Hair Growth and Weight Loss Challenge 2014

I made broccoli and cheese soup and caesar salad last night. Then I ate a couple cookies I baked. Im trying to buy less sweets, because thats my weakness. Last nights weigh in said I gained a lb. Today im drinking water only, no chips, no sweets and ill see if that helps
I'd like to join!

Hair Goals

Current Length: BSL (14 inches all around)
2014 Goal Length: full MBL (17 inches), but WL (20 inches) would be nice
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural
Hair type: 4 B
How you will achieve goal: Protective Styling, mini-twists, and I will try more buns. I also need to moisturize and seal my ends more.

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: 191 (I'm 5'11")
Goal Weight: 175
Current Dress Size: 14
Goal Size: 10
Fitness Goal: tight and toned, get rid of stomach and my back fat, tone arms. I got down to 182 this summer but then I moved to a neighborhood with lots of tasty, high calorie options. Plus in my building, you can hear EVERYTHING (old row home), so I'm a little self-conscious about waking up early and working out in the living room. Don't want to disturb my downstairs neighbor.

I lost about 30 pounds in 2009, and 20 pounds in 2012 and kept it off, but now I'm slowly creeping back up. My highest weight ever was 232. The 170s seems to be the magic number I just can't get to and I want to break that barrier this year. I have a wedding to attend in the Dominican Republic in May, so I'm trying to use that as motivation.
I probably will change my dvd workouts to early morning. I just can't exercise around my son he thinks it's a dance party lol he is 6. He is also so encouraging telling me that I am going to get healthy and how I'm not fat just really soft. He is so cute, but I need to lose this for the both of us.

Hair update: my hair is doing great 1 week post relaxer. I didn't want to rinse my hair last night too cold so I damped it and oiled it with gso and gave myself 4 bantu knots. Came out nice and soft, pulled it up in a bun.
I probably will change my dvd workouts to early morning. I just can't exercise around my son he thinks it's a dance party lol he is 6. He is also so encouraging telling me that I am going to get healthy and how I'm not fat just really soft. He is so cute, but I need to lose this for the both of us.

Hair update: my hair is doing great 1 week post relaxer. I didn't want to rinse my hair last night too cold so I damped it and oiled it with gso and gave myself 4 bantu knots. Came out nice and soft, pulled it up in a bun.

Aw, your son sounds cute.
I have yet to get my motivation :nono: I did not exercise last night. I will make an extra effort tonight. For dinner I had a green smoothie and a chicken breast.

For breakfast I'm having a special k breakfast sandwich. I brought tortilla soup and broccoli for lunch. I will probably have another smoothie for dinner and something else.
I was good yesterday

Breakfast: plain yogurt with strawberries
Lunch: leftover chicken tagine
Dinner: chicken & bok choy stir fry

And I started p90x3 yesterday. And I took my dog for 2 brisk 20 minute walks.

I also used the LOC method to moisturize my hair. I'd strayed from doing that and I need to start again.

If I can keep this up I should look ok in my bikini on my vacation at the end of the month.
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I need to get in on this ASAP. I'll be back with stats.

P.S. I have a bunch of workout vids saved on my hard drive from eons ago; if I can find the site you can share big files on I'll link a few
Good day today.

Hair: Still Crochet braids

Exercise: 40 minutes Fitness blender Fat-burning Cardio

Breakfast: Protein Shake, 1 Slice Toast with ham and cheese.
Lunch: Homemade Stir-fry with chicken on egg noodles, handful of grapes.
Dinner: Homemade Stir-fry with chicken on egg noodles, two tangerines, greek yoghurt.

Many cups of unsweetened tea.
I did my Fitness Blender workout last night. I did the low impact cardio because I have a bad knee. I'm only going to do a workout 5 days a week. I do want to do 50 squats a day. I have an app on my phone to help me count them. I just need to figure out my diet now.
Hey fit friends. I resisted the urge to eat my second skinny cow ice cream sandwich out of boredom. Instead I took time to meditate. I was so relaxed that I fell asleep. That was probably the best nap ever!
Hey fit friends. I resisted the urge to eat my second skinny cow ice cream sandwich out of boredom. Instead I took time to meditate. I was so relaxed that I fell asleep. That was probably the best nap ever!

Haha, well done! Sounds like you had a good day . Keep staying strong :)
I just completed a fitness blender total body workout. I'm about to have a green smoothie for dinner.
I have finally got started. Took my vitamins when I got home. Had my smoothie for dinner and some almonds. I walked 2 miles and then I did a quick stretch.

I really need to go in to work early, then I will feel motivated to get things done when i get home.
Hair: Crochet braids (moisturised them)

Weight Today--> 152.2 lb (2.4 pounds down)
Exercise: Fitness Blender SweatFest Workout
Breakfast: Protein Shake + 1 Slice of Ham and Cheese Toast
Lunch: Tomato and 3 bean soup + Ham Sandwich + Tangerine+ homemade mocha
Dinner: