Hair Growth & Retention -- How Long Will It Take?


i was recently at a family reunion. with me, i always hear from my relatives about how my hair grows so quick. (i was bald a year and a half ago.) no matter what i say to the contrary, the truth is my hair doesn't grow quick. in fact it grows at a below average rate -- about 5 in a year (average being @ 6 in). but because i've developed a regime that allows me to keep every inch that grows from my head, it seems like it grows quickly. all i'm doing is retaining its length.

i was reminded of all the misconceptions about our hair and its ability to grow, or not grow. so for the sake of all the newbies out there, and anyone interested in the topic of growth & retention, lets share our experiences & knowledge. really how long will it take to reach collar bone, armpit, brastrap or midback length?

here's what i've measured for my hair starting from a bald head/big chop, measuring from front hairline stretched downward towards my chest/front. (my hair grows @ 5 in a year as long as i'm keeping up with my vitamins/supplements/nutrition:grin:):

1 year = nose length (5 in)
2 years = chin length (10 in)
3 years = collarbone/shoulder length (15 in)
4 years = midback(brastrap length for the ladies) (20 in)
5 years = waistlength (25 in)

here what i've measured for my hair starting from a bald head/big chop, measuring from nape stretched downward towards my waist/back:

1 year = neck length (5 in)
2 years = shoulder blade length (10 in)
3 years = midback(brastrap length for the ladies) (15 in)
4 years = waistlength (20 in)
5 years = waistlength and beyond ... :grin: (25+ in)

(all these are assuming i don't have any major cuts or setbacks/regime changes. the longest my hair has ever been was 18 inches layered, a little past midback in the back. i plan to grow it to waistlength, and see where i can go from there:grin:.)

i do want to clarify to the newbies out there, so we don't set up unrealistic growth expectations & possible disapointments, most people will not grow hair from ear length to full bsl in 1 year, that would take about 2 years minimum. most people start with some hair, not from scratch like myself, so i'll use some other examples:

scenario 1 -- maintained "blunt/even" cut: if you start out with a blunt cut, ear length bob -- and your hair grows an avg. of 6 in. a year -- in a year your hair will be collar bone/shoulder length. in two years your hair will be bsl/mbl. this is all assuming that your hair is getting the cqc (consistant, quality, care) it needs to retain its growth, and you don't have any setbacks.

scenario 2 -- maintained layered style: if you start out with a layered style, say the hairline falls to your ears & the nape rests on the top of your shoulders -- in a year your hair will be collar/shoulder length in the front, but apl to bsl/mbl in the back, albeit a thin one. and assuming that your hair is healthy, it's not that your ends are really "thin", it's just that your hair naturally grows in layers -- the top layers just haven't reached that length yet. the bottom ones will always seem to outgrow the rest of your length, giving that usual v or w shape unless you cut it even. so in another year the front layers will be bsl/mbl and the back will be close if not at waistlength.

(please note that in both these scenarios we're starting from an ear length bob or a basically shoulder length style -- about a year to a year & a halfs worth of growth. to go from a big chop/bald head to waist length is going to take @ 5 years -- depending on growth rate/retention)

if you don't keep your hair blunt cut/trimmed, the bottom will always get to your length goals quicker, just because of the fact that your nape is closer to your brastrap/midback then your crown, or hairline. so you then have the choice of growing to your hair length goals then trimming, trimming as you go, or somewhere in-between:grin:.

i fall more into the grow to your hair goals then trim camp, i think mainly because with my hair i'm not to much concerned with clean lines, precision, or having a set style. besides, natural hair doesn't do precise, or cut-even very well. it pretty much will draw-up, shrink, curl or stretch with a life of its own:lachen:. so i do occasional search & destroys as needed. since i mainly wear braids or twists, this is enough to keep my mane in check.

now on the rare occassions when i wear straight styles, i notice the urge to trim, cut-even comes like a roar:look:. when my hair is straight i notice the unevenness & mad layers. even hair straightens with your flat iron much easier, because all the hair stops/ends at the same point -- allowing you to maintain consistent tention as you glide the flat iron across the length. there's safety in numbers when it comes to heat, versus having those layered, scraggilers messing up the tension, :grin:, i always find myself dusting my ends to even them up more when i wear straight styles. luckily i rarely wear them anymore. or i might never see any growth:ohwell:.

but the basic truth is cqc, find what works for your hair & stick with it, and you will see results in growth & retention.
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Teach, teach!!!

Education is the key to steady growth, healthy hair and maintaining length.

Good post.
Sounds good and I'm one of those pple who started out with neck length short layers and in 17 months I was bsl, and that included all around dusting ( 1/4 of an inch trim with every t-up). So you are on point with the senerios, retention is everything.
Excellent, excellent thread. It is important to keep our expectations and perspective for hair growth in check every so often to make sure we are on track and don't get discouraged. Thanks so much for the info. You're such an angel. :littleang
Sounds good and I'm one of those pple who started out with neck length short layers and in 17 months I was bsl, and that included all around dusting ( 1/4 of an inch trim with every t-up). So you are on point with the senerios, retention is everything.

wow, such an inspiration. I had neck length short layers in May, I only hope I retain like you did and reach BSL in 17 months!!! :)
Very good post. Hopefully it will help give patients to those who
think hair grows to great length in a year.

My hair is on about the same growth schedule. I don't measure,
but in Sept 2006 my hair was about 1 in past shoulder it is now
at the 1st hook of my bra when stretched.

KissKiss - I'm sure that other ladies will give more, but
here are a couple:

1. Listen to your hair. Just because something works for someone
else doesn't mean it will work for you.
2. Deep condition at least 1/wk
3. Moisturize ends daily.
4. Minimize direct heat usage, and use a heat protectant when
using direct heat.
5. Wear a satin/silk scarf, bonnet, to bed or use silk/satin pillowcase
6. Detangle very gently with a wide toothed comb.
7. Cover head when outside in winter, if you live in a climate that is
extreemly cold in winter.
8. Be patient and stick to your regimen.

HTH :)

ETA: okay that's more than a couple, but what can I say......
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Very good post. Hopefully it will help give patients to those who
think hair grows to great length in a year.

My hair is on about the same growth schedule. I don't measure,
but in Sept 2006 my hair was about 1 in past shoulder it is now
at the 1st hook of my bra when stretched.

KissKiss - I'm sure that other ladies will give more, but
here are a couple:

1. Listen to your hair. Just because something works for someone
else doesn't mean it will work for you.
2. Deep condition at least 1/wk
3. Moisturize ends daily.
4. Minimize direct heat usage, and use a heat protectant when
using direct heat.
5. Wear a satin/silk scarf, bonnet, to bed or use silk/satin pillowcase
6. Detangle very gently with a wide toothed comb.
7. Cover head when outside in winter, if you live in a climate that is
extreemly cold in winter.
8. Be patient and stick to your regimen.

HTH :)

ETA: okay that's more than a couple, but what can I say......

What do you use to moisturize your ends--a water-based leave-in or something other?:rolleyes:
What do you use to moisturize your ends--a water-based leave-in or something other?:rolleyes:

I use a mixture of aloe vera gel, leave-in cond., and oil (jojoba, emu, or cranberry), then seal with castor oil, olive butter, or avocado butter. The oil or conditioner that I use depends on what my ends 'ask' for, and whether I straighten my hair or not.
I use a mixture of aloe vera gel, leave-in cond., and oil (jojoba, emu, or cranberry), then seal with castor oil, olive butter, or avocado butter. The oil or conditioner that I use depends on what my ends 'ask' for, and whether I straighten my hair or not.

CRANBERRY oil??? o_O let me calm down..i am an oil junkie i have enough already...

OP, great thread and looks like you're right on schedule!:yep:
I need some tips on how to retain length
^^^ what she said...bump

you basically have to find products & techniques that allow your hair to not break off on the ends as it grows from the roots.

some things that have worked for me:

slippy, moisturizing/smoothing botanical conditioners
co-washing (moisture retention = strand retention)
layered hydration (wms: wet, moisturize, seal)
minimal heat (flat-iron a few times a year)
protective styles (yarn braids, twists, braids)
going natural (thicker, healthier, stronger hair)
research (books, websites, videos)
occassional trimming (ssks removal, thicker, fuller ends)
supplements (multivitamins, protein, msm, biotin)
a positive attitude, patience & belief ... just don't give up:)

lol, that's all i can think of for now. enjoy your journey.
Thanks for bumping. Very informative. I think I'm on track, but this weave has me going crazy 'cause I miss my hair. Time for this weave to leave!