Hair Rut - How do you get back to your regimen?


Well-Known Member
To be honest, I feel a little hair-unmotivated these days. The excitement and the fire to baby my hair has kinda gone away. I hardly ever come on the board. I keep making time to pamper my hair, but something else always comes up. It used to be a priority :ohwell: Now, its just kinda whatever happens happens.

So ladies, when you fell off your regimen, how did you get back on track? Any suggestions?
I think that you have to just make it a priority or a habitual thing. No, I don't get excited about putting my scarf on at night or using Bonacure Seal ends every two days but it has just become a part of my schedule.

It's kind of like first falling in love, but just like relationships with men, relationships with your hair aren't going to leave you in that lovey-dovey feeling everyday but it's a committment and becomes part of your being.

That's how I feel about. If you wake up in the morning and do a protective style and make a point to moisturize your hair, then it becomes a part of your routine.

You should just start making it part of your routine just like wasking your face or brushing your teeth. If you can't remember make a note and put it on your mirror and do it when you read the sticky note.:)
It's simply a matter of habit for me. Last week, I deviated from rollersetting and tried to airdry because I was being lazy, but the results were horrible. Haircare has become a lifestyle change for me, so when I deviate from this path it shows. It's similar to the effects that a runner would experience if they took off a week, or if a vegetarian decided to one day eat meat. I think if you have specific goals, then it helps to know that it is a means to an end. I honestly don't enjoy rollersetting twice a week, but I do it anyway because I know how far my hair has come and I know where I want to be. Try to make your regime as simple and efficient as possible. Try to multi-task. That way, you will feel as if you accomplished something and you won't be as conscious of the tediousness of your routine.
Dry hair got me back on track. When I took down my last set of twists and my hair more dry than I'd seen it in a long time... I got back on track in a hurry.
Even if I don't post often, just finding my hair twin and getting inspiration from seeing ladies with healthy hair on the street motivates me to keep going. Yes, I get discouraged because I don't think I'm seeing results as quickly as I *think* I should. So, trying to stay focused and finding new ways of wearing protective styles is helping a lot. I got a new faux ponytail that I wore today, and it looks like my hair. I will be wearing that as my protective style for a few days, giving the tired-a$$ bun a break for a while. My ends are well protected and I got a cute style going on... ;)
Thanks, I don't mind. I use to get upset about being in college but my mom said, "Four years are going to come whether you like it or not. (God willing) Would you rather have a degree at the end of four years or not?"

So with your hair, "1 year, 2 years, 4 years are going to pass regardless of what you do. Would you like to be closer to your goal length or one of those women relying on weaves for dear life?"

Nothing wrong with weaves but I have a problem with people who wear them and don't take care of their natural hair.
chica_canella said:
I think that you have to just make it a priority or a habitual thing. No, I don't get excited about putting my scarf on at night or using Bonacure Seal ends every two days but it has just become a part of my schedule.

It's kind of like first falling in love, but just like relationships with men, relationships with your hair aren't going to leave you in that lovey-dovey feeling everyday but it's a committment and becomes part of your being.

That's how I feel about. If you wake up in the morning and do a protective style and make a point to moisturize your hair, then it becomes a part of your routine.

You should just start making it part of your routine just like wasking your face or brushing your teeth. If you can't remember make a note and put it on your mirror and do it when you read the sticky note.:)

I'll have to agree..Sometimes you just have to keep it bunned until you get into the mode again. With a bun, all you have to do is apply moisturizer and bun and that's it, no fussing, nothing.
Thats real...thats what I have been doing...rocking my afro phony pony....its definitely my signature look these days....but I am about to just buckle down and put my hair back in twists because I can tell the tension from the ponytail is starting to negatively impact my hair :(
Hair laziness can equal to hair breakage and I dont want any setbacks!!

Actually since I first posted this, I have been browsing the board more and I realize that spending time on LHCF is a huge motivating factor...LOL :lol: I guess I should have just got too busy with work, school, buying a house, to come....but I see now that a daily dose of LHCF is the vitamin my hair needs to grow LOL..

You cant spend time on the board with all these beautiful heads and not be motivated to "get right"...

Thanks for the responses ladies...
whenever i feel muself falling off i go through all of the fabulous hair albums the ladies have. its such good motivation for me :)