Hair Thinned...forever???


Well-Known Member
i got a cut (at a non-black salon) that was supposed to enhance my natural curls and make them fall better. but, all the woman did was slice/carve 'into' my hair. as if she was thinning my hair out. i talked to a relative today and she said that when she had a similar procedure done (in the 80s) - her hair never regained its original thickness. :eek:

please tell me that this is just an old wives tale!

my aunt had it done with a razor type scissor where they reached under her hair and pulled/cut out the hair from underneath. this was just a woman, waving scissors around like edward scissorhands, chopping long sections out from the center/central sections of my head. i'd assume that i can recover from a cut/chop job like this and regain the original thickness that i've always had.

anyone else have a thinning cut....and regain their thickness??
If she didn't use thinning shears on Your hair I don't see how she thinned your hair out :confused: , maybe the cut she gave you removed some bulk and allowed the hair to fall better, do you have pics?
I haven't had experience of a thinning cut.

But, logic tells me that once your new hair grows in, it'll be it's original thickness. And only the already cut hair will be thinner.
The thinning won't be permanent but it might be awkward when it grows out. It sounds like she thinned it. You don't need thinning shears to thin hair, it can be done w/ scissors. Girl, how did you survive that cut?! If I had seen her carving into my hair I would've died in the chair......or she would've died, one of the two.