Hair Typing Question [pics]

She states she has a mix but predominantly what would you say her hair type is?

  • 4a

    Votes: 48 71.6%
  • 4b

    Votes: 3 4.5%
  • 3c

    Votes: 16 23.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member

Dry Hair


Wet Hair


Wet hair with little conditioner in it

What is her hair type? I know she states that there's a mix of 3c, 4a and 4b on her Fotki but predominantly what would you say her hair type is?
Her Fotki:
I think it looks like 4a. Because of the curl size. But it is definitely beautiful. Thanks for posting. I love pics of natural hair.
I'm glad to hear that it's predominantly 4A. I'm contemplating transitioning from texlaxed to natural and I believe I am predominantly 4A. I would love nothing more for my hair to look like this lol.

Thanks again for the responses ladies.

ETA: Thought I'd add a poll.
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Looks like 4a to me, all the way though. However, I'm sure she knows her head of hair better than I do, so if she believes/sees 4b and 3c in there too then I guess there must be.

I'm glad to hear that it's predominantly 4A. I'm contemplating transitioning from texlaxed to natural and I believe I am predominantly 4A. I would love nothing more for my hair to look like this lol.

Thanks again for the responses ladies.

ETA: Thought I'd add a poll.

Although I think her hair is mainly 4a, I have seen other mainly 4a types (who classify themselves as much and seem to fit the standard definition imo) whose hair varies in look from girl in the OP. I think her hair is gorgeous too but just something to maybe keep in mind if you're thinking about transitioning. :)
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her hair is amazing! :yep: i think it's predominantly 4a like everyone else said because of the wet pic. k i'm gonna go visit her fotki now!!
Her wet pic definitely looks uniformly 3c, but the other 2 pics do appear to have a range of 3c, 4a and maybe even some 4b. JMHO.
I'm glad to hear that it's predominantly 4A. I'm contemplating transitioning from texlaxed to natural and I believe I am predominantly 4A. I would love nothing more for my hair to look like this lol.

Thanks again for the responses ladies.

ETA: Thought I'd add a poll.

I think she's 4a but I'm also 4a and my hair doesn't look like this. If you want to transition, you have to learn to accept your hair and love it for what it is. Don't have expectations for your hair to look like someone elses because you may be setting yourself up for a great disappointment.
Changing my vote to 3C. I voted before I saw the wet hair photos. I believe that we all have a mixture of textures, but the curls on 4a hair aren't that defined when wet (and without any product) IMHO.
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I think she's 4a but I'm also 4a and my hair doesn't look like this. If you want to transition, you have to learn to accept your hair and love it for what it is. Don't have expectations for your hair to look like someone elses because you may be setting yourself up for a great disappointment.
Why am I always cosigning with you? Get out of my head! My 4a doesn't look like this either, but I LOVE IT.

You should at least link her to this thread. Personally, I'd be mad as hell if it were my fotki and I found this thread on my own.
Why am I always cosigning with you? Get out of my head! My 4a doesn't look like this either, but I LOVE IT.

You should at least link her to this thread. Personally, I'd be mad as hell if it were my fotki and I found this thread on my own.

I don't have a Fotki account, if you're referring to sending her some type of message via Fotki. I could message her via her Youtube, but quite honestly I wouldn't understand why someone would get "mad as hell" when their pictures are public *shrugs*. If it were password protected, I definitely wouldn't have created a thread using her pictures. I just don't see it as a big deal, but I appreciate the suggestion.
I love her hair. I think it would be courtesy to link her to this thread. Also, below her albums pics is the note "Do Not Steal". I'm sure she would give permission as she is very gracious and nice.