First and foremost, I'm so sorry that this is happening to you. You can and will recover from this, though.

I agree w/ the other suggestions about getting a wig. You can care for your hair underneath. I don't recommend braids b/c they will simply put more stress on your hair line.

As other posters have mentioned, you can try castor oil. You can also get Vitamin E capusules. Squeeze the capsules and apply the gel to your hairline. Karen's Body Beautiful makes a growth serum that seems good.

Also, you can try Nonie's mixture that she used when she was going through hair loss issues. Here are the ingredients:

1. Thyme Essential Oil-2 drops
2. Atlas Cedarwood Essential Oil-2 drops
3. Lavendar Essential Oil-3 drops
4. Rosemary Essential Oil-3 drops
5. Jojoba Oil-1/2 teaspoon
6. Grapeseed Oil-4 teaspoons

Add the first four ingredients into a small jar. Mix well. Now add the remaining two ingredients. Mix thoroughly. Massage this mixture into your scalp for at least two minutes every night. Wrap your head in a warm towel after treatment.
I am sorry to hear about you hairline. I agree with some things I read from the other ladies, I would start:
-JBCO(Jamaican Black Castor Oil)
-EO in my products (essential oils)
-Ayurveda products
HTH (Hope this helps)
I'm sorry this happened to you, I agree with ladies who are wondering if the relaxer was left for too long. Your hairline won't have shown the results of this immediately, it would have been within a few weeks... the hair there was probably even weaker than usual.

Castor Oil - I recommend 100%. not too sure about anything else at the moment cos you are not certain what caused what you're going through at the moment, it could be something other than the relaxer or scarf.

Also DC at least once a week...

Good luck.
I am so sorry mama. I would add my 2 cents but the others already have seem to given you such great advice. I would not advise that you do an aphogee hard core protein as previously suggested because since your hairline has thinned dramatically - doing an aphogee would just make it super hard, and possibly break it off even more. I would baby it like the others said (NO PERMS/BRAIDS) & continue taking your prenatals and select a topical growth aid.
Make sure you consult your doctor before adding any vitamins or pills to your diet since you're breastfeeding. They could make your baby sick. Same goes for essential oils since your body will absorb them.

Also, I never styled my front hair when I wore half wigs. I bought some 100% silk from the fabric store and cut it up to make a headband that fit me perfectly so I never really left any hair out. It also works better if you take the combs out and use the big pins to secure it.
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Msa is right you do not have to blend to wear a half wigs at all. I would suggest no blending at all until you get your edges on track. Black silky headbands work well- especially in the work environment, on the weekends you can jazz it up with more colorful headbands. A side part can be your best friend to hide a not so perfect hair line.

Not sure what your regimen is, but I don't even use heat with my half wigs. I stick with wavy, curly wigs and airdry my hair using the scarf method. If you use heat or roller set stick with straighter wigs. You live in the hair Mecca so you should easily be able to find
some great looking half wigs, or is also GREAT.

Here is a picture of me with a side part- so you can see what I am talking about:



Good luck! We are all rooting for you.
I agree with everything, but you also need to take a good multivitamin, up your protein intake, and exercise 4-5 times a week. This will accelerate your hair growth more than anything you could put on your hair and scalp. The more protein you intake, the more your body can send to your hair and nails. Exercise stimulates the scalp, which encourages growth. I suggest 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise 4-5 times a week, and include lots of salmon in your diet. Omega fatty acids are great for hair. Also take a flaxseed tablet.

GNC makes great vitamins--that's not an official endorsement :)
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:( so sorry this is happening to you.

I couldn't help but notice your ticker in your siggie. You just had a baby? You know the hair loss could also be related to post partum shedding, combine that with over processing or too much tension and it could definitely explain the hair loss.

Hopefully these sweet ladies gave you some ideas on what might help.

Yeah, I agree.
For now, don't get any braids, they won't help/. Try a half wig but when you're in the house, you should leave it off and let your scalp breathe. Also it might be time to try some growth aids
Ok so last night I washed my hair as I normally do. When I went to start putting in my DC, I saw that my hairline was GONE!! I had been having trouble with my temple areas after my perm 5 weeks ago and it has now spread to my ENTIRE hairline:nono::sad:. I used a new satin cap this week and I think the elastic part (even though it's covered in satin too) ate up my hair line!! I got my hair done and I hadn't done anything to my hair so I really think the cap is the culprit. I REALLY trying not to be discouraged but this is DEVASTATING!! I don't know wth I'm supposed to do with my hair now since I don't have a hairline! I'm not good at styling yet (as you can see from the non swooped bang) but I can't keep going out of the house like this. Again, I'm trying to stay encouraged and make myself believe that it will grow back but I get really sad everytime I look in the mirror or think about it. Ladies, please help, I don't know what to do. I've attached pictures so you can see the damage and the satin cap. Please let me know what you think.

