Hair Tea


New Member
Hello to everyone. I just joined a few days ago, but I have been visiting the board regularly for over two years now. I have received some excellent hair advice here and passed them on to friends and family.

In fact my hair was doing very well using the tips here until about a year ago when due to over-relaxing and pressing it all fell out. Yes, I knew better. I had been wearing my hair natural for over a year, I saw this really terrific relaxed hair style and decided I would try it. Bad mistake. I went from about 9 - 10" of healthy hair to less than a 1/2 inch of hair in about a month. Normally my hair grows back quickly, but after this last time I think I really killed it. It is a year later, my hair is still only about a 3/4 inch all over except for the very front where it is about 1 - 2 inches. That is the part I put braids in and wear it back to cover the rest of my head. It is a sad, sad hair life.

However, this post isn't to depress anyone but to give them hope. I seem to be suffering from some sort of female hair loss. But after months of trying many products and advice from this board I finally have it under control. Less than 3 months ago you could see my scalp in certain areas. Now I have thick new growth everywhere and no more bald or sparse patches. My hair is no longer breaking and shedding everyday. I have to work hard to take care of it, but my hard work is finally paying off. It looks as if I can finally accumulate some growth in the next few months. I certainly hope so, because I am getting married December 31st of this year and I want to wear my own hair -- not weave, wigs, or fake braids as I have been for the last year.

The point to this long intro is that I wanted to share some of things that finally got my hair loss under control. All of which I learned about on this hair board. So thanks to everyone in advance!

I drink what I call my hair tea every morning which contains the following:

1 orange spice tea bag
8 oz distilled water
1/8 teaspoon of niacin (provides 465 mg)
1/8 teaspoon of biotin (5.9 mg)
1/8 teaspoon of folic acid (31 mg)
1/8 teaspoon of l-cysteine (437 mg)
1/2 teaspoon of b-5 (1300 mg)
2 teaspoons of msm (8000 mg)
1 teaspoon ester-c (1600 mg vitamin c / 160 mg calcium)
1/4 cup sugar (for taste - this stuff is horrible without it!)

I use the powdered forms of all these products, most purchased from Life Extensions Organization. I don't use the capsules because many contain fillers and it is hard as heck trying to open all those little capsules to make up a teaspoon! I used to use take about 20 pills a day to get the same results from just 8oz of my tea. I do not exaggerate, I have the numerous pill dispensers to prove it! But I had a hard time swallowing all those pills as well as remembering to take them. So I started looking into liquid or powder versions of everything. I take this in the morning before going to work.

In the afternoons I drink 8 oz of my favorite protein shake blended with the Total EFA which contains the following:
Borage Oil
Evening Primrose seed oil
Flax seed oil

The only pills I take are:

5mg capsule Biotun
500mg Horsetail (for silica)
2 GNC Ultra Nourishair
1 Saw Palmetto-He shou woo blend

And then I follow these various suggestions from the board

at least 64 oz of water daily
wash my hair 2 - 3 times a week
hot oil at least once a week
deep condition at least once a week
protein treatment once a month
no heat
daily scalp massages
conditioner washes
apple cider rinses (once a month)
no relaxers - although I am faltering on the last one. I have what I would describe as 4c/d hair and it needs lots of moisture and is very hard to control. We are talking so thick that I can relax my hair and in two weeks I have people saying "I thought you just relaxed your hair!" Hence why I went natural for about a year. But the natural thing is a whole new bag of tricks!

At night I use an oil mixture consisting of the following:

jojoba oil
tea tree oil
coconut oil
rosemary oil
Ylang Ylang
Grapeseed oil

Special thanks for the following recommendations:

Coconut oil
QP mango butter
Deep Brilliance conditioner
Mizani conditioner
GNC Ultra Nourishair

I know the post is a bit long, but after a year of hair loss it's refreshing to finally see some growth and I really have this site to thank for it.

At one point I even went to see Hair Club for Men, and for only a down payment of $500 and $218/month for six months they think they could help me. That's when I went running back to this board. The best advice to any new people out there is to take your time, read through the site, and find what works for you. Because as a recovering product whore, I had to come to the realization that no matter how good something sounds, and you ladies make those products sound good, it will not always work for me. My bank account is much happier now.
Zyn thanks for sharing, it sounds great, I have a problem taking pills, and my L-cystiene is going too waste, its soo gross, am going too try this, thanks for sharing