Hair Revelations Summer 2007


Active Member
This summer I have discovered the following:
  • Rinse-out conditioner works well as a leave-in.
  • Diluting shampoo by mixing w/water before shampooing works great.
  • Product build-up was responsible for my previously underprocessed relaxers.
What have been your hair revelations this summer? :drunk:
  • I need to use dilute setting lotion to get that salon sheen.
  • Don't use the setting lotion solution while rollersetting, spray it all over and comb through but use regular water to we ret.
  • Rollersetting upwards is the only way to get my hair to get that spirally look
  • Avocado butter works to solve just about any hair problem I have (dry, brittle, frizzy, untamed, etc. hair)
  • Washing my hair a few times a week feels great and is improving the health of my hair
  • Not wrapping my hair every night is helping my thin/slow growing sections catch up to the rest of my hair
ETA: Priestess- if you are using really thick, creamy rinse-out conditioners as leave-ins, do you dilute them with water first?? I was always afraid rinse-out conditioners would leave a gummy film on my hair once dried... do you experience this at all?
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1) Use a cheapie conditioner for a couple of mintues to soften hair up after a strong dandruff shampoo is fabolous
2) Using just a creamy leave in gives me the best set.
3) Relaxer run off is a mother:wallbash:
4) Nothing can replace a well done trim
5) When in doubt, clarify and deep condition
* less really is better
* my liquid leave in is a good detangler
* trimming does wonders for thin looking hair
i'll be back if i think of more..
  • The braidout has been my best friend; wearing my hair out has been absolutely wonderful. Not looking forward to going back undercover when the weather turns colder.
  • My hair likes a combo oil/conditioner mixture before pooing
  • Again, my hair does NOT like the blowdryer (I can't even use the ionic joint for like a couple of minutes, it KNOWS!!)
  • Less really is more - wash it, condition it, give it some moisture and leave it the **** alone.
  • Agreeing with gymfreak, when in doubt, clarify and condition.
Keeping it simple really works...less is more.
I really can stretch my relaxer and still have a decent hairstyle.
  • Co washing has been a life saver, and helps keep me cool
  • Not fighting the humidity, but working with it (wash n go's)
  • roller setting upwards really does help keep the roots straight
  • Avocado butter works to solve just about any hair problem I have (dry, brittle, frizzy, untamed, etc. hair)
  • Washing my hair a few times a week feels great and is improving the health of my hair
  • Not wrapping my hair every night is helping my thin/slow growing sections catch up to the rest of my hair
ETA: Priestess- if you are using really thick, creamy rinse-out conditioners as leave-ins, do you dilute them with water first?? I was always afraid rinse-out conditioners would leave a gummy film on my hair once dried... do you experience this at all?

Yes, ma'am. :yep: I mean, I'm not using cholesterol or anything as thick as that, but I do like thick moisturizing conditioners. I have used Trader Joe's Nourish Spa and Nexxus Humectress & Humectin as leave-ins. I have never had problems with these either on dry or wet hair. Also, after washing I don't towel dry, I just gently squeeze the water out of my hair, so maybe the extra moisture helps it dry nice.

You have me wanting to try that avocado butter, but I'm gonna be good for a minute!
No bagging with moisture ..must use oils
going with the shrinkage not against it :locks:
keeping things simple will help me know what works
Synthetics hair is ..yucky:nono::nono:
for me i realized my weave can still look fresh even when i wash my hair every week. it's called TLC.

when i didn't know any better this hair was getting washed...not even going to say.


