Hair insults!


Well-Known Member
I was reading the hair snob thread and it got me thinking about how many hair insults some women get from other black women.
For instance, last week my cousins came over for a minute. They hadn't seen my sister in about 2 months. Now my sister's hair is almost bra-strap length and extremely thick. She's gained more than 2 inches since they last saw her. She wore a short cut and then a bob for years but everyone knows that her hair use to be waist length.
Her hair is type 4f (if there's such a thing) and beyond. Honestly. She could abuse the heck out of her hair and it will stay thick, bouncy and grow like crazy. And boy can it hold a curl.
Anyway, my cousin walks over to my sister, ran her hands through her hair and says "Huh, your hair feels like coconut husk. It's like wire" and starts to laugh :eek: . Mind you, my sister's hair was showing the heck off that day.
Now this is the same cousin who puts a weave in her daughter's hair. The one who's almost bald. The other cousin just laughs in a derogatory way and decides to stare at my head.
My sister was sooooooooooo mad. She told my cousin that she didn't have anything nice to say because she is just jealous so she should keep her comments to herself.:lol:
I'm sitting there applauding really loudly.
So what's the worst insult or derogatory comment you've ever received on your hair?
That makes me sooo mad. This comment had nothing to do with length or anything, but I went to this one stylist who was close to my house about a year ago. I've always stretched my relaxers cause I was broke. I couldn't and still can't imagine spending almost $2400 dollars a year to keep my hair straight and broken off! So she says really loud in front of everyone "Girl I had to use so much relaxer on your hair cause it was nappy!," I saw a few women snickering to themselves. I just don't understand why she had to be so rude.
People can get so ugly when they are:

1. jealous.
2. annoyed when a situation crops up that requires them to actually have to DO the job they get paid for.
I've had someone tell me my hair looked like buck wheat's.

i've also had a dude call my hair nappy.

i don't care one bit. haters...
sweetcashew said:
I was reading the hair snob thread and it got me thinking about how many hair insults some women get from other black women.
For instance, last week my cousins came over for a minute. They hadn't seen my sister in about 2 months. Now my sister's hair is almost bra-strap length and extremely thick. She's gained more than 2 inches since they last saw her. She wore a short cut and then a bob for years but everyone knows that her hair use to be waist length.
Her hair is type 4f (if there's such a thing) and beyond. Honestly. She could abuse the heck out of her hair and it will stay thick, bouncy and grow like crazy. And boy can it hold a curl.
Anyway, my cousin walks over to my sister, ran her hands through her hair and says "Huh, your hair feels like coconut husk. It's like wire" and starts to laugh :eek: . Mind you, my sister's hair was showing the heck off that day.
Now this is the same cousin who puts a weave in her daughter's hair. The one who's almost bald. The other cousin just laughs in a derogatory way and decides to stare at my head.
My sister was sooooooooooo mad. She told my cousin that she didn't have anything nice to say because she is just jealous so she should keep her comments to herself.:lol:
I'm sitting there applauding really loudly.
So what's the worst insult or derogatory comment you've ever received on your hair?

Let's see, there so many from jealous women. :mad:

1) I used to have it but I cut it off cause I don't like long hair. I tell them, well you need to cut off some more becaue it look like it is breaking off and also I could care less what some other women does not like and does not want, so tell that to someone who actually cares.

2) I cut mine because it bothers my neck.
I told her well it bothers your neck because it doesn't look like it grows much paste your neck and if she cut it then it's her business and not mine..

3) If they don't have it, then they know someone eles with hair longer than yours. I tell them I could care less about someone I have never met and that sounds like a Hater comment and that they need to keep them to themselves. I told another woman that I would never stoop low enough to give another woman a comment like that because it is just a dead giveaway that she is jealous. I told her she needs to get help about her problem with other women having hair.

Normally I am a very friendly person but I don't put up with comments from jealous women. They are intimidated by the black women with the long hair and will go all out to try to put you down.

I only talk to the intelligent, self confident women and share beauty secrets.

So to all of the ladies who are close to achieving all of those lovely locks, be prepared to deal with the nasty Hater comments. Keep your gun loaded because the green eyed monsters will come for you...:lachen:
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When I was in nurisng school this nurse handed me her stylist's business card without me asking her for it. I jokingly said, "what are you trying to say, my hair needs help?", she said "yes."

On another occasion, three weeks after I relaxed my own hair this girl at church tells me that I needed a retouch. When I told her that I relaxed it three weeks ago she says "well it's crying for another one"

I was talking to this girl after church and she just blurted out "I should take you to my hair dresser" My cousin came to my defense and said "there's nothing wrong with her hair" and she replied "no but it could be better" You see how the devil can easily use people to make lose your blessing right in church?

There have been many others, I can write a book on the insults I've received on my hair.
People are stupid! When I started going natural, I had a female family member who kept asking me when I was going to get my hair done, and saying that it was nappy. Mind you I've had hair mostly apl length most of my life. Let me tell you she has never had hair more than 2 inches long her entire life and that's giving her a inch. On top of that it has always been covered with bald spots and currently still looks a hot mess. I swear the next time she asks me what's up with the hair, or why I haven't got my hair done, I'm going to tell her because I don't want it to look like yours, then hand the heifer a mirror.
sweetcashew said:
I was reading the hair snob thread and it got me thinking about how many hair insults some women get from other black women.
For instance, last week my cousins came over for a minute. They hadn't seen my sister in about 2 months. Now my sister's hair is almost bra-strap length and extremely thick. She's gained more than 2 inches since they last saw her. She wore a short cut and then a bob for years but everyone knows that her hair use to be waist length.
Her hair is type 4f (if there's such a thing) and beyond. Honestly. She could abuse the heck out of her hair and it will stay thick, bouncy and grow like crazy. And boy can it hold a curl.
Anyway, my cousin walks over to my sister, ran her hands through her hair and says "Huh, your hair feels like coconut husk. It's like wire" and starts to laugh :eek: . Mind you, my sister's hair was showing the heck off that day.
Now this is the same cousin who puts a weave in her daughter's hair. The one who's almost bald. The other cousin just laughs in a derogatory way and decides to stare at my head.
My sister was sooooooooooo mad. She told my cousin that she didn't have anything nice to say because she is just jealous so she should keep her comments to herself.:lol:
I'm sitting there applauding really loudly.
So what's the worst insult or derogatory comment you've ever received on your hair?

I absolutely hate behaviour like that! :mad:
My cousin told me last week, I thought I had some kind of special grade hair, because only white girls wash their hair alot. I told her there are lots of blacks that co-wash their hair. She said well I dont know any. :mad:
1st- you cant take care of your own hair (nor your daughters)- styling washing... nothing! We, the family, have always done your hair for you... (and currently your daughter's) and that sometimes included washing, because as you say... you cant get all the soap out! She has beautiful dreds now (thanks to me) and her hair looks good, daily. But dont act all brand new... cuz 2 years ago, you were not above looking a hot mess 'bout the head'.
Yellowflowers said:
1) I used to have it but I cut it off cause I don't like long hair.

2) I cut mine because it bothers my neck.

3) If they don't have it, then they know someone eles with hair longer than yours.

What is it with these comments? These seem to be the most commonly used comments that black women with short hair make towards black women with long hair. I guess they think black longhaired women are stupid, because do they really think they'll believe these comments, when their own head is all tore up? :lachen:

If someone made this comment to me, I'd look at them like this :nuts:
achangedlife said:
On another occasion, three weeks after I relaxed my own hair this girl at church tells me that I needed a retouch. When I told her that I relaxed it three weeks ago she says "well it's crying for another one"
What the hell is this?! Is she trying to make you act unGodly up in the church?
I think the insults I'm getting lately are from black women when I don't straighten my hair, just have it afroey and curled with th sponge type rollers. Sista's certainely give me the eye then like "hmph". Damn yall we gotta wear our hurr straight erryday??????? :perplexed
1. When I was in high school, I had someone put there hands in my head every day to "make sure it was mine"

2. I had a co worker ask me if I got my hair fusioned? I didnt even know what that was. Well, She didnt believe me and proceed to examine a strand of hair. I almost got fired for fighting.

4. This guy came up to me at my old job and swore up and down i had a weave. Then proceeded to tell everyone that came in the store "here is another black girl trying to perpetrate a weave off as her own hair" Then some ghetto chick with blonde and red hair pasted down on her forehead swooping to the side ending with a swirl on her cheek had the nerve to say "well if its a weave, whoever did it did a terrible job."
Whenever my sister visits from New Orleans she always has something to say about my hair. Her biggest thing is the relaxer. Everytime she comes she damn near chases me around the house to relax my hair. She loves her hair bone straight all the time and relaxes every 6 weeks. I hate relaxing and relax when I'm at the "I wanna cut it all off" stage, generally around 5 months. When she came for Thanksgiving last year I was about 12 weeks post relaxer and not really worry about my hair cuz I could still wear it down straight and it looked fine to me. Then she had the nerve to come out and tell me that I need a relaxer and that I think that I am WHITE and can go without getting a relaxer. I was so pissed when she said this to me. She has the nerve...first of all I never say anything about the ghetto piled on top of your head styles that she wears eveyday. And second of all, how the hell and I trying to be white by not relaxing? Two months later at 20 weeks post she came again and after hearing the same bs comments about my hair needing to be relaxed I let her relax know she had the nerve to get scissor happy and cut 2 inches more off than I wanted. Never again is my sister getting near my hair.

