Hair Vent Thread........

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Creamy Crack and Nappy

Creamy Crack. At first I thought it was not so much. All because you are relaxed, doesnt mean you are addicted to it aka 'Crack addict':rolleyes:

I really can't stand the word Nappy. Its not like I dont like the word per se, its just always used in a negative matter IMO. Every time I hear someone call a natural 'Nappy' it really bothers me. IDK why? Maybe because Im a LHCFer and I understand hair types and IMO I dont view naturals as 'nappy headed':nono: Just different curl patterns:spinning:. I hear some naturals call themselves and other people 'nappy'.....I guess they are cool with it. But everytime I hear the word, I think people (especially non blacks)are using it to down grade someone. If you use 'Nappy thats fine but I just dont using it:look:

Any hair related vents?
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I don't like the word Nappy either. I tried to embrace it but I just can't. Depending on how someone else uses it really doesn't bother me. I was looking on a site today that had shirts that said "Nappy-Headed Ho" I was like Fa real? FAAA REAL?!?

I am sick of people wanting me to do their hair and not listening to hair advice. Also lazy people. It's not that hard to take care of your hair.

I can't stand quik weaves that are tacky and loud with the track on the forhead..what is that a cheap lacefront?

If you gotta itch and dig all up in yo head...wash that mess please!

When you have your hair weaved up, you still need to take care of it. Don't be swinging yo funky, rough weave all up in my face like it's cute, cause it AIN'T!

I think I'm done lol.
I am sick of people wanting me to do their hair and not listening to hair advice.

When you have your hair weaved up, you still need to take care of it. Don't be swinging yo funky, rough weave all up in my face like it's cute, cause it AIN'T!

I think I'm done lol.

Wow, you read my mind.

I also hate when people try and shove their hair religion down people's throat. If you have an opinion, it's fine to express it but to force people to listen and conform to your ideas is silly.

I hate it when some people who have finally reached their hair goal decide to criticise people who are still trying instead of trying to help them.

I also hate it when some people assume that just because they have long hair they are automatically beautiful. Err.... no... your face is busted and your teeth are effed up!
Ok I have been wanting to say this for a looooonnnnggggg time now so heere goes:

I am floored when people show there length check and yes it may have gotten longer but the ends are beyond a HAM and chewed up BUT people will make comments like:"you grow girl" "I am loving the lenght" "good work" "keep it up".

Now I know we are suppose to support one another and motivate each other. So tell me what am I missing.

I wont name names cause that is not what I am here for. I just want people to be TACTFULLY HONEST if with no one else please be with me. If my hair sisters can't tell me I look a mess then no one can.

Thanks, I feel better now.

Oh and another thing. I heard in a thread once that a young lady loves that she is natural now because men approach her differently. Men are now more respectful instead of getting the hood kind. That bothered me cause I know a women's hair is her crown and glory but really? Do people think that hair can make a different group of men come at her? I understand that men like women have preferences but does your hair change their mannerism? I am relaxed and in my 30s and I get men from all walks of life and all age groups from 25-55 holla at a sista and they come at me correctly. I think it is what you exude is what will be attracted to you. I walk with my head up 24/7 so the hood type know that they aint got a chance in He!!.

Oh and I cannot embrace Nappy and yes I hate the "Creamy Crack" saying.
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Had a strange hair convo yesterday with an old friend I hadn't seen in a while who dropped by. I noticed that her hair (relaxed) was fluffy and flowy looking, so I told her it looked great (it did), and she laughed and said "Yeah, I got that white people hair now,"
I was like...:ohwell:
But I didn't say anything.
A little bit later as we were talking, I noticed her looking at my hair a bit sideways. It was quite big (I'm 5 and a half months post, and yesterday was wash day, so I was about 4/5 days post a blowout...and yeah. y'all know...). I don't why, but her look made me feel the need to explain my hair. I told her I was going natural, and how long it had been since my last relaxer, and that I was going to do it retrospect I don't know why I said all that to her, it was if she was the Hair Police and I'd been caught red handed in the middle of a crime or something...
Anyway, after I'm finished explaining the bigness that is my hair, she says "So you don't want white people hair no more? Why are you like the eighth person I've heard say that this week? It's like everyone wants their hair nappy or something,"
I was offended, so I corrected her, saying that black hair is not 'nappy'--its just made up of tiny curls and waves and whatnot...she said "It's nappy."
I was upset, but didn't press. What sense in arguing with a wall, right?

Thanks OP, for providing a place to vent.
I don't like nappy either unless i'm trying to insult someone. But I agree with you op it just sounds offensive.

southernstunna stole the words out of my mouth about hair ends. again please trim! trimming is not a crime!

other than that I can't think of anything :)
not to derail the thread, but for those who dont like the word nappy, how do you feel about the other dreaded N word?
Wow, you read my mind.

