Hair Length Ruler TShirts


New Member
Hi Ladies,
Ive notice that in some of your pictures that some of you have tshirts that help you measure the length of your hair, some of them just have inches others actually have it marked Armpit Length, Bra Strap Length, etc. This is such a cool idea.

Where can I find one of these at? Are they sold on this website?
You can try pm'ing Dontspeakdefeat. I think she was the member who had them.

I know that SouthernTease used to also have them on her site, so you could try there as well.
How ghetto am I? I made my own shirt with lines and numbers :spinning:

Not that I was being cheap but I just wanted something real quick to monitor my growth and I just did it for my own personal satisfaction since I know the lines I drew on would not be accurate to what is considered an official length. But I guess it's accurate to my body though.

I just took an old t-shirt, a ruler and a Sharpie and went to town making sure the lines were straight and even (I'm a stickler for neat lines) :grin:

By the way, I'm still trying to learn to keep my head straight when measuring so my results aren't skewed.
How ghetto am I? I made my own shirt with lines and numbers :spinning:

Not that I was being cheap but I just wanted something real quick to monitor my growth and I just did it for my own personal satisfaction since I know the lines I drew on would not be accurate to what is considered an official length. But I guess it's accurate to my body though.

I just took an old t-shirt, a ruler and a Sharpie and went to town making sure the lines were straight and even (I'm a stickler for neat lines) :grin:

By the way, I'm still trying to learn to keep my head straight when measuring so my results aren't skewed.

Oh well now that isn't ghetto...that's efficient!:yep:
I remember we had a thread about that lady and those shirts.

The problem with those is that they are not going to be accurate on everyone because of differences in height and length between different parts of the body.

My immediate thoughts.