ETA: I'm tempted to get a curly 3C shoulder length sew-in for when I go down there in August and tell her that I went natural when she cut all my hair off. I'd love to see the look on her face then....will I still be trying to be white but with curly ass african american hair? (as you can see we don't have a good relationship....its the 13 year age difference)
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PinkGyrl said:
1. When I was in high school, I had someone put there hands in my head every day to "make sure it was mine"

2. I had a co worker ask me if I got my hair fusioned? I didnt even know what that was. Well, She didnt believe me and proceed to examine a strand of hair. I almost got fired for fighting.

4. This guy came up to me at my old job and swore up and down i had a weave. Then proceeded to tell everyone that came in the store "here is another black girl trying to perpetrate a weave off as her own hair" Then some ghetto chick with blonde and red hair pasted down on her forehead swooping to the side ending with a swirl on her cheek had the nerve to say "well if its a weave, whoever did it did a terrible job."

He sounds like a nut and she needed to get slapped.

My ex-boyfriend still to this day examines my roots to see if I'm wearing tracks whenever I wear my hair bone straight. He says it looks like Indian hair and seeing that I'm not Indian it must be extensions. So now I leave a little kink in it whenever I'm wearing it straight to avoid being mistaken for Indian. :look:
Wow, too many to list but here are a few.

1. Started a new job while transitioning and primarily wore my faithful bun. At the beginning of a meeting, a colleague calls me out from across the conference room table, “Dynamic do you have a relaxer?” (Everyone around me gets quiet to listen). Me: I am growing out my relaxer.” Colleague: “Why.” Me: (without attitude) “Because I want to.” This same colleague (black) discusses my hair with a Caucasian and Latina later in the week. “She just needs to get a perm!” Both were under cover curlies at the time. The one with a bi-racial daughter asks her “why the heck do you care?” and she has no words. By the way, this chick has an ear length un-stylish mushroom situation with broken pieces at the crown.

2. A friend always seems pre-occupied with what I am doing with my hair and doesn’t understand why I would stop relaxing. Finally, one day she says. “You aren’t gonna get a husband with no nappy hair!” Interestingly, she has waist length straight hair and is still single. I just laughed and refrained from stating the obvious.

3. As most stretchers and transitioners know, sometimes you get hand in hair disease. One day after work on the way to the gym, I take out my bun and start playing with my new growth in traffic. My bun was done on wet hair, but when I took it down it started to dry and there was no way it was going back into the bun neatly. Therefore, it was a huge fro bun when I got to the gym. I walk in to speak with my trainer and he is working with two women.

Black woman 1: “What’s going on with your hair?”
Me: “What do you mean?”
Trainer: (Proudly) “That’s natural right there”
Me: “Not yet, but I am growing out my relaxer”
Black woman 2: “You need a pressing comb”
Me: “No, my hair gets straight just fine without one”
Black woman 1: “naw, naw, you need a pressing comb”
I calmly tell her that those are outdated tools and my stylist is fully capable of straightening my hair without using the tools they used in her day. Was I mean? Seriously, the last place you need a pressing comb, is the gym!

4. New job: I wear my hair in a very fluffy roller set for the first time. A colleague sees me and before she says good morning……………
Colleague: “Is that all your hair?
Me: “By asking that question, you already assume it is not.”
Colleague: standing over me and staring at the top of my hair, “well is it, it’s just so long and dark” (Complements of the coffee bean rinse).
Me: “Why does it matter?” (Yes, I was defensive, because I was offended and I rarely wear my hair down without someone asking me this or accusing me of wearing a weave.) I tell her it is mine to shut her up and she proceeds to pat and stroke the top of my head before I could retreat.
Colleague: “It’s so soft”
Me: “Thank you,” but please don’t pet me, I am not a dog”

There is more where those come from but I also have some decent stories too. It is just that the bad ones far out number the good. I can also tell you many similar stories from my natural friends and from friends with long hair, and heaven forbid if you are both. It is just hair, so why can’t we just wear it!
In an attempt to convince me it was time for a touch up a male stylist told me my new growth was like "a brick".

I left.

Less than a year later the shop closed. :cool:
Wierd enough the 2 negative hair incidents I've had were by guys and not other girls. When one did talk about my hair, it was usually a compliment or tips or something like that. Well, in 9th grade I wore braids for a few months took them out and called myself natural (it did look that way). During that time this one kid I knew started referring to me as "Need A Perm" rather than by name cause my ponytail would fuzz up (I was new to Florida and all of that humidity). The nerve of him tho cause his cornrows always looked like they were about 3 months old.

