Hair Question from my Mom


New Member
My mom specifically asked that I you guys this question because she knows I can't stay out of the LHCF (when the site is up 2morrow, more than likely, i'll post this question there too). Here goes:
She had surgery almost a year ago and was told by the doctors that she MUST up her protein intake. She brought a bevy of protein shakes, bars and mixes. In the beginning, everything was looking a.o.k., she was drinking like 2 shakes per day and eating a bar daily. I was soo proud of her . Unfortunately, as of late, she has not been following the doctor's orders. And because of it, her beautiful, long and natural hair has been thinning out, to the point where you can see her scalp . It makes me very sad as I type this because I can only imagine how she feels. Is there something that she can do to stop this from continuing? I feel that this is beyond protein. Maybe there's some product out there that she needs. She washes her hair about once per week (never does deep conditioning but her hair has always been healthy, shiny and LONG) She is getting pretty frustrated (as am I)... btw, she still uses a brush on her hair and I've told her to STOP on numerous occasions.
Secondly, she wants to dye her hair using the Textures and Tones, BUT she is not going to do that until her hair is back to it's normal thickness. Any response would be greatly appreciated. THANKS LADIES .
She also wanted me to ask...
THANKS LADIES ... I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! My mommy said thank you very much but she's ready to order something... LOLOLOL.
She wants to know if any of you have tried Hair Forumula 37?
Thanks guys
Is your moms hair natural or relax? I don't know what her surgery was but it could be a medical reason why her hair is thinning out. Is she taking any other medication besides the extra protein?
CH, one thing your mom should keep in mind, anytime you go under anesthisa, your hair will become dryer and have a tendency to get thin. It is important that she not only get in more protein, but water!!!! She will have to follow a very strict moisturizing routine for her hair, which should include slightly massaging the scalp to stimulate the hair follicles. However, she may need to talk with the doctor to make sure what she isn't experiencing isn't alapecea. This is extremely common in both aging males and females...which is why rogaine was created. Has she tried Rogaine for women? That might be an options.

I know losing ones hair can be very devastating and affect how one may feel about him/herself. But, there are so many things on the market to counter most cases of hairloss. Please advise her to talk with her doctor and until then, keep her hair moisturized! You may give her some suggestions that are given on the forum for keeping the hair moisturized (EVOO, coconut oil, etc.), which should be used often as needed.


Tell mom I'll be praying for her...I know this is rough on her.
BUMP... come on guys, she won't leave me alone b/c she is waiting for some more responses and if you guys don't help her she is going to wind up spending more money than she should on products that she doesn't need.
CaramelHonee said:
She also wanted me to ask...
THANKS LADIES ... I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! My mommy said thank you very much but she's ready to order something... LOLOLOL.
She wants to know if any of you have tried Hair Forumula 37?
Thanks guys

[/ QUOTE ]

my sister tried Hair formula 37.She found it didnt work for her at all.Maybe she should try and find more reviews on it.I noticed MSM has thickened up my hair.
Has she tried MSM? Trying to add carrots to her diet to thicken the hair. There was a past thread about carrots adding thickness to the hair.
Someone mentioned MSM on the other board but than Tracy said MSM did the exact opposite for her that it did for you Elaine so I don't want her to take that just yet. I'll tell her about the carrots... thanks.

Any more suggestions?... anyone... anywhere... someone... LOL
CH - folks are always hyping pantothenic acid (b5), so I think that's definitely a good suggestion, although she probably won't see results for a couple months. That seems like a good place to start.

In the meantime, maybe she can try a volumizing leave-in like Nexxus Headdress, and as Cybra said, so keep up the moisture and TLC.

HTH and tell her good luck
I really don't know what can help besides the protein, maybe some biotin, or products with biotin in them such as Surge and Fantasia products. My aunt had surgery on her head back in the early 80s, she had to shave half of her head. Fortunately, she had enough hair on the other side to cover the bald side, from what I understand, her hair was long but not as long as it has gotten. Now she is about 70 something and has a thick head of natural hair that is waist length. It didn't take her long to achieve that after surgery, maybe 2-3 years. I think this is the longest her hair has ever been. It is very healthy and to my knowledge all she does is braid her hair in to a single braid and often into a bun. She washes and conditions with Alberto V05 and straightens ocassionally.
CH- it might be a good idea for your mom to see a dermatologist.

Also, if the protein was working for her, why did she stop? It seems that there is the solution, to start back on it.

HTH!! God bless!!
I forgot Nexxus has a biotin line for thinning hair, maybe that will help. I use the biotin shampoo, I like it, but I am going natural and my roots are not always manageable, and they are always thick.
Fourmula 37 works for me!!! It increases the thickness of my hair and speeds up the growth rate. Depending on your mothers metabolism it could take up to 45 days to see results w/ HF37. Also Nioxin products are good for thining hair. They're supposed to block DHT which contributes to hair loss/thinning.
i would see a dermatologist. and i wouldn't start taking rogaine unless i were absolutely sure i would use it for the rest of my life becuase once you stop taking it all of your new hair falls out...
I think she needs to go back to upping her protein intake. I figure the doctor told her for a reason.

Remember, our hair is leftover protein. If there are no leftovers, there's not much hair and nails.

Thank you so much ladies. I appreciate all of your responses and I will print out everything for her to review.
P.S. U ladies got me thinking maybe I should take B-5 and MSM