
New Member
I really wish I could stop detangling
in the shower everyday! I just bought one
of those hair catcher things and I notice I'm
loosing a lot of hair when I detangle even
though I'm very gentle and I use lots of
conditioner. But, I can't stop... I'm addicted to daily co-washes.

I am the point where i think i should have just kept my hair natural and stop using chemicals, b/c now i am going thru it since i've relaxed my hair.
Always washing the conditioner out too soon (impatient)
Combing my hair too many times a day (its like crack)
Washing every 3 days when just because I like the feeling, knowing I can last a week without all that manipulation:perplexed

Good thread... now that I pointed it out maybe I can change?
1. putting hair in ponytail= edges break everytime
2. not staying under the dryer long enough=i'm too impatient and it burns my forehead
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not moisturizing 2 times a day....I wake up late sometimes and then just go...knowing dang on well I need to moisturize, apply BT and seal in the morning and moisturize and seal at night....I am getting lazy
Not covering my hair consistently every night. At least two nights a week I sleep without my bonnet or scarf. Bad 'Tress :nono:
Cutting my hair *after flat ironing* because I think my ends are damaged and they are really just dry/no lye hair. At this rate I wont make WL until 2010.

Being lazy and not co-washing when I know it's time.

Not putting my hair up before I go to sleep.

Trying new products when I've found most of my staples.
Cutting my hair *after flat ironing* because I think my ends are damaged and they are really just dry/no lye hair. At this rate I wont make WL until 2010.

OMG I do this too!!!!! the dry no-lye hair is hell to deal with and i keep cutting it because it doesnt fall the same way and it never stays mositurized.
OMG I do this too!!!!! the dry no-lye hair is hell to deal with and i keep cutting it because it doesnt fall the same way and it never stays mositurized.

:yep: Yep, it's a mess. Thing is, I know if I put a little water, Alma oil on my ends and bag... they'll be fine in about an hour; as long as I bag each night they'll stay moisturized until my next co-wash. I just get really disappointed and end up trimming, then :wallbash: right after I finish.:nono:

BTW: If you havent tried it.. lightly misting water then seal lightly w/a liquid oil *for me, Alma works best* and bag the ends.
Not wearing protective styles the way I really should. I probably could have already been full APL if I was more consistent with it.:ohwell:
Not remembering/getting up to moisturize my ends at night (hmm I should just keep it right near me!).

Brushing my hair into a bun or ponytail=edge problems.
Falling asleep w/o my satin
Not waiting long enough after I take my weave down b4 I relax
Failing to adequately moisturize
Using heat daily when I'm traveling or have an event
1. Playing in/pulling on my hair.
2. Applying too much product to my hair, which not only attracts dirt, pollution, etc., but also makes the hair too greasy, flat and weighted down
3. Being inconsistent with rolling and/or covering my hair at night.
4. Not maintaining good nutrition, and drinking enough water.
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Cutting my hair
Trying to blow dry my hair by myself if I don't have DH do it for me I usually end up with a head full of tangles and breakage. :ohwell:
I wore my phony pony and I cringed as I used my brush to smooth my edges... and because I forgot how to wear it, I had too much tension. :ohwell:
We are bad girls, ladies!!!:kick2:
I'm just becoming lazier by the minute.
I started off shampooing twice a wk, now i'm going on over a wk(finally did it yesterday).
Sleeping without bonnet.
Moisturizing sometimes.
Not moisturizing my hair and combing it way too much. What's even worse is that I sometimes comb my hair when it's dry and my hair is natural. That's a big no no for me because I lose a lot of hair when I do that.
Trying to put my hair in a smooth ponytail my hair has to be longer in order to do it. which is rediculous because my hair streched out is collar bone lenght and shrunk it shoulder. I know I need to be patient!
I also need to give up the fantasia IC gel I don't know why but my hair can not stand it anymore tangles/dryness. We have had a love hate relationship for a few years now and i just need to let it go.
1) Sleeping without my bonnet, or it comes off in the night and i dont put it back on! (i have a satin pillowcase though :look:

2) using heat! flat irons DO NOT straighten my hair (or maybe its my technique) so the whole process is pointless. I accept that i will have to use a relaxer to loosen my curls

3) brushing my edges down for my ponytail/bun
It feels bad but there is no visible damage yet, only smooth detangled hair at the front :drunk: