She prefers to wear her hair straight, why is that self-hating?

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I've noticed on this site that anytime a few feathers are ruffled so many want to throw the topic under the rug and act as if it doesn't exist. I don't see why some have to be as rude as to *yawn* on somone's thread. If we're ever going to GET anywhere we have to discuss the things that make us feel uncomfortable to achieve GROWTH. Imagine if every single one of us didn't think outside the box and never learned hair care. We wouldn't be where we are today. And none of us would be on this site exchanging new ideas about hair. It's 2010 people lets grow in more ways than one. Clearly this issue needs to be discussed if so many feel the need to be rude to the person that posted it. Becuase in my eyes it makes those rude individuals no different that the person labelling someone as self-hating for straightening their hair.

:yep::yep::yep: Dito!
I don't understand why a person can't wear their hair any way they want to..I have done it all..weaves, wigs, braids, extensions, natural, straight texlaxed...

I feel people should mind their own business..
Thats her OPINION. I will prefer my hair straight too once I achieve my desired length.
let her vent. i agree with the other ladies, if you dont want to read about this topic, WHY THE HELL ARE U IN THIS THREAD FOR....TO COMPLAIN?? LEAVE!! WHO ARE YOU TO SAY WHEN SOMEBODIES THREAD NEEDS TO BE CLOSED?[/I] ...give me a brake...the nerve.

op, you post what eva you dam well please up in here!!

No need for such harsh criticism (the bold, the caps, the "hell").
Is your friend newly natural? I find that women who are newly natural tend to be very eager and passionate about this whole "you're self-hating if you aren't rocking your hair the way God made it"-thing :giggle:.

Lmao so true.

Ive noticed the ones that have been natural for years are way cooler and down to earth than those who started last week :rolleyes::lachen:
yes, this topic has been discussed ad nauseum on this forum, but its still an ongoing topic and new members are constantly joining the forum and don't mind discussing it.

OP, despite you saying its not a relaxed vs natural debate, it seems as though because your cousin & your friend are relaxed & natural. It wouldn't seem as though if both were natural and your cousin was a straight natural.

i too am 100% natural and have had another natural try to school me on the ethics of natural hair straightening/weaves. It's really just because a lot of people ASSUME the reasons in which others go natural, most assume it's the SAME reason as they themselves did. Some did so for versatility and increased hair health.

Some of the same people in this thread asserting that it's your cousin's business what she does in her hair were in other threads demeaning weaves on women, and it's rather interesting...

Tell your cousin to shrug it off, simply asserting that her hair is her business should cease the debate then and there.
Some of the same people in this thread asserting that it's your cousin's business what she does in her hair were in other threads demeaning weaves on women, and it's rather interesting...

Yep, exactly :yep:...................
Lmao so true.

Ive noticed the ones that have been natural for years are way cooler and down to earth than those who started last week :rolleyes::lachen:

I'm new but a longtime lurker and I notice this type of behaviour usually comes from the newbie natural heads! :lachen::lachen:
Saying that all relaxed/straightened heads are self hating=saying all natural heads are militant and natural for "political," "black nationalistic" reasons.

Both statements are ludicrous.

To each her own.

PS: And whatever happened to freedom of expression? If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all... it's not a LHCF REQUIREMENT that you respond to this thread... if you feel like you've discussed this topic already to death then it's cool... keep it moving! =)
let her vent. i agree with the other ladies, if you dont want to read about this topic, WHY THE HELL ARE U IN THIS THREAD FOR....TO COMPLAIN?? LEAVE!! WHO ARE YOU TO SAY WHEN SOMEBODIES THREAD NEEDS TO BE CLOSED?[/I] ...give me a brake...the nerve.

op, you post what eva you dam well please up in here!!

the sith lord herself has spoken..

it is true, the op can post whatever she wishes... and so can others. Thus, it is okay, if others wish to post their opinions as well. that is what a forum is all about. no one should have "leave" a forum. it's just a forum, my dear.

carry on.. i can hear the Tai Fighters gathering..:rolleyes:
No need for such harsh criticism (the bold, the caps, the "hell").

it's the LCHF modus operandi.. if someone agrees to disagree, then out comes the harsh language, lite sabers, and the bold, the caps, and the ugly..:ohwell:

thus, i believe it's okay if everyone posts their opinions. doesn't make anyone wrong or right.. they are just opinions. i'd like to believe this is an open forum. thus, folks should be able to share whatever's on their mind. Take what is needed and leave the rest.

i also have a saying: "If you don't have anything nice to say, you're probably not the only one." so just say it."

No offense to the OP. you shared your concern, and it's great that you did. It's just an "old" concern. I feel the person whom the "self-hate" label was aimed at, handled herself graciously.

thank you and good nite.
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I think it is absurd to accuse someone of self hate because they prefer to wear their hair straight! Different styles look better on different people! That is the bottom line. All races can wear different styles/ colors in their hair guilt free except AA. What if her face does not go well with curly hair? It would not be the first time. I do not have a face for wigs or center parts and I know it so guess what... I avoid them! And another thing about AA women who dye their hair lighter what if it looks good on them and makes them feel better than dark hair they should go for it. I mean I saw beyonce with dark brown hair one time when she was younger and I thought she looked a her little head was being attacked and her face drowned, the lighter color allowed her features to come through...I mean really people. Your cousin should have let her know "different strokes for different folks" and like it or not ALL styles are not for ALL heads/ faces.
the sith lord herself has spoken..

it is true, the op can post whatever she wishes... and so can others. Thus, it is okay, if others wish to post their opinions as well. that is what a forum is all about. no one should have "leave" a forum. it's just a forum, my dear.

carry on.. i can hear the Tai Fighters gathering..:rolleyes:

Hey, thanks so much!!!!:grin:
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