Hair Problems ( long)

Hello everyone, I am somewhat new to the boards although I used to post once in awhile at the old website. Unfortunately, due to life's stresses i haven't participated in the new boards and as a result my hair has suffered. I have attempted to devise a new action plan for long and healthy hair, so I was hoping that the wonderful women of the forum could let me know if my plan is good, bad

Current: situation: Well for about a year I've been going to this Dominican salon, Luisa's they've done a good job and my hair was doing really well for a while. I think though she started leaving the relaxer in too long and combing it through so that my hair a) became overprocessed and b) started to thin out in the temple area. So all of a sudden I've noticed that my hair has just falllen out or broken off in the temles particularly on the right side. I am somewhat devasted because just a few short months ago, my hair was doing fantasitc. I am not sure what to do, whether I should hold off on relaxing again for a while (last time was October 3- but she used a miled relaxer, no lye Sensetive by nature). It did not last too long and already there is a lot of new growth, but since I've pretty much lost the hair in the temple area, I'm thinking I should wait at least until the end of November before putting in another relaxer in order to give my hair a break.

So this is new regimine i'm thinking of, I'd appreciate any comments/ reviews if you guys think it would work:

1)Increase vitamin intake ( i'm thinking of HF37, I've used it before and it was successful) and biotin, MSM supplements

2) Start using Humecto particularly since I am going to be stop relaxing for a while, based on your reviews on the board it seems like it could work for me.

3) Do the ACV Rinses, I've already started this, and I do see a difference

4) For the edges, I was thinking of buying that product the Edge Stick ( its a small electric hot comb that is supposed to smooth new growth along the hairline in between relaxers). I have never used it, so any reviews would be great

5) Alternate between Roller setting and wrapping because I think the constant roller setting has thinned out my hair.

That's it so far: Please let me know if this sounds OK or if I should do something else all together. At this point my goal is to grow out the damaged portions and maintain healthy hair so any advice would be great. Thanks.!
Sounds good, but is it really necessary to smooth the new growth down though? If the area is already thinning/thin I wouldn't want to add more stress by applying heat to it. I usually tire a scarf on my hairline for 10 minutes in the morning and that works pretty well. I too think that the constant tension from rollersetting and pulling to get the roots straight can mess cause thinning, my hairdreser would change the pattern in which she rollerset in order to not put stress on the same spot continuously. HTH
I agree with CBG, I don't think applying heat to an already-thinning and fragile hairline is a good thing to do. Instead, try keeping as much stress as possible off of your hairline. I smooth my hairline just as CBG does, by tying a scarf on my hairline.

Your supplements look fine. If you want to thicken your hair all over, Pantothenic Acid (vitamin B5), is a good vitamin to add. If your hair is long enough, maybe you should try a protective style like a bun to lessen the manipulation of your hair while it recovers from its current weakened state.
I suggest you start gently massaging your temple area with castor oil and vitamin e. That helped me when I wore braids. After a few weeks of the oil you could move on to the Surge Hair Revitalizer Plus 14 that is being raved about on the board. I also agree that heat to an already fragile area would only make matters worse.
You should do a search on 'new growth' and 'extending relaxers'. You'll find plenty of suggestions on products to help blend in your new growth with the relaxed hair.

Definately do the temple messages. For your edges you might want to try Profectiv's Anti-thinning creme or Nioxin Follicle Booster.
Thanks to everyone who's responded. I am really glad I've found this site again. SO far Ihaven't had any luck finding the Humecto. But I defitely will try the scarf thing. I have a satin scarf, I hope this is OK. Hair is not long enough for bun its just below chin length, but I can usually put in some kind of twist. Thanks again for everyone's help, hopefully I can report back with good news soon.