I also hate when people try and shove their hair religion down people's throat. If you have an opinion, it's fine to express it but to force people to listen and conform to your ideas is silly.

I hate it when some people who have finally reached their hair goal decide to criticise people who are still trying instead of trying to help them.

I also hate it when some people assume that just because they have long hair they are automatically beautiful. Err.... no... your face is busted and your teeth are effed up!

LMAO HARD!!!@ that
I hate the whole Natural vs. Relaxed thing. At the end of the day it's still OUR hair. It's just that we've done different things to it.

I don't mind people wanting to know their hair type (even though I've stopped caring about it myself TBH). But I don't like it when people feel the need to appear superior than others or segregate themselves based on hair typing
I really dont like being called nappy either I think people use it to "try" to insult someone. I know my hair is kinky and I love it, this is the happiest I have been with my hair.
All the negitive comments people think about my hair I really dont care, because I know my hair is gorgeous and is only getting better.

There is alot of self hatred out there and I realize that, so whenever someone has something negative to say about my hair its mostly out of being uncomfortable because most aren't used to seeing natural hair, so I really try not to get offended
There is alot of self hatred out there and I realize that, so whenever someone has something negative to say about my hair its mostly out of being uncomfortable because most aren't used to seeing natural hair, so I really try not to get offended

That's true. I'm relaxed by the way (style reasons lol) but I agree with you. Some people are terrified of their natural or their real hair. I watched something a few years ago (I think it was America's Next Top Model, not sure). Anyway, some woman got her weave taken out during a makeover and she was crying her eyes out because she didn't want people to see her real hair. WTF?! Seriously, that's sad and I honestly do feel sorry for women like that.
Had a strange hair convo yesterday with an old friend I hadn't seen in a while who dropped by. I noticed that her hair (relaxed) was fluffy and flowy looking, so I told her it looked great (it did), and she laughed and said "Yeah, I got that white people hair now,"
I was like...:ohwell:
But I didn't say anything.
A little bit later as we were talking, I noticed her looking at my hair a bit sideways. It was quite big (I'm 5 and a half months post, and yesterday was wash day, so I was about 4/5 days post a blowout...and yeah. y'all know...). I don't why, but her look made me feel the need to explain my hair. I told her I was going natural, and how long it had been since my last relaxer, and that I was going to do it retrospect I don't know why I said all that to her, it was if she was the Hair Police and I'd been caught red handed in the middle of a crime or something...
Anyway, after I'm finished explaining the bigness that is my hair, she says "So you don't want white people hair no more? Why are you like the eighth person I've heard say that this week? It's like everyone wants their hair nappy or something,"
I was offended, so I corrected her, saying that black hair is not 'nappy'--its just made up of tiny curls and waves and whatnot...she said "It's nappy."
I was upset, but didn't press. What sense in arguing with a wall, right?

Thanks OP, for providing a place to vent.

I wouldnt have even said anything about my hair. You didnt have to explain yourself to her. I would have been upset too. This is why I stopped talking about my hair with people.

My friend today was asking me a bunch of questions about my hair and I kept brushing her off. IMO a lot of black people feed into the good hair/bad hair thing and I cant stand that type of ignorance so I just dont talk about hair anymore.
That's true. I'm relaxed by the way (style reasons lol) but I agree with you. Some people are terrified of their natural or their real hair. I watched something a few years ago (I think it was America's Next Top Model, not sure). Anyway, some woman got her weave taken out during a makeover and she was crying her eyes out because she didn't want people to see her real hair. WTF?! Seriously, that's sad and I honestly do feel sorry for women like that.

LOL Ok this is sad cause I know who you are talking about. It was America's Next Top Model Season 1. It was the black chick who also wouldnt pose nude. LOL
Ok I have been wanting to say this for a looooonnnnggggg time now so heere goes:

I am floored when people show there length check and yes it may have gotten longer but the ends are beyond a HAM and chewed up BUT people will make comments like:"you grow girl" "I am loving the lenght" "good work" "keep it up".

Now I know we are suppose to support one another and motivate each other. So tell me what am I missing.

I wont name names cause that is not what I am here for. I just want people to be TACTFULLY HONEST if with no one else please be with me. If my hair sisters can't tell me I look a mess then no one can.

Thanks, I feel better now.

Oh and another thing. I heard in a thread once that a young lady loves that she is natural now because men approach her differently. Men are now more respectful instead of getting the hood kind. That bothered me cause I know a women's hair is her crown and glory but really? Do people think that hair can make a different group of men come at her? I understand that men like women have preferences but does your hair change their mannerism? I am relaxed and in my 30s and I get men from all walks of life and all age groups from 25-55 holla at a sista and they come at me correctly. I think it is what you exude is what will be attracted to you. I walk with my head up 24/7 so the hood type know that they aint got a chance in He!!.

