Hair set back with comparison pics

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Wow people really take this hair growing thing seriously huh? Crossing over to different forums and everything :lachen::lachen::lachen:

i didn't post it on there, i saw it on there...
so thought i would let LHCF know it is on there!

It's not serious to me AT ALL...I actually believe the OP :yep:
Okay ………. Didn’t expect this type of response. I do agree that everyone has a right to express their opinion but some of the things there were said is beyond opinion IMHO, just nasty or disrespectful. Some of you read what I said but did not comprehend what I said. I made at least 3 different post explaining but still some of you did not comprehend what was said. So in the interest of killing this thread, I am removing the pics and lesson learned.

And to say hating is not an issue when it was cross post in BHM. When it’s all said and done, It grew. I am still thankful that it grew to bsl. Where did mbl come from? Anyway, Have a blessed day.
I didn't mean you at all. The person who posted it over there identified herself as a member here so I knew it wasn't you.

I think you're getting things mixed up. The girl who posted it over there I am almost certain isn't a member over here and said nothing bad about the OP. She actually said she really wanted her growth and thought her growth was amazing progress. I am the only one who posted that I was a member (in specific my sn) over here since some of the girls I frequently speak to on there was asking me what my sn was over here & are always trying to confirm my accounts since I have different names on every forum. The OP at BHM wasn't trying to embarass the OP of this thread. As far as anything I said, I said numerous of times I didn't think the OP was lying, just got her dates mixed up as I've said here. And the other girls that are from here are defending the OP. And nothing I said was discrediting the OP. Someone said it looked like her hair was APL in the first pic, second pic BSL & I said the growth was plausible. So I'm lost..not to mention I didn't start the thread. So what are you talking about?
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^^^ Well you can go ahead and keep being confused/lost since you don't remember what was said on the other forum :rolleyes:

I don't know what you're talking about because you keep implying that the person who created the BHM thread is trying to embarrass the OP so I am lost & I am the only person who openly stated that they were from lhcf & I didn't create a thread or say anything to discredit her. The only thing "mean" I can think that I personally said was that she would be WL in 3 weeks if she keeps going the way she is going. I guess thats mean. Even though it seems to be true in her case.
Okay ………. Didn’t expect this type of response. I do agree that everyone has a right to express their opinion but some of the things there were said is beyond opinion IMHO, just nasty or disrespectful. Some of you read what I said but did not comprehend what I said. I made at least 3 different post explaining but still some of you did not comprehend what was said. So in the interest of killing this thread, I am removing the pics and lesson learned.

And to say hating is not an issue when it was cross post in BHM. When it’s all said and done, It grew. I am still thankful that it grew to bsl. Where did mbl come from? Anyway, Have a blessed day.

Honey just flick all of that newly grown hair in their faces and KIM!

Now... about that regimen...
wow, it would have been nice to see her actual pics but i guess some peoples reactions made that impossible. She said in a post on another forum that her hair was at an uneven APl so going from APL to BSl in 3 months seems possible to me even tho i havent seen her pictures. Whoever posted this on BHM should be ashamed of themselves. Like it's really not that serious, n y are u so concerned about proving her wrong. If shes lying she lying, it doesnt affect you and your hair growing in any way, so just let it be. I thought this forum was a great place for ladies to come and support each other, not try and call each other out and embarass them over petty stuff. Personally i grow about an inch a month, and my roommate has the best head of hair i've ever seen, better then a sew-in and during the spring she can pop out over an inch per month.So its possible.
LMAO @ martian. Yeah that is somethin. :yep: Well
I guess we all learn something new everyday. That is amazing though. And you are making a great point. 1/8 an inch is very uncommon so why cannot their be ladies who grow ridiculously fast?

