
New Member
It`s SO crazy to me how I can TRULY be taking
care of my hair now!
And somehow
accumulate so many hair-haters?!

Has anyone else had a problem with this?? :nono::lachen:



neck legnth u mean
2:11pm╚► Chamieka


Shoulder legnth

I know the difference

I take progress pictures all the time

do u know r shoulders are
2:12pm╚► Chamieka


My hair hangs down to my shoulders

Would you like to see pictures hater?

why do i have to hate???
2:13pm╚► Chamieka

Because your steady downing me

Geesh you & Whitney are a lot alike

Believe me I wouldnt lie to myself

I see ur hair im trying to make u be realistic
2:14pm╚► Chamieka

Clearly you havent seen it


if u hold ur head back yes i gues so it will be on ur shoulders

i see it everytime i see u

hell i comb it
2:14pm╚► Chamieka

I never hold my head back in pictures

I stand up straight eveytime

but its to ur waist if that makes u u happy

ok show me the picture

dont forget its sunmmer time I would hate for you to be depressed when the winter comes and it starts to shed u have gotten so hair crazy
2:17pm╚► Chamieka

Yeah- I am hair crazy

Because Im finally taking care of it

And seeing lots of progress lol

Im getting my hair braided from September-April so I wont see any shedding

everyones hair is in good condition because of the seasmember

season remember
2:21pm╚► Chamieka

Not neccsarily

True at all

Your hair can become very dry & brittle in the summer as well

Its called humidity

You have to find a good moisture/protein balance if your gonna wear it down

keep your ends from rubbing on your clothes

and deep condition often

oh well im lucky i only have to do special care in the winter never the summer
2:28pm╚► Chamieka

Yeah- you are

You must have grade A hair

But naw, lmao

Im getting braids after my relaxer stretch
2:30pm╚► Chamieka

Kinky twists more than likely

I feel like I retained the most growth from them

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I see you HI No but for real...When Im fresh from the salon and arriving at work the two hens I work start clucking..But its to the point where it doesnt bother me anymore because while they wishing it would fall out, Im making sure it dont...Now their hair on the other hand......
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Oh yeah I know this problem all too well. And it's funny because a lot of it is within the fam... crazy. Now all of a sudden my hair was always "good" when I was a kid... yeah right, I remember my momma pulling and tuggin on my hair as a kid all the while she's complainin. And now she's claiming my texture was "Good" , whateva. Cause it's too hard to agree that black hair is tha bomb all you have to do is take care of it!
I see you HI No but for real...When Im fresh from the salon and arriving at work the two hens I work start clucking..But its to the point where it doesnt bother me anymore because why they wishing it would fall out, Im making sure it dont...Now their hair on the other hand......

Omg. Good thing I work with all white people lol.. Everyone at work compliments me on my hair- and I haven't even made my goal yet! :grin:
Oh yeah I know this problem all too well. And it's funny because a lot of it is within the fam... crazy. Now all of a sudden my hair was always "good" when I was a kid... yeah right, I remember my momma pulling and tuggin on my hair as a kid all the while she's complainin. And now she's claiming my texture was "Good" , whateva. Cause it's too hard to agree that black hair is tha bomb all you have to do is take care of it!

OMG! THAT IS SO SO SO SO TRUE! MY sister is my biggest hater. And then my sister in-law and then my aunt! These people is crazy! My sister-in laws hair is half way down her fricken back and she`s HATING?! WHY SOO!!
Oh yeah I know this problem all too well. And it's funny because a lot of it is within the fam... crazy. Now all of a sudden my hair was always "good" when I was a kid... yeah right, I remember my momma pulling and tuggin on my hair as a kid all the while she's complainin. And now she's claiming my texture was "Good" , whateva. Cause it's too hard to agree that black hair is tha bomb all you have to do is take care of it!

:lachen:LMAO! I know, it's amazing how my hair all of the sudden became "good hair" since it's long! As a kid, i remember breaking combs and brushes. Nobody wanted to do my hair. :nono:
OMG! THAT IS SO SO SO SO TRUE! MY sister is my biggest hater. And then my sister in-law and then my aunt! These people is crazy! My sister-in laws hair is half way down her fricken back and she`s HATING?! WHY SOO!!

She is used to being the one in the fam with long hair. She doesn't want you challenging her for her title!
smh at her trying to bring you down under the guise of being 'realistic'. she was determined to convince you that you're delusional lol.
I'm really grateful for not having experienced this yet with my friends or family. I will say though maybe in some.....just some of these cases - there could a deeper problem or issue at hand (that may or may not have to do with you) that kinda creeps up when they comment on your hair....

Either way, i'm sorry to hear about that and just keep your head up!
dont forget its sunmmer time I would hate for you to be depressed when the winter comes and it starts to shed u have gotten so hair crazy
2:17pm╚► Chamieka

Yeah- I am hair crazy

Because Im finally taking care of it

And seeing lots of progress lol

Im getting my hair braided from September-April so I wont see any shedding


I just wanted to point out that:
1. Hair sheds all the time, every day. Now, people do report that they seem to have seasonal shedding where their hair sheds more during a certain time. But, it's not like people's hair only sheds in winter and doesn't any other time.

2. While your hair is braided, it will still shed. You just won't notice it while it's in the braids. But when you take the braids out you will have balls of hair coming out and probably get on LHCF and make a thread about your hair falling out.

In reality, it will just be the accumulated shedding that is coming out and nothing to worry about. Make sure you detangle very very well before you shampoo your hair or else you'll end up like Ateya.
Is she a member of LHCF? Maybe a really really REALLY close friend? Otherwise, I wouldn't have told her jack sh*t about what I do to my hair.
I just wanted to point out that:
1. Hair sheds all the time, every day. Now, people do report that they seem to have seasonal shedding where their hair sheds more during a certain time. But, it's not like people's hair only sheds in winter and doesn't any other time.

2. While your hair is braided, it will still shed. You just won't notice it while it's in the braids. But when you take the braids out you will have balls of hair coming out and probably get on LHCF and make a thread about your hair falling out.


I wear braids semi-often and whenever I worn them my growth has always outweighed my shedding and/or breakage. So probably not.
In reality, it will just be the accumulated shedding that is coming out and nothing to worry about. Make sure you detangle very very well before you shampoo your hair or else you'll end up like Ateya.

She meant shedding like it would totally fall out. It sheds now, but DEFINITELY not as much as it used too. When I come my hair I see nothing on the brush or comb (I comb/brush rarely) but thats not the point- I hope what Im doing now will prepare my hair for braids- which will hopefully decrease the shedding.
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Is she a member of LHCF? Maybe a really really REALLY close friend? Otherwise, I wouldn't have told her jack sh*t about what I do to my hair.

Actually, she's my aunt. If it was someone on LHCF I`d be surprised. I like to pick & chose the wisdom, advice and products that I use on here & with my family. What truly works for one persons hair doesn't work for everyone's and Ive come to notice that!
I mean its really not hard to achieve healthy hair once you commit to it..Dont get mad at me because I chose that route and you steady cutting your off. Honestly, when i come in the room its like I hear deep breaths and muttering. But no matter, I swing that hair like its waistlength. One of them had the nerve to ask me where I get my hair done and I politely gave her the wrong information...
She meant shedding like it would totally fall out. It sheds now, but DEFINITELY not as much as it used too. When I come my hair I see nothing on the brush or comb (I comb/brush rarely) but thats not the point- I hope what Im doing now will prepare my hair for braids- which will hopefully decrease the shedding.

Well I just don't want you to be disappointed because generally, you can't decrease shedding below your body's normal rate. Now, if your scalp was irritated due to a product or fungus (or something similar), or you were taking medication that caused you to shed more than you should have then fixing those problems should decrease your shedding.

The only other things that I've seen research on that decrease shedding are garlic and caffeine. And even with the research, there's no real answer as to whether those things decrease shedding permanently or just temporarily. It seems more likely to me that it's just temporary because shedding is a part of the follicle's life cycle, that's just the way it is.

Anyway, just remember that your hair is still going to shed even in braids and make sure that you detangle thoroughly when you take them out BEFORE you shampoo.
I mean its really not hard to achieve healthy hair once you commit to it..Dont get mad at me because I chose that route and you steady cutting your off. Honestly, when i come in the room its like I hear deep breaths and muttering. But no matter, I swing that hair like its waistlength. One of them had the nerve to ask me where I get my hair done and I politely gave her the wrong information...

Why would you do that?

See this is the reason why many black women find it difficult to achieve long hair. Because when we do finally work up the nerve to ask someone with beautiful hair where they get it done or what they do to it, they lie or have a stank attitude about it.

All that does is contribute to the notion that you either have to have "good" hair in order for it to be long or that there is some kind of "hair growing" magic secret that only certain people can have. And, that women with long hair have an "attitude". That's why you have folks cutting off people's hair or trying to sabotage them in some other way.

I want every black woman who wants long hair to have it and even if they are rude to me, I'm not going to stoop to their level and LIE when they ask me a question.
Why would you do that?

See this is the reason why many black women find it difficult to achieve long hair. Because when we do finally work up the nerve to ask someone with beautiful hair where they get it done or what they do to it, they lie or have a stank attitude about it.

All that does is contribute to the notion that you either have to have "good" hair in order for it to be long or that there is some kind of "hair growing" magic secret that only certain people can have. And, that women with long hair have an "attitude". That's why you have folks cutting off people's hair or trying to sabotage them in some other way.

I want every black woman who wants long hair to have it and even if they are rude to me, I'm not going to stoop to their level and LIE when they ask me a question.

Then you my lady, are one of the good ones :yep:. After all of the questions I have answered that always seem to end in a "no longer interested rushing me to finish ok". I'm no longer interested in answering questions from anyone who isn't immediate family(lives near or keep in touch with) or on LHCF.
:lachen:LMAO! I know, it's amazing how my hair all of the sudden became "good hair" since it's long! As a kid, i remember breaking combs and brushes. Nobody wanted to do my hair. :nono:
LOL Exactly!!!! I know i'm not crazy becuase all I remember was being in pain having to deal with that hot comb on saturday night to get my hair "church ready" on Sunday morning
That transcript sounds like me and one of my friends. She's very doubtful about my hair and it's progress and can never compliment me on how good it looks.
Why would you do that?

See this is the reason why many black women find it difficult to achieve long hair. Because when we do finally work up the nerve to ask someone with beautiful hair where they get it done or what they do to it, they lie or have a stank attitude about it.

All that does is contribute to the notion that you either have to have "good" hair in order for it to be long or that there is some kind of "hair growing" magic secret that only certain people can have. And, that women with long hair have an "attitude". That's why you have folks cutting off people's hair or trying to sabotage them in some other way.

I want every black woman who wants long hair to have it and even if they are rude to me, I'm not going to stoop to their level and LIE when they ask me a question.
Although I wouldn't lie, I see where she is coming from. My answer to "where do you get your hair done" is always "I do it myself". Not a lie, and if they REALLY want more info they will ask the right questions.
OMG! THAT IS SO SO SO SO TRUE! MY sister is my biggest hater. And then my sister in-law and then my aunt! These people is crazy! My sister-in laws hair is half way down her fricken back and she`s HATING?! WHY SOO!!
Yeah and I haven't even got on my BF's mom... She had the nerve to tell him that she was tired of me walking around swangin my hair and flipping it around all day... I'm like she is crazy 1st of all my hair is bunned up most of the time...2nd she is the one always bringing my hair into the conversation and 3rd she's jealous cause I didn't have to get loans and sit in a class to learn the "Correct" way to take care of my hair! She's the one telling me not to wash my hair so much becuase it will dry out. And whats worse is I go out of my way to not talk about or show off my hair becuase I know there are haters in the world. I wish I lived in a world were the mindset here on this forum was standard in the rest of the world... that would be awesome!
Then you my lady, are one of the good ones :yep:. After all of the questions I have answered that always seem to end in a "no longer interested rushing me to finish ok". I'm no longer interested in answering questions from anyone who isn't immediate family(lives near or keep in touch with) or on LHCF.

Although I wouldn't lie, I see where she is coming from. My answer to "where do you get your hair done" is always "I do it myself". Not a lie, and if they REALLY want more info they will ask the right questions.

I don't think there's anything wrong with not answering questions or given a short answer. That's fine, you may not feel like it or you can tell the person is uninterested.

But in the interest of unity and building other black women up, I think it behooves those of us with the knowledge to at least try to put some of it out there. Even if it's a little bit. Lying is just so...immature and ridiculous.

I've known a number of black, long haired women in my life and most of them seemed to want to be the only long haired woman in the room, so to speak. They don't want you to have long hair as well because then they don't stand out anymore. Lying about where you get your hair done just contributes to that negativity. It's no wonder people "hate" on long-haired black women when people act like that.