HairGrowth Pics That Look Strange! Is It Just Me???

hothair said:
:lachen: :lachen: I have to say I got caught by her comparison shots a couple of weeks ago, but figured it had to be a joke cause it was sooo obvious. ok can someone pm the joke?
Thi is the exact same thing that I thought when I saw it. I got a really good laugh off of that one!
NappyParadise- This is a true blue, 5 star thread :clapping: !!!!! You were so cool and composed by not naming names, but you were about to whoop some... :moon::whip: ! Thank you for trying to protect us ALL from getting suckered. It's acknowledged and appreciated (really!) :) .

ClassyND - Cleverness & wit are rare combo, but you've got both :notworthy. :grin: . Too funny!

I was in a stinky mood until I read this thread. Y'all made my day :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: !
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I was clueless as to what was going on since I'm new when I read the OP but now that I've seen the sig pic in question, that is the funniest thing in the world. Studying it for 3 weeks. I invision a face really close up to the screen, squinty eyes and wrinkled noses trying to see the differences. LOL

Oh this made my day. :D

I'm curious to know though...what other pics have been questionable or is that too taboo to ask?
I saw the same pic and I was wondering, that looks like Paint Shop Pro. LOL.
I thought it was a joke anyway.
Y'all have cracked me up today! I'm surprised anybody could think that pic was real! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:Classy was working just a lil too hard in Paintbrush and Adobe.:lol: Now, y'all have outed Classy, but others remain :sekret:
I So want to laugh at you NP, but I can't. I actually Pm'd Classy like um your dates are off. I thought it was real only because I viewed on my work computer, and I can barely make out people's siggy or avatar - everything looks dark. Not until I went home and used my laptop, I realized what a "bad" pic it was. Duh. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
seraphinelle said:
New challenge

Penis makes the hair grow Challengefor the next 3 months.

Sign up here, and we'll assign you to a penis.

:eek: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Ummm... Can we use the one we have at home? Or does it need to be some kinda "jump off" type treatment?:look:
Alright LOL!!! I am sorry that I have bad vision and yes I do, I just kept coming back to the picture!

Sistaslick: I really couldn't tell at first that it was fake because I just looked at it, but then everytime I looked at it something seemed stranger, But O well, I missed out when it was joke.

Well I am glad to know I could make someones day with my Bad eyesight, Next time I will just Pm somebody first LOL!!!! My box was getting full LOL!! They wanted to see the pic of who was Living Foul on LHCF!! LOL!!!!
This is the funniest thread.:lachen: But if you don't visit OT much you wouldn't have known.

As I was reading the first post I started laughing because I knew who she was talking about.
This thread is too hilarious! LOL!! NappyParadise was not playing with ya'll! Oh, the thread is funny but can someone let me in on the inside joke?
ljbee said:
This thread is too hilarious! LOL!! NappyParadise was not playing with ya'll! Oh, the thread is funny but can someone let me in on the inside joke?

Apparently it's only for DJs . . .:look: :lol:
This thread is going to go down in the archives. when some oldie member posts "name one of the funniest threads you remember back in the day". NP you gon' be a celebrity in your own right :rofl: