Oh....And let me just add one thing for the folks are are saying things like, but you have to have a plan to get there.
Regarding our hair, we're on this board because we're taking care of our hair anyway. IN ADDITION to doing things that are in line with the vision you have of longer, stronger and/or healthier hair, why not see as God sees. He sees the end from the beginning. That's all I'm doing. Seeing where it is I intend to go and give thanks for it now.
If you can't see it being a reality for yourself ("well, maybe for her but not me.") then, how can you expect to get there? If you can't believe it could be true for you, then why hope without faith?
I'm just sayin. This has been working for me according to my faith. Not so much in faith in my own abilities but my faith in the promises of God, who said I can have whatever I say; As I think in my heart, so am I; and whatever I ask in prayer, believing that I have received when I asked, it shall be given. But, don't get me preachin. I'm making it happen. Anybody else in?