Again, I honestly think there are very few people who growth hair as fast as my friend. I also think there are few people whose hair grows 1/16-1/8" a month as well. I forgot to mention she was Pentecostal as was her mother whose hair, at its longest, was a few feet past her ankles. She kept it up in a massive bun, but eventually cut it back to knee length. They are the type of people you see having very long growth phases with faster growth, with hair length measured in in meters :lol:
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wow, it would have been nice to see her actual pics but i guess some peoples reactions made that impossible. She said in a post on another forum that her hair was at an uneven APl so going from APL to BSl in 3 months seems possible to me even tho i havent seen her pictures. Whoever posted this on BHM should be ashamed of themselves. Like it's really not that serious, n y are u so concerned about proving her wrong. If shes lying she lying, it doesnt affect you and your hair growing in any way, so just let it be. I thought this forum was a great place for ladies to come and support each other, not try and call each other out and embarass them over petty stuff. Personally i grow about an inch a month, and my roommate has the best head of hair i've ever seen, better then a sew-in and during the spring she can pop out over an inch per month.So its possible.

Well in this thread she said her hair had been cut to SL...and the pic showed her hair resting at SL. I think that was part of the reason why people were skeptical.

As far as things being posted on other boards, whoever posted this on BHM did not do it with malice or anything like that. The poster there was in awe and was happy for MrsMeredith. She didn't say anything negative AT ALL.

LHCF is not a haircare community by itself. It's part of a larger community that includes bhm, nappturality, naturally curly, kiss, hairlicious, etc. etc. etc. How do you think one discovery makes it from board to board? People post about it. Why do you think so many threads have a huge number of views but only a few posts? Because there are many lurkers from other hair care boards that come here. It is to be expected that when something really amazing (or horrible:look:) happens here, people on other boards will talk about it.

Like I said before, if folks don't want their business all over the internet DON'T POST IT on lhcf. It isn't private.
OP, sorry your celebration was so short-lived. Congratulations on your success, and continued HHG to you!! You perfectly illustrated why I don't let anyone trim my hair (or DD's). I had a stylist cut or burn off about 4 inches of my daughter's hair dead smack in the middle of her head. Thankfully, she had so much hair that you could not see the problem until parting and styling...but still....

The woman who did it went to my church at the time and has since avoided me - for almost 3 years now!!

Anywhoo...I am glad that it's growing back so quickly!! Hopefully, this one time won't keep you from posting your success for forever.


LOL at all these n00bies trying to say that she is lying! Obviously her hair is textured in the first pic and blown out in the second. Some of y'all just want to be startin somethin

Its not a matter of being New or not, Eyes are eyes, people see what they see, the OP posted pics to get feedback, whether it be Good feedback or Not, but everyone is entitled to an opinion, no one was blatenly mean to the OP, maybe a little critical, but thats how we learn on here, Collective Criticism, If I was doing something wrong I hope My Sisters on here would let Me know, depends on how You take it.
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Woah (Off topic) Im sorry but the thread on BHM is FUNNEY! (has nothing to do with the OP) but the cattiness, the ignorance, the random posting of a member profile, people acting mean because its so bada$$:rolleyes: !!

Dang I could never hang on this hair board :nono:

Sorry If you are an active member over there, no offense but that was like woah!
Its not a matter of being New or not, Eyes are eyes, people see what they see, the OP posted pics to get feedback, whether it be Good feedback or Not, but everyone is entitled to an opinion, no one was blatenly mean to the OP, maybe a little critical, but thats how we learn on here, Collective Criticism, If I was doing something wrong I hope My Sisters on here would let Me know, depends on how You take it.

I find it odd when people bring 'newbies' into a debate on internet fora; it's a strange 'criticism' given that we all have an opinion, not just older FMs! Clearly though, we just need to be thoughtful in the way our opinions are delivered.
My daughter sent me (via cellphone) a picture of me while talking on the phone. I did not know that she took the pic but when I saw it, I had to find the pic of when a beautician cut 6 inches from my hair in the first week of June. I took the June pic because no one believed she could do that so I was mms'ing all day.