my natural hair is striving!!
Where do I start: since I recently joined LHCF, everything this summer has been a revelation for me but specifically.
  • Co washing is my hair's best friend
  • Diluting shampoo-who woulda thunk it
  • My hair loves protein treatments-followed by deep conditioning of course)
  • Braidouts are awesme!
  • Liquid leave-ins are a no-no-my hair loves creamy ones
  • Coating prev relaxed strands in condish REALLY helps with the run-off-DUH!
  • WOW-I really can wash my hair several times a week and not get really frustrated with detangling, which is virtually a breeze, and styling.
  • Airdrying-Don't know where to start-this has been a lifesaver.
  • I really needed to pay more attention to my ends.
  • The rollerset I got at the salon every 2 weeks was kinda like a protective style and is probably one of the reasons I have experience growth but now I've dropped the salon and Carusos are SOOO much better than sitting under a hot dryer forever and much more moisturizing.
I could probably go on and on. You ladies have been really instrumental in me taking control over my hair. I feel so much more comfortable doing it now. THANKS LHCF!!:yay::yay:
what i've learned is:

hair health before hair length
what you put inside your body is important
visualize your dream length but don't spend ever moment agonizing over your hair
a watched pot doesn't boil
just be patient and know that the length is coming
don't focus on why it isn't growing
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What I've learned:

My hair loves conditioner washes.:infatuated:

Healthy hair is more important than gaining length right now. (I just did a good deep trim to get rid of overprocessed ends and my hair just looks so much better) :yep:

Carrot oil cream and castor oil mixed together is a great moisturizer for my ends.

Haircare is really a journey with disappointments and triumphs along the way.:yep:
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* I don't know why I ever gave up lotta body. Makes my hair have a lotta body. :lol:
* I actually like slightly air dryed / mostly blow dryed (on warm) hair a lot better than flat-ironed hair (and I loose no hair doing it this way).
:thumbsup:Regular conditioner as a leave in has led to light, amazing, defined curls...and I don't have to use ANYTHING else for my Cowash n go's
:hide:Sometimes, you just have to let it out! I bc-ed before I thought I would and I let it out before I thought I would, and I feel so free
:gorgeous:You can see growth without protective styling
:freakout:I need to protect my ends in advance for that one day, about 6 months from now, when I straighten my hair it isn't a hot mess
:cheers:MTG is still my best friend, even if it does make my pillow stink

Sorry, I'm experimenting with smilies!! lol
My revelations summer 2007:
~My hair/skin loves red palm oil
~I liked using diluted shampoo this summer but come fall I will be doing baking soda rinses or herbal-vinegar rinses only. No more poo.:crossfingers:
~I'm on my last jar of grease mixed with rpo and then I will move on to shea butter mixed with aloe,glycerin, castor and rpo.
  • My hair likes conditioner washes
  • After experimenting with different products to airdry with for silky, soft, and moisturized results: a creme leave in and oil to seal works the BEST:cheers:
  • I'm hooked on airdrying my hair
  • My hair has FLOURISHED and has much more fullness from eliminating the last little traces of heat that I had used before finding LHCF:bud:
  • I bought me some Boundless Tresses today and can't wait to try it!:trampolin
  • I can and will master self relaxing my hair!
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*** Sometimes a trim is necessary:yep:
**** The health of the hair is very important, the length will eventually come.
oh and another thing.

LACIO LACIO is the ish! I notice a big difference when I rollerset without using and when I do use it. I was ready to give up on rollersetting before I found it.
what i've learned. sometimes it's best to leave the hair alone.
Simple systems work best for me.
I can actually go 12 weeks in between relaxer and still retain my growth.
moisture is a must have for me.
This is a great thread!

Less is more! Simple is often best
The new hot product doesn't always work for everyone.
Maybe more to come...working and posting
Bantu Sets are "the business!!"

My texture is more manageable than I thought~

With the right products, I can do wash & gos!!:yay:
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*My hair loves when I mix CON detangling shampoo (yellow bottle) and ultra nourishing conditioner (purple and white bottle) together to do conditioner washes. This mixture gives my hair great slip, silky feel and fabulous shine:yep:

*Just because some products work for others, doesn't mean my hair will like them

*I need to pay more attention to administering protein treatments consistently

*Stick with what works best:yep:
~ Simplicity (regimen) is the best
~ My hair loves water
~ Wigs are great helpers
~ My hair growing journey is easier and more fun when I appreciate the length that I currently have
~ Thinking of my "revealing" LHCF thread is motivating