P.S. I was going to get braids next week to get my hands out of my hair, however, I think that is a no go as I think it will exacorbate the problem. I need a suggestion of a protective style or something to do with my hair while I try to grow my hairline back

To think, this is my first post. I was hoping to do a thank you post instead of a tragedy post :sad:

I've had the easiest time using something with sulfur to grow in my thin sides. Try Boundless Tresses. BT really jump started the growth on my temples.
Ok so last night I washed my hair as I normally do. When I went to start putting in my DC, I saw that my hairline was GONE!! I had been having trouble with my temple areas after my perm 5 weeks ago and it has now spread to my ENTIRE hairline:nono::sad:. I used a new satin cap this week and I think the elastic part (even though it's covered in satin too) ate up my hair line!! I got my hair done and I hadn't done anything to my hair so I really think the cap is the culprit. I REALLY trying not to be discouraged but this is DEVASTATING!! I don't know wth I'm supposed to do with my hair now since I don't have a hairline! I'm not good at styling yet (as you can see from the non swooped bang) but I can't keep going out of the house like this. Again, I'm trying to stay encouraged and make myself believe that it will grow back but I get really sad everytime I look in the mirror or think about it. Ladies, please help, I don't know what to do. I've attached pictures so you can see the damage and the satin cap. Please let me know what you think.

P.S. I was going to get braids next week to get my hands out of my hair, however, I think that is a no go as I think it will exacorbate the problem. I need a suggestion of a protective style or something to do with my hair while I try to grow my hairline back

To think, this is my first post. I was hoping to do a thank you post instead of a tragedy post :sad:

Did you just have a baby? If so then your hormones could be the culprit. I just had a baby 6 months ago, and about 2 months ago, my perfectly healthy hair started shedding. The hairline is almost completely gone. I have no idea what to do except live through it!
I really think the loss of hairline is most from the bad perm rather than the satin cap. I think the only think you can do is shave it off and wig it. (I did something similar a few years back).
Nothing much else for me to add I just hope everything works out for you. Mostly wanted to give you a heads up about a growth aid posted earlier that included Rosemary essential oil. This essential oil is not to be used by pregnant, nursing, or breastfeeding women. I agree with msa about consulting your doctor before trying any of these types of remedies. I would hate for anything to happen to your precious daughter. Best wishes. :yep:
I also forgot to mention (maybe I should've written the post first huh?) that I usually wear a satin scarf and then put my bonnet on. I used this cap because of the style and laziness (I could've folded the scarf or something).

SelfStyled and Lynnie: I didn't know pp shedding started way after (3 months). I thought since I was 3 months pp I was home free. I'm guessing not. SS, the only thing that keeps me from the half wigs is you have to style the hair that is left out. I've stalked your Fotki plenty of times but I'm not confident in styling my own hair yet but I guess at this point, I'llhave to try it. Also, how would I style it to camouflage the hairline part? Lynnie, is there a particular brand of Biotin you recommend? I'm going to take garlic pills to combat the shedding. Will the Biotin bother my daughter at all to take these? I want to continue to breastfeed and don't want to give her gas or anything.

ETA: I am on schedule to do ApHogee 2 Step this Saturday coming up. I do them every 6 weeks. I'm still transitioning though, I don't think my natural hair will do this.

The bolded: the shedding doesn't start until about 3 months pp in my experience and it ended after about 3 or 4 months.
i am so sorry this has happened. take this as an opportunity to baby your entire scalp. i have had good results with castor oil everyday and massaging thin areas. try not to put any stress on your scalp. as the areas heal you will learn so much more about what your hair loves and hates. i can't wait to see your progress pictures !!!
great advice given and just to be on the safe side, I would be cautious with that satin cap. I'm glad you posted a pic of it--I have 2 like that and have noticed a little thin spot in the hair line recently. I don't necessarily attribute it to the cap, but it is something I wondered about when I first noticed the spot.
Try the hydratherma Naturals Daily Mosturizing Growth Lotion. It's got emu oil in it and emu oil is supposed to be a remedy for baldness. You can google emu oil to find out about its benefits
First, you need to breathe!!! ((( HUGS )))

As per your siggy, you just had a baby and you are experienced post-partum shedding.

I don't have any tips to offer you, but LHCF won't let you down. There are mainy hairline experts here! :yep:
Wow! I am so sorry honey!

I was there - 10 yrs ago..... So here is the Good news!:yep: I STOPPED relaxing. and - Guess what? Edges returned! So - honestly - a relaxer may not be for you.

I would suggest - Pure Aloe vera ( food grade), jojoba and Lavendar EO on edges. ( but if you are nursing - then you cannot use Lavenader oil)
Anyhoo... Good luck to you.

Ok so last night I washed my hair as I normally do. When I went to start putting in my DC, I saw that my hairline was GONE!! I had been having trouble with my temple areas after my perm 5 weeks ago and it has now spread to my ENTIRE hairline:nono::sad:. I used a new satin cap this week and I think the elastic part (even though it's covered in satin too) ate up my hair line!! I got my hair done and I hadn't done anything to my hair so I really think the cap is the culprit. I REALLY trying not to be discouraged but this is DEVASTATING!! I don't know wth I'm supposed to do with my hair now since I don't have a hairline! I'm not good at styling yet (as you can see from the non swooped bang) but I can't keep going out of the house like this. Again, I'm trying to stay encouraged and make myself believe that it will grow back but I get really sad everytime I look in the mirror or think about it. Ladies, please help, I don't know what to do. I've attached pictures so you can see the damage and the satin cap. Please let me know what you think.

P.S. I was going to get braids next week to get my hands out of my hair, however, I think that is a no go as I think it will exacorbate the problem. I need a suggestion of a protective style or something to do with my hair while I try to grow my hairline back

To think, this is my first post. I was hoping to do a thank you post instead of a tragedy post :sad:
I'm sorry this happened to you and I was in your position not shy of 9 months ago, so I used Jamaican black castor oil on my edges every other day and now it has filled back in, I do however have a couple of spaces from microbraids some years back but it has grown and filled in. I do have pictures but I don't know how to post them, maybe I'll create a slide show on youtube to give you inspiration.
I also had my second child around the time I started to see bald spots, but he was about 4 months old when it happened, but with my first I experienced shedding but never bald spots, I think it was the relaxer.
I cosign with the majority of the ladies here. Stop perming for awhile, massaging the area, no braids. The cap is not the culprit, the relaxer did this damage. You may want to do some stretching like others do.
I'm one of your subscribers on YouTube! I follow all of your hair videos and we were >< about the salon experience. I went to a new salon for my most recent (and probably last) relaxer but I don't fault the stylist. I should've had her wash it out as soon as I felt it but the rest of my hair was fine so I let it sit there. Anyways, thanks for your videos on transitional hairstyles. Hopefully, when my hairline grows back (positive thinking) I can try some of them. Your children are adorable!

Lucky: Do you have a recipe for the oils or a ratio for them? I'm not a kitchen 'tician yet so I need the literal mix amounts.

I've seen some posts about emu oil so I'll keep reading about that.

Sunshyne (She's a member here and also has her own board, Hairlista) did a castor oil challenge for 2 months and her hair is NOTICEABLY thicker. She used Jamaica Black so I'll be getting some of that.

Also, for everyone who suggested the Aloe Vera, I've heard that it helps heal the scalp internally from the effects of relaxers helping to prevent scab hair when you're transitioning. Has anyone else heard this? I saw some Aloe Vera juice at Wal-Mart this weekend, is this what you all are referring to? I'd like something I could put in an applicator bottle and put on my scalp and go. Are you supposed to mix anything else with it? I'm trying to avoid having to buy addt'l products since I'm already a PJ and I have a little MegaTek so I will try to use that first and see what happens.

Should I oil my scalp with anything? I have some coconut oil, castor oil, EVOO. Should I change what I'm moisturizing my hair with or just keep that routine? I'm going to use SCurl since I'll have a wig on. Was using Elasta QP Mango Butter. Any suggestions for how to tweak my routine for the rest of my hair would help!
Thank you all so much, LHCF definitely saved me and I'll take pics to document my progress.
Oh Sister - I am so sorry this has happened to you - All of the previous posters have provided some great information - I would like to add that you need to baby you hair as much as possible - the less manipulation the better - I would also swear off chemicals, braids, etc. for a while (at least 6 months) - I noticed that you mentioned you had some MT...because you hair is in such a fragile state - I recommend using the MT as a deep condish and follow up with a moisturizing dc versus leaving it on your hair as it may overpower your hair...then as your grows back more beautiful than ever, start incorporating as a leave in...

Also less is more - you don't to keep applying too much of any product to your hair - your hair needs to breathe and when/if using any type of oils, use them in moderation as you don't want to clog your pores and hinder any type of growth...

