Protein shakes for hair growth

I used Designer Whey Protien Shake in strawberry. I didn't taste good but I have had worse. My hair did grow well but I also take vitamins and supplements. I gained two pounds. I learned you have to count calories or you will gain weight.
Candy_C said:
i will definately join a challenege if theres on already going..!!

i will ask her if i can get a pic of her hair, she may think i'm a little odd though lol

if i was taking a protein shake that has all the vits in, i would abondon my multi pill! i love finding other ways to recieve vitamins, and one less pill sounds good to i would be down to 2 pils and then can add my flaxseed oil to the shakes! kill 2 birds with one stone...

A drink that tastes BEAUTIFUL(protein) is NURISHMENT oh my gosh it tastes so good, VERY FILLING though, and its already mixed up for you...the sugar content is bad though so i'm not sure about it...

if you want it to taste good, add a flavouring, or a bit of condensed milk.


Rock that you should do a three month Protien Shake Challenge I would join.
Like someone else said, my SO also told me to add milk (regular/soy) to your protein shakes to make it better as opposed to water. I used to drink one by Prolab that was a oatmeal and cinnamon, and that was the best one to me. I also started drinking one another poster recommended....milk (I use soy), peanut butter, egg, and you can sweeten it with nutmeg, etc. It's really yummy!
Almond milk is really good to add to the Whey Protein. Designer Whey is the best that I have tasted
I can't view the Utube clip. Can I purchase the excercise dvd? Who made it?

mmmmm almond milk...thats even more protein too

thanks for the rec, i will try that!

Ebonyhairedprincess: yeah, come join me, and anyone else for that matter...i will start april 1st!!

let me know what you think hun

Although I haven't checked in a awhile, I am on the protein challenge, too (lots of fish, chicken, turkey and green veggies). I also started working out last week (50 minutes a day). My workplace has a really nice fitness center that I have never used until now. I have lost eight pounds in a week (yea!) although I know that is not going to happen every week; that is just getting started/beginners luck weight loss, but I will take it. Anyway, I digress: Last week, I was researching the 0 carb Isopure whey protein in fruit flavors as I know I don't want to go the vanilla/chocolate route this time with my protein shakes. I think I could do better with something that tasted like a juice. It is also aspartame free and I despise aspartame so that is really good that it is not sweetened with aspartame. My challenge is that I am hardly ever hungry anymore and have to force myself to eat so the fruit flavored protein shakes should help me consume enough calories and up my protein intake. The only time I ever got more than a half-inch of growth a month was during May-July 2005 when I deliberately consumed over 100 grams of protein a day (including two whey protein shakes daily). I did get an inch a month.
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She was building up the muscles in her back?

Candy_C said:
My dance tutor has hair down to the floor!

she told me she drank protein shakes after giving birth, to build her back up again, and that its been making her hair grow like mad - which shes not impressed about because shes so used to it, but hates cutting.

anyone use these shakes and notice eccelerated hair growth?


CurleeDST said:
Oh ok - silly me. Well if you aren't working out drinking shakes high in protein can pack on the weight.

yeah i do hope so! i been so stressed i've been eating like 1 meal a day.

thanks hun

candy xx