Oh and I cannot embrace Nappy and yes I hate the "Creamy Crack" saying.

Wooh lord...I was doing acrobatic knee kicks at this post. ITA with everything.

But I hate the most how some naturals (my friends do it all the damn time) talk about how they have been "deprogrammed" and "enlightened". Wth is that? This is not The Matrix; kindly make your way to the nearest seat and park your behind in it.

It's really funny too, because some of the people shouting that mess the loudest are the ones who don't spell or use words correctly, don't know what it means to punctuate, act like they were raised in the bush, and who can't express a coherent thought to save their lives. Yet, they are the most intelligent beings on the face of the Earth, marching head and shoulders above all us po' relaxed women. :rolleyes:

If you are educated and have class, then you are that way because of your background and the way that you have lived your life. Not because of how you choose to wear your hair. In the great words of Chris Rock (ha, never thought I'd say that), what's on your head isn't nearly as important as what's in it. And if you had nothing in there to begin with, being natural is not going to suddenly fill it with stuff. Sorry to disappoint.
The weave had this natural wave texture (3a).I think she wanted ppl to think the weave was her hair. Her name was Robin:lol:

I like the word nappy. I think its kind of endearing.

My only real vent would be the topic of why people choose to have natural hair that they never wear in its natural state. Not everyone grew up on relaxers nor does everyone want/prefer curly hair. Relaxers aren't the only "healthy" way to go about getting consistently straight hair.
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No hair type is easier to manage

Type 3 hair IMO is not "easier" to manage. I still have to struggle with split ends cause my hair is so fine (so it splits easily...I should have been waistlength by now), I also have to deal with protein/moisture balance. Styling options are limited. I wish I could rock twists all day long but I can't cause it looks so freakn scalpy!
No hair type is easier to manage

Type 3 hair IMO is not "easier" to manage. I still have to struggle with split ends cause my hair is so fine (so it splits easily...I should have been waistlength by now), I also have to deal with protein/moisture balance. Styling options are limited. I wish I could rock twists all day long but I can't cause it looks so freakn scalpy!

But I must say it does look thick in ur pic. And I am not just saying that I really mean it. :lachen: (Read my post on page 1 to understand)
Not meaning to start a debate but why do people lie when it comes to the length shots. E.g. Pushing shoulders up so the hair looks longer, tilting the head back, making the bra ride up their back so they can claim BSL etc.
We don't know you and a HHJ is not a competition so there's no point in cheating and you're just lying to yourself.
Ok I have been wanting to say this for a looooonnnnggggg time now so heere goes:

I am floored when people show there length check and yes it may have gotten longer but the ends are beyond a HAM and chewed up BUT people will make comments like:"you grow girl" "I am loving the lenght" "good work" "keep it up".

Now I know we are suppose to support one another and motivate each other. So tell me what am I missing.

I wont name names cause that is not what I am here for. I just want people to be TACTFULLY HONEST if with no one else please be with me. If my hair sisters can't tell me I look a mess then no one can.

Thanks, I feel better now.

Oh and another thing. I heard in a thread once that a young lady loves that she is natural now because men approach her differently. Men are now more respectful instead of getting the hood kind. That bothered me cause I know a women's hair is her crown and glory but really? Do people think that hair can make a different group of men come at her? I understand that men like women have preferences but does your hair change their mannerism? I am relaxed and in my 30s and I get men from all walks of life and all age groups from 25-55 holla at a sista and they come at me correctly. I think it is what you exude is what will be attracted to you. I walk with my head up 24/7 so the hood type know that they aint got a chance in He!!.

Oh and I cannot embrace Nappy and yes I hate the "Creamy Crack" saying.

I have argued this topic in other threads and cannot conform to knowing that, if I ask an opinion, I am not getting the truth, I am getting what they "THINK" I want to hear. I need to know whats really good, if I am going to succeed in this Journey called Healthy Long Hair, and I agree there has been situations where, certain People have gotten upset, once hearing the truth, but honestly, don't ask if You don't want to know, thats My policy.
The show I was talking about wasn't that ANTM. I don't remember but it was a lady who was actually crying because the hair was being taken out. Or maybe it was an English show and I'm getting it confused it lol.
My Hair Vent- I hate when people attribute a hair method that everyone does to one person like they made it up. This girl went off on me on YouTube for "messing up" the "Conditioner Only Method" that Terri came up with. She got so upset because I mentioned Terri and the method but I didn't do it totally her way. There are many people who have different methods or styles they go by- but it sucks when their followers get on people for not doing things the exact way that the person started when there are so many methods to do things

ETA- I like looking at peoples regimen and styles but its just weird when people get upset because of someone "not doing it right"
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