Hair Toys


Well-Known Member
Hello all of my LHCF fellow members...

Have any of you had any experiences with hair forks or hair sticks to hold your buns and up do's? Please provide your opinion about these. I am interested in purchasing but the majority of our members are using Ficcare's, scrunchies, Flexi-8's and Hairzings. (I own the latter 3). Please respond. Thanks.
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I use chinese sticks sometimes. I got them at the beauty supply. I actually thought this thread was erotic somehow. HOW, I don't know. I think I have a hair fetish! LOL!:lachen:
Haven't ever used hairsticks but plan to and to be honest I've ever heard of hair forks :look:, but SouthernTease uses a hairstick in her video (below) for her signature bun. I LIKE HAIRSTICKS! I've ordered some diamonte ones and I've got some plain black ones too.
Check it out!
i need to log off already. you dont wanna know my first thoughts when i saw the thread....:thought:
I am actually looking into buying a Dymondwood hair fork. They're beautiful...but a little pricey (25 plus shipping for the2-prong, 40 for the 4 prong). Also, my hair is thick and I'm not sure if the fork would stay put. I also have hair sticks and bun holders that I found at a indian store. I just got my x-large Flexi clip the other day and I adore it!
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I am actually looking into buying a Dymondwood hair fork. They're beautiful...but a little pricey (25 plus shipping for the2-prong, 40 for the 4 prong). Also, my hair is thick and I'm not sure if the fork would stay put. I also have hair sticks and bun holders that I found at a indian store. I just got my x-large Flexi clip the other day and I adore it!

I just got mine today! I had to try it out immediately and it can hold ALL of my hair. At least my puffy twist out hair, not sure how it would do on a regular afro. I first ordered the large but it was too small. I'm really happy with this one.
No problem! :) If I could change the thread name, it would be hair accessories. Who did you purchase your sticks from and are you using one or two at a time?
No problem! :) If I could change the thread name, it would be hair accessories. Who did you purchase your sticks from and are you using one or two at a time?

Good ol' Ebay!

Here's one of the pair of hairsticks I bought:

I'llbe using one at a time: I really don't have that much hair to be needing two at a time, LOL!
I like the Ketylo sticks. They are corkscrew shaped and works really well. The dymondwood is beautiful.
There is also someone on ebay Vietnamtreasures that sells hair toys made of buffalo horn. They are so smooth and solid.
I use these to secure my buns and I just love them.
I haven't yet - my first foray into the world of hair toys was a pack of Good Hair Day Pins (and I'm in love with them already!!!) - but I can't WAIT! As soon as my hair is long enough (and I'm thinking this Christmas, might be, a very hair toy Christmas, for meeeeeeeeeee :lachen:) I fully plan on starting a collection of hair forks, first, as I think they would work best in my hair. Then, by next summer, I figure I should be able to graduate to hair sticks.

Hair toys are 1/3 of the reason I'm trying to grow my hair out! :lol:
They help keep me focused on something other than products. I love them. Instead of the latest this or that, I just alot part of my budget to hair toys. Good quality ones will last a lifetime and can be heirlooms.