Hair growth rate

Shoot I started my Freeda Biotin about a month ago. This is encouraging. DSD also gets and inch per month and she uses Freeda. How long did it take before you started noticing an inch per month?
I wasn't really paying attention until the other day. I was looking at some hairs that I had shed and since I am transitoning I was measuring the new growth on the hairs. The growth ranged from 1 inch to over and inch in a half. It depended on the section the hair care form. But, there was no hair under an inch. It has been 6 weeks since my last relaxer.
ArmyQT, thanks. I do get an inch a month from supplements. I am currently trying to increase that. I know one month I got 1 1/2 inhces. If only I can keep those scissors out my hands!! It takes about a month to see results.
You were so right DSD! That stuff is great. I am going to start taking your dosage becuase I was only taking 5mgs. That stuff is great!
Thanks Brittany and DSD! I hope I start getting 1in a month
Wow, I wish I could get an inch a month. I dont even think that's possible for me. I just get 1/2 an inch. Maybe I should consider extra biotin other than what's already in my hair vits.
Wanda said:
Ok DSD, now you just had me go and purchase some. I purchased 10mg of Biotin. Hope it works!....Thanks

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Let me know!

I take my biotin in staggered dosage for fear that my body will become immune to the high dosage.

Week 1 - 12.5 mgs
Week 2 - 10 mgs
Week 3 - 7.5 mgs
Week 4 - sometimes none sometimes 2.5 mgs of maintenence dosage
Okay Biotin is normally measured in mcg...but I see that people are taking it in mg. What is the difference?
Okay..thanks for explaining brittany. How much did you say you take to get results?
That's what I have been taking(5mg). But, I am going to start taking more since it is working so well for me, I am getting an inch and more is some places.
Brittanynic16 and DSD - Can you please post the rest of your vitamin regime?
Freeda Biotin is amazing. I've been averaging 1.5-1.75 inches a month since switching to this brand of biotin.
dontspeakdefeat said:
Wanda said:
Ok DSD, now you just had me go and purchase some. I purchased 10mg of Biotin. Hope it works!....Thanks

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Let me know!

I take my biotin in staggered dosage for fear that my body will become immune to the high dosage.

Week 1 - 12.5 mgs
Week 2 - 10 mgs
Week 3 - 7.5 mgs
Week 4 - sometimes none sometimes 2.5 mgs of maintenence dosage

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DSD, I stagger my dosages too! Only I take 10mg in Week 1, 7.5mg in Week 2, 5mg in Week 3, and take a break in Week 4. This method works well for me and I like giving my body a break from supplements during that off week.