Hair type changes with growth?


Active Member
Call me crazy, but I feel like the longer my hair gets, the "looser" the curl is and it almost feels like my hair type is changing. Is it just me? I know for a fact, when my hair was short it felt alot more "kinky" than it feels now. Could it be that I am taking better care of it now and that is the difference or has anyone else noticed changes in their hair type. Believe me, I am not complaining.For the first time in my life I can:
1. Bun without hair accessories
2. Wear my hair 3 months post relaxer(without looking like a hot ghetto mess)
3. Wear my hair "big(unstraightened)" or "small(straightened)" and it still look decent.

LHCF is what's up.
The weight of the hair stretches the curl out so it appears to be changing. The front section of my hair is completely wavy curl in sight...:cry:
The weight of the hair stretches the curl out so it appears to be changing. The front section of my hair is completely wavy curl in sight...:cry:

Yup. Think of your hair like a spring - the more weight on the bottom of the spring, the more stretched out it becomes. So as your hair gets longer, the curl might (might!) hang looser.

Other people have noticed MORE shrinkage as their hair gets longer though, so it's not a certain thing.

And I really think that truly healthy hair feels and acts very differently from even semi-healthy hair. :yep:
I won't call you crazy. Other people experience this too. Like me. The length and/or weight of the hair sometimes changes the curl in one way or another.
I have been wondering about this because in my fotki stalking:rolleyes: I've seen a lot of women who are at mid-back or longer who say they are 4a/4b and their hair does not look it at all. On the other hand I have seen women at mid-back length whose hair shrinks up to neck-length. It will be interesting to see how many others experience a change in curl pattern as their hair gets longer. Very interesting thread:grin:!
It because your hair is longer and heavier, the weight of your hair is weighing down your curls.
The weight of the hair stretches the curl out so it appears to be changing. The front section of my hair is completely wavy curl in sight...:cry:

That's what I was thinking, too. It's probably the weight of the hair loosening the curls.