Then around 10th or 11th grade I cut my hair to about chin length and wore it in a big bob-ish type of hairstyle. One day I was walking to the lunch line when I felt someone tug my hair really hard and quick. They were trying to embarrass me in front of everyone in the lunch room by yanking off my "wig". Little did they know it was really my hair. I whipped my head around to see who it was and it was this boy posted up on the wall looking in the other direction trying to act like he didn't know what was going on :look: I just sat there looking at him for a few seconds like he was crazy -- it took all of my strength not to punch him in the f*ckin jaw (I could of done that tho cuz i had about 5 inches and 30 pounds on him)... but I decided to just walk away and keep it moving.
Yellowflowers said:
Let's see, there so many from jealous women. :mad:

1) I used to have it but I cut it off cause I don't like long hair.

2) I cut mine because it bothers my neck.

3) If they don't have it, then they know someone eles with hair longer than yours.

I can't stand those comments. Who cares?! :lol:
I'm always told I need to "get a style" and/or "do something with it." Tonite I told my mom I don't plan to ever cut my hair again, that I want it to reach about mid-back within a year and she asked me why. I thought it was an odd question.

Why not?

LONG is the style and GROWING is the something I'm doing with it, thankyouverymuch.
I just started a new job and when I went to the interview, I had it pulled back in a bun and was 6 months post. By the time I had gotten the job and started the following month, i had relaxed, but wore my hair in a bun the very first week of training.

I wore the bun the second week too, but the end of the second week, I rollerset it and just fingercombed it. I was standing at the copier and my manager (a guy) said "wow, I thought we had Janet Jackson up in here!!". Before I could say anything (I was about to go off b/c I thought it was a backhanded comment), he came up and said, "Your hair looks nice". When we had our morning meeting, he kept calling me J.J. Then this "Keebler" (cracker/white boy) says "It looks like she put her hand in an electrical socket!"

I actually felt bad for him b/c the other black people in the meeting had my back though and almost gave him a beat down and told him he just wasn't used to seeing a black woman with healthy and long hair and must be jealous because maybe his woman didn't have it!:lol:
On day i had my hair straight...the next i had put some twists in it..
and this girl from work comes up and says wow nice hair is it yours??

i am like yeah..she is like all of it..
i said yeah..she is like wow....
blackbarbie said:
Then this "Keebler" (cracker/white boy) says "It looks like she put her hand in an electrical socket!"

I actually felt bad for him b/c the other black people in the meeting had my back though and almost gave him a beat down and told him he just wasn't used to seeing a black woman with healthy and long hair and must be jealous because maybe his woman didn't have it!:lol:

What an ignorant thing to say, not to mention mean! :mad: Hooray for your black co-workers for standing up for you, chicka!
Blu217 said:
I'm always told I need to "get a style" and/or "do something with it." Tonite I told my mom I don't plan to ever cut my hair again, that I want it to reach about mid-back within a year and she asked me why. I thought it was an odd question.

Why not?

LONG is the style and GROWING is the something I'm doing with it, thankyouverymuch.

A friend of mine asked me the same question a few months ago.
joyous said:
People are stupid! When I started going natural, I had a female family member who kept asking me when I was going to get my hair done, and saying that it was nappy. Mind you I've had hair mostly apl length most of my life. Let me tell you she has never had hair more than 2 inches long her entire life and that's giving her a inch. On top of that it has always been covered with bald spots and currently still looks a hot mess. I swear the next time she asks me what's up with the hair, or why I haven't got my hair done, I'm going to tell her because I don't want it to look like yours, then hand the heifer a mirror.

I say hand her the mirror and a bottle of MTG for the bald spots!!!!:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
A new hire had only seen me in my "I'm too busy" wig. One day I came in with it freshly relaxed and she reached out to pull it:eek: Then she proceeds to tell me her mom has hair to her collarbone, but it's thin so she wigs it. Then she says her own 2 in hair is that way because she ASKS the stylist to cut it. I didn't ask and don't care!!!
PinkGyrl said:
1. When I was in high school, I had someone put there hands in my head every day to "make sure it was mine"

2. I had a co worker ask me if I got my hair fusioned? I didnt even know what that was. Well, She didnt believe me and proceed to examine a strand of hair. I almost got fired for fighting.

4. This guy came up to me at my old job and swore up and down i had a weave. Then proceeded to tell everyone that came in the store "here is another black girl trying to perpetrate a weave off as her own hair" Then some ghetto chick with blonde and red hair pasted down on her forehead swooping to the side ending with a swirl on her cheek had the nerve to say "well if its a weave, whoever did it did a terrible job."

I usually don't like violence but...
OH HELLLLLL NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Me and the ghetto ditz would've been rolling on the floor! Some folks don't know how to keep they're mouth shut! So, sometimes you have to shut it for them... or rip it off lol