Mizani Butter Blend is a great relaxer (I use the lye version) - but definitely wait awhile and know that WE are here for you as we are here to help and encourage each other!!!
I say try the wigs for a while and massage the area with an oil or something daily. Hope everything turns out great for you!
I'm so sorry about your hairline. I lost hair on my left temple. It's frustrating to say the least. Hope you find a solution that's safe for you and your baby (((HUGS)))
Hey Y'all,
I was thinking with all of these suggestions I wanted to put up my regimen and see what you all think I should take out or put in. I'll also list the products I have available as I'd like to use what I already have. I'm so glad I posted this; it has helped me not to feel ashamed and alone. I can make it through this bc you all have been through it too and have BEAUTIFUL hair!! Ok reggie as follows:

Friday or Saturday (weekly wash day):
*Note Whether or not I have an updo style from the salon or if my hair is down determines whether or not I dry dc
Dry Hair: DC done first w/ORS Replenishing Pak mixed with honey and EVOO w/shower cap for 1 hour no heat(I do it on dry hair to speed things up since I have a 3 month old, I may have to change this though, I'm not sure if my hair likes it or not)
My other DC method is to DC on wet hair for 30 mins under the dryer w/the ORS Pak w/cap on med-high heat
Poo w/Dr. Bronner's soap mix (extra virgin coconut oil, evoo and distilled water added to it)
Con w/Organix Shea Butter, rinse out
ACV rinse (if I DC on wet hair this is done right before I get out of the shower)
Wet DC; rinse out in sink
Add leave ins (HE LTR & Elasta QP H-Two)
Seal with castor oil
Air dry using scarf method with bonnet on top of scarf and hanging hair pinned up

Rest of the week (if I was diligent about my regimen this is what I would be doing)
Moisturize hair daily with SCurl or Elasta QP Mango Butter
Apply MT to hairline nightly and massage in
Seal ends with castor oil

Also, I have a little bit of the itchies lately. Should I oil my scalp or add another wash day? Also, I was thinking about adding a cowash day but I'm not sure. The articles I've been reading on regimen building state that you can add the cowash after you're 6 weeks post. I'm open to suggestions, let me know what you all think! I'd like to use this to have something concrete to follow when I start trying to combat this problem. I write down what I do every week in a hair journal.

Products: extra virgin coconut oil (adding this to my poo made my hair incredibly soft), evoo, hollywood beauty castor oil, ApHogee 2min and 2 Step Protein Treatment, Dr. Bronner's Castille Soap - Peppermint, Organix Shea Butter and Coconut conditioners, Elasta QP Mango Butter, SCurl, Elasta QP DPR-11 and H-Two Leave-in, ORS Hair Mayo (prepoo), Lustrasilk Shea Butter & Mango Cholesterol (prepoo)
I am so sorry about your hair loss, I know how distressing it can be. If you are breastfeeding be careful what you put on your scalp
Hey Y'all,
I was thinking with all of these suggestions I wanted to put up my regimen and see what you all think I should take out or put in. I'll also list the products I have available as I'd like to use what I already have. I'm so glad I posted this; it has helped me not to feel ashamed and alone. I can make it through this bc you all have been through it too and have BEAUTIFUL hair!! Ok reggie as follows:

Friday or Saturday (weekly wash day):
*Note Whether or not I have an updo style from the salon or if my hair is down determines whether or not I dry dc
Dry Hair: DC done first w/ORS Replenishing Pak mixed with honey and EVOO w/shower cap for 1 hour no heat(I do it on dry hair to speed things up since I have a 3 month old, I may have to change this though, I'm not sure if my hair likes it or not)
My other DC method is to DC on wet hair for 30 mins under the dryer w/the ORS Pak w/cap on med-high heat
Poo w/Dr. Bronner's soap mix (extra virgin coconut oil, evoo and distilled water added to it)
Con w/Organix Shea Butter, rinse out
ACV rinse (if I DC on wet hair this is done right before I get out of the shower)
Wet DC; rinse out in sink
Add leave ins (HE LTR & Elasta QP H-Two)
Seal with castor oil
Air dry using scarf method with bonnet on top of scarf and hanging hair pinned up

Rest of the week (if I was diligent about my regimen this is what I would be doing)
Moisturize hair daily with SCurl or Elasta QP Mango Butter
Apply MT to hairline nightly and massage in
Seal ends with castor oil

Also, I have a little bit of the itchies lately. Should I oil my scalp or add another wash day? Also, I was thinking about adding a cowash day but I'm not sure. The articles I've been reading on regimen building state that you can add the cowash after you're 6 weeks post. I'm open to suggestions, let me know what you all think! I'd like to use this to have something concrete to follow when I start trying to combat this problem. I write down what I do every week in a hair journal.

Products: extra virgin coconut oil (adding this to my poo made my hair incredibly soft), evoo, hollywood beauty castor oil, ApHogee 2min and 2 Step Protein Treatment, Dr. Bronner's Castille Soap - Peppermint, Organix Shea Butter and Coconut conditioners, Elasta QP Mango Butter, SCurl, Elasta QP DPR-11 and H-Two Leave-in, ORS Hair Mayo (prepoo), Lustrasilk Shea Butter & Mango Cholesterol (prepoo)

since your scalp is itching i would visit the dermatologist to rule out a fungal infection. a fungal infections of the scalp cause itching and hair loss. topical remedies, protein treatments, etc.. do not cure them either.