It’s long so bare with me
(Backstory) In June I needed a trim so I asked a relative of mine (beautician) if she could clip my ends for me because I did not want to clip too much as I have done so previously. I explained to her what I meant by clip and she agreed. She has done my hair before; cut in layers, clipped ends, relaxer and so forth. So a few days later she washed, conditioned and applied leave ins. She began to roll and I stopped her to remind her of the clipping and I continued to read my book ………. I got from under the dryer and she unrolled but she picked up the scissors again and clipped some more (I could not see) but once I heard too many clippings I sorta turned so I could see and then she put the scissors down and began to wrap my hair. She unwrapped my hair after 10 min under dryer.
FYI – after both cuts(clipping) there was no hair to be found anywhere on the floor.
My hair was horrendous. She said she will smooth it out with the flat iron and she began to do so. Her phone rang and she was trying to talk and do my hair at the same time til I motioned to her to get off the phone. She got off phone but kept yacking to me. By this time my book is down and I am not pleased so I grabbed her hand and told her I hated my hair and I would finish it when I get home. :wallbash:She only said ok since she had to leave in a hurry anyway. I made it home began to wrap my hair immediately, noticed it was shorter but my brain would not accept that so I thought nah couldn’t be. I got under the dryer for 5 min then unwrapped my hair in horror to see shoulder length hair from mid back length hair. Plus it was chopped up meaning all different lengths everywhere. Like a zig zag or something.:nono:
I cried, call dh, he came home hugged me like I was an infant and kept apologizing for what I don’t know:perplexed. I called her a week later because if I would have called her then I would have cursed her and I really did not want to step out of line with GOD.
When I called, it’s like immediate tension on the phone so that let me know she was just waiting on this phone call. I explained to her the situation, she apologized a million times and offered to do my hair for free until I said stop and promised she could grow my hair quicker than I could. She begged me to give her another chance to fix her mistake. I said ok but never went back because I figured I grew it all this time what did I need her for. So today when I compared the two pics from only June to September I was really happy about the growth and I think I will be back mid length hopefully by my birthday 02/2010.:yep:

I will take some real pics, lol soon.
Edit: Both pics are on blow dried hair no flat iron. But the first pic was in a pony tail and the last pic was right before I flat ironed to check the length.

uhhhh.....there isnt a picture there anymore. what are ya'll talking about?:look:
I find it odd when people bring 'newbies' into a debate on internet fora; it's a strange 'criticism' given that we all have an opinion, not just older FMs! Clearly though, we just need to be thoughtful in the way our opinions are delivered.

I'm not sure if You read what I responded to, the fact that some one stated that its funny how Newbies are doing whatever, In Newbies defense is why I responded, everyone is entitled to respond to a post, that is My take. I don't see how its strange for Me to say that We all have an opinion, We do don't We?, I thought We did, I had no idea that only the "Elder" Sisters only had the right to state their opinions.
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Aaaw man....I didn't get to see the pics! Oh well. Congrats to the OP!! I do think it's possible to grow that much hair in a short time period. For two years straight I would cut my hair in a Chin Length bob on my birthday (August 7th). By the time I would get it cut again on my birthday (back into a chin length bob) it would be between BSB and MBL. That's between 14-18 inches of growth for me (I will have to go home and get a ruler to be sure) in a year. So it IS possible. My friends comment all the time how fast my hair grows. I do understand people questioning the op, but some people were down right mean.
Aw man, I really wanted to see the pics. I started reading this thread at work (but at work i don't get to see pics 'cause they are always just x's), so I get home on LHCF just to see these amazing pics, and what do I know... they're gone.. SMH.
I'm not sure if You read what I responded to, the fact that some one stated that its funny how Newbies are doing whatever, In Newbies defense is why I responded, everyone is entitled to respond to a post, that is My take. I don't see how its strange for Me to say that We all have an opinion, We do don't We?, I thought We did, I had no idea that only the "Elder" Sisters only had the right to state their opinions.

No, I was in agreement with your post. We all have opinions and should be able to express them constructively - newbies and all!
She took them down because she couldn't get away with lying to folk. This forum is for people who are really trying to grow long healthy hair to exchange tips, ideas, and give congrats or encouragement when due. Not for fake pics for a lil "hair fame." Call me a hater if you want, but I know a fake when I see one.
She took them down because she couldn't get away with lying to folk. This forum is for people who are really trying to grow long healthy hair to exchange tips, ideas, and give congrats or encouragement when due. Not for fake pics for a lil "hair fame." Call me a hater if you want, but I know a fake when I see one.

Say What???? Awe man, so it was proven that her pixs were fake??? I was really impressed by the growth too. :nono:
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