hair is filthy! but i cant wash becuz i developed tonsillitis

I was planning on washing my hair today or even yesterday but i cant becuz i got a nasty case of tonsillitis:-( and my hair is sooo dirty,, the thing is I did a prepoo jojoba oiling expecting to wash it yesterday and i couldnt so im like a greasy drowned rat, ive also sweated quite a bit and its been over a week since my last wash,,im upset but i just have to be patient i guess cuz theres no such thing as dry cleaning the hair...
my aunt used to work in a hospital where they couldn't wash the patients hair so they would clean their scalps.

she would pour some listerine in a bowl and dip qtips in it, and part the hair, and massage the qtip (dipped with listerine) on the scalp. she even did this to me, and i find myself doing that when i had braids (especially when I use to get thos ebumps from too tight braids) . the feeling is so invigorating.

maybe you can try that until you get better. i hope you feel better soon.

ETA: or maybe you can do just a plain water rinse while you are in the shower. make sure you run your scalp with your fingers to remove any buildup.
hmm,thanx mizanimami, that sounds pleasant,, im gonna see if im feeling better tomorrow and see if i can do a regular wash, hopefully , if not ill try one of your suggestions
Why can't you wash your hair with tonsillitis? Washing your hair while you're sick isn't going to make you sicker. If you want and need to wash your hair, go ahead and do it. ;)
Poohbear said:
Why can't you wash your hair with tonsillitis? Washing your hair while you're sick isn't going to make you sicker. If you want and need to wash your hair, go ahead and do it. ;)

I agree, I don't think it would make you sicker. Good luck!
really?? im one of those ppl who was taught to NOT wash your hair when your sick but its funny cuz ive done it and i was fine but i have that little fear in me about it,, im definitely gonna go for it tomorrow
Aww Im sorry youre sick.:ohwell: I had tonsilitis before and it wasnt no joke!! Anyway, you just focus on getting better; your hair will be ok.
Try some dry shampoo. You just put it on your hair and towel it off.

Along with MizaniMami, I know people use products like SeaBreeze on their scalp when they have braids and don't want to wash the hair. Try that too.
Ravenhairbellydancer said:
really?? im one of those ppl who was taught to NOT wash your hair when your sick but its funny cuz ive done it and i was fine but i have that little fear in me about it,, im definitely gonna go for it tomorrow

Being that I have off and on so sick I would go from the bed to the bathroom and back. One month I was to be in the bed to take meds, but the doctor said I could wash my hair (if I felt up to it) or get someone to wash it. This would help me feel better. But I am on the road to being at least 90% healthy.

If it isn't cold outside and you do not have the chill in your bones wash that hair and that will help you feel better...
I don't know if I would risk it Raven. Everyone is different and some people can get sick or sicker from having a wet head. I am one who knows from personal experience. :(

I know we are hair fanatics, but take care of your health first. The quicker you recover, the sooner you can wash your hair, so don't slow your recovery by doing too much too soon.
Girl I just got over a BAD case of tonsillitis last week and even though I didnt feel like it, I did wash my hair and it didnt make me any worse. Im shocked you even want to wash your hair, all i wanted to do was sleep! How you feel better soon. remember finish all of you antibiotics!!!!
HI Raven,

Hope you are feeling better. CVS and most drugstore sell dry shampoos that you sprinkle on and towel off. But, I don't see why, if you are up to it, you couldn't wash it anyway. (Just don't you won't get a chill.)

Feel better!:)