what to put on your edges to regrow them.
I'm so sorry this happened to you! Did the stylist leave the relaxer on too long? I've read about people putting castor oil on their edges for hair growth. Definitely stay away from braids because this will make the problem worse in that hairline area.
I am so sorry this has happened to you. :( *hugs*

I think braids is an absolute no no. You need to complete free that area of any stress to your hairline whatsoever. I was going to recommend a wig, but even with those you have to be careful with tension on your hairline for prolonged periods.

Aloe vera is very good for growing back thinning areas, but you need to be consistent with it; applying the aloe twice daily, morning and night. If you're going to go this route, it would be a good idea to buy a fresh plant as then you'll be getting 100% aloe.

Not sure what your thoughts are on growth aids, but there is of course MT and MN, but with those are associated problems like shedding. Might be best to read up on the various threads (if you haven't already) to ascertain the pros and cons. Sulphur, peppermint and rosemary essential oils are very good at stimulating growth; so mixing these with other oils and massaging frequently to the affected area may also help.

Try not to worry, as that will only exacerbate the situation. I've been in your shoes so I know exactly how hard it is. Focus on the fact that your hair will grow; you just need to give it some extra loving care. :)
megatek will get it back in shape. that is what i used and i have an inch of hair in those areas now. i started stressing out and my hair in the temple area just started falling out.
IDK whatever you do don't do get braids. I was think maybe wigging it?:sad:

I agree, I'm sorry this has happened to you. I know some ladies are having luck with Castor oil to thicken up their hair line, also I wouldn't be so quick to relax that area too soon. Kinda baby it & keep it moisturized. And be careful with pulling it back so tight. Could that be the culprit? What kind of relaxer are you using?
I'm so sorry this happened to you! Did the stylist leave the relaxer on too long? I've read about people putting castor oil on their edges for hair growth. Definitely stay away from braids because this will make the problem worse in that hairline area.

This is what I was thinking.
I agree, I'm sorry this has happened to you. I know some ladies are having luck with Castor oil to thicken up their hair line, also I wouldn't be so quick to relax that area too soon. Kinda baby it & keep it moisturized. And be careful with pulling it back so tight. Could that be the culprit? What kind of relaxer are you using?

Co-signing. It's a good idea to keep that area relaxer free for quite a while if at all possible.
no braids. no relaxers for awhile...check out sylver page and do the stretch thing...i would use megatek...or massage that area with rosemary oil mixed with pepermit oil daily...don't pull ur hair back either or dont comb it back comb it forward when u r combing it..and i would just wear wigs until it grows back...
:( so sorry this is happening to you.

I couldn't help but notice your ticker in your siggie. You just had a baby? You know the hair loss could also be related to post partum shedding, combine that with over processing or too much tension and it could definitely explain the hair loss.

Hopefully these sweet ladies gave you some ideas on what might help.
:( so sorry this is happening to you.

I couldn't help but notice your ticker in your siggie. You just had a baby? You know the hair loss could also be related to post partum shedding, combine that with over processing or too much tension and it could definitely explain the hair loss.

Hopefully these sweet ladies gave you some ideas on what might help.

I agree. I didn't notice the ticker before.
oh no! No braids at all! :nono: also, if your satin cap has a rough elastic edge, turn it inside out so the rough part is on the outside. That's what I do for mine. Try applying a growth aid like BT to your hairline, it will thicken back up in no time :yep: In the meantime, no relaxers! Try wigging it, but carefully, wearing one too often will also help to thin your hairline.
Sorry to hear this, I think you should massage your hairline with a mixture of essential oils, don't relax for a while and try wearing a wig for a month or 2
Based on your pictures, i'd say your damage is more from being very over processed than from the elastic in the bonnet...
I'd do a hard core protein (aphogee 2 step) ASAP!

For daily styling, i think you should go for wigging it. Get a good moisturizer (I like Profectiv Breakfree) and sealing oil, then baggy.

I agree with others about braids. Steer clear. Also avoid anything that will put any kind of pressure on your edges ie sew-ins or tight buns.

Again, i dont think you damage is from the bonnet, but i do think that you need to avoid anything that could cause further damage. So if the bonnet snags your hair, either get a satin scarf to tie before you put on your bonnet, or simply get one that has no elastic.

Good luck
:( so sorry this is happening to you.

I couldn't help but notice your ticker in your siggie. You just had a baby? You know the hair loss could also be related to post partum shedding, combine that with over processing or too much tension and it could definitely explain the hair loss.

Hopefully these sweet ladies gave you some ideas on what might help.

I am so sorry this happened to you. I didn't notice your ticker, but post partum sheddling can be very :wallbash:. Maybe that is the culprit. My shedding eased up after about 3 months or so. I didn't lose my edges but I know that a lot of women do.
I had the same problem. I had lost the sides due to years of wearing wigs. I suggest What the other posters mentioned. For growth aids you can try: Megatek, Boundless tresses or even MTG... I might get stone for mentioning MTG...but I have to say it cause I used it(mtg) and it worked for me. Use it in moderation( once a week cause the sulfur in there can cause migraines,neck pains!!). The results where super quick. NG within a week

Ok I'm editing.... Lynnie B mentioned a good point... If you just had a baby..follow her instruction FIRST and go see a doctor.
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LynnieB- you are on it! It is at about the 3 month post partum mark that the hair loss starts. If you have still have your prenatal vitamins keep on taking them. Also add some Biotin. IA with others no relaxer, no braid, no sew ins. If you decide to do wigs do half wigs, beacuse you will have no tension on your front edeges.
Jane Carter Solutions nursed my edges back to life, after braid trauma in 2001.

These three products stay in my stash.

Hope they will be of help to you...

Scalp Renew

Retail Price
$20.00 This all natural pre shampoo scalp treatment is great for stimulating hair growth by cleansing and exfoliating the scalp. The fundamental to growing great hair is a healthy scalp. The tea tree oil, sweet orange and peppermint will invigorate your scalp and exfoliate all of the toxins and sludge that slow hair growth. Not only does it make your scalp feel tingly clean, peppermint and tea tree revive your energy.

Scalp Nourishing Serum


This is a maintenance product for anyone plagued with dry scalp. We suggest that you use it as a "leave in" scalp nourisher. Because Scalp Nourishing Serum is in a hybrid safflower oil base, you only need a small amount. Use it sparingly. The ylang ylang and cedar extracts reduce fungus and bacteria. The safflower oil sooths the scalp and restores it back to health. This product is 100% natural.

Hair Nourishing Serum


Hair Nourishing Serum is the best hair repair serum on the market. It is designed to be used on all hair types and textures. It is extremely light and acts as a liposome to carry the vitamins into the cortex of your hair to strengthen and restore it. It’s a must for dry hair of all textures.

I have nothing to add, just wanted to let you know how sorry I am this happened to you. Don't stress over it, it will only make matters worse. Listen to the ladies here, they have some good advice.
Hey, girl. I know we kind of talked about it before, but I definitely think you should go with wigs for a while. :yep: You should wear a satin wig cap underneath to protect your edges. You may also need to look into using some type of growth aid on your edges. I've used Boundless Tresses before and it was really great. I hope you find some help soon!
Thank you ladies for all of your replies and advice! I should've put this info in there but I guess I'll put it here.

1) My touch up was 5 weeks ago after a 12 week stretch. I had been scratching my temple area so it burned and that's what led to that hair loss. The relaxer used was Mizani Butter Blends for Sensitive Scalp. This was the least amount of burning I've had but I still got a burn but the rest of my hair was fine.

2) I am currently transitioning. I ALWAYS burn when getting a relaxer so I've gotten quite tired of that. I also want to see what my natural hair actually looks like (I was natural last year until December but it was always pressed). Yeah it took me getting another touch up to realize this but what can you do? I'm confident with you ladies' support and knowlege, I can do it! I hope to transition for at least a year.

3) I have MegaTek that a friend gave me(shoutout to BellaBlue!) and applied that to my entire hairline and massaged it in before I airdried last night. I think I used too much though because that area was hard this morning and I had to comb it out. I've been shedding but I'm not sure it it's enough to be worried or not so I'm going to see about getting some garlic pills (provided they don't give my daughter gas, I'm currently breastfeeding).

4) I sealed all of my hair last night with castor oil but it's the Hollywood Beauty kind so I'm going to order some Jamaica Black.

5) Oddly enough, I was looking at all of the Wig challenges and threads bc I wanted an easy protective style to wear to work. I guess I'll take my butt down to the BSS and finally get one! I need a wig buddy. I saw that SelfStyled using a satin headband instead of a wig cap to protect her edges but she doesn't wear full wigs all the time. I'll just keep researching and see. I think I'll try to get one without combs and use hair pins to secure it instead. At least I can really get to my hair and moisturize it under a wig. I'm just scared about it looking fake (I work at a financial planning firm and worry about looking professional).

Again, thank you ladies for all of your help and support. You all are truly a blessing!
No braids
No relaxer, at least not on those areas for at least 1 year
Castor Oil (3 parts) and White Iodine (1 part) mixture
Please PM me if you need any help with wigs at all- even if you buy a wig with combs you can easily cut the combs out. I am sales professional and as much as I would like to get crazy with my wigs I keep it professional and the same length whether straight or curly.

You can try and see if a full wig would work for you, but if you do I would suggest moisturize, seal with old, and tie your hair down with a black silk scarf. Not satin or polyester but a real silk scarf.

I feel for you haute- post partum hair loss wiped out my edges, I weaved for like 3 years to forget about it and that was the worst thing I could have ever done. I am not trying to scare you at all, I know everyone's hair is different and what works for one might not work for the other. I am here if you need me.
I also forgot to mention (maybe I should've written the post first huh?) that I usually wear a satin scarf and then put my bonnet on. I used this cap because of the style and laziness (I could've folded the scarf or something).

SelfStyled and Lynnie: I didn't know pp shedding started way after (3 months). I thought since I was 3 months pp I was home free. I'm guessing not. SS, the only thing that keeps me from the half wigs is you have to style the hair that is left out. I've stalked your Fotki plenty of times but I'm not confident in styling my own hair yet but I guess at this point, I'llhave to try it. Also, how would I style it to camouflage the hairline part? Lynnie, is there a particular brand of Biotin you recommend? I'm going to take garlic pills to combat the shedding. Will the Biotin bother my daughter at all to take these? I want to continue to breastfeed and don't want to give her gas or anything.

ETA: I am on schedule to do ApHogee 2 Step this Saturday coming up. I do them every 6 weeks. I'm still transitioning though, I don't think my natural hair will do this.
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:( so sorry this is happening to you.

I couldn't help but notice your ticker in your siggie. You just had a baby? You know the hair loss could also be related to post partum shedding, combine that with over processing or too much tension and it could definitely explain the hair loss.

Hopefully these sweet ladies gave you some ideas on what might help.

:yep: Good catch LynnieB! My edges thinned alot after the second baby...particularly around the temples. I just looked up one day and noticed that it was thin in those spots. Matter of fact my whole head thinned out. :cry: With some TLC it will come back.
I'm so sorry this happened to you! Did the stylist leave the relaxer on too long? I've read about people putting castor oil on their edges for hair growth. Definitely stay away from braids because this will make the problem worse in that hairline area.

Based on your pictures, i'd say your damage is more from being very over processed than from the elastic in the bonnet...
I'd do a hard core protein (aphogee 2 step) ASAP!

Again, i dont think you damage is from the bonnet, but i do think that you need to avoid anything that could cause further damage. So if the bonnet snags your hair, either get a satin scarf to tie before you put on your bonnet, or simply get one that has no elastic.

Good luck

I agree. I thnk it's due to overprocessing and/or post partnum shedding.

I'm sorry this is happening to you. I've had damage like this before so I know how you feel.

I would say give the relaxers a break, but you said you are transitioning so that's good. And do use anything to cause any more tension to that area.

Everyone else had good suggestions.
Sorry to hear... hope ur hairline recovers soon.. you've already got lots of great advice.

My suggestions:
1) If u have shedding all over the scalp- agree could be post-partum
2) If ur hair loss is concentrated at just the hairline- see a dermatologist
3) Try castor oil and Vit E (burst the capsules) on ur hairline
4) No heat,tension,relaxers, braids, weaves... if u must-only loose buns/ponytails

Happy Recovery!!
I lost my edges as well due to PP shedding last year. My sister who is a physician told PP shedding is even more severe on women who breastfeed. That did not stop me, I did it for over 15 months and my little boy was happy, so it was worth my entire hairline :) Sorry that happened to you :( Good luck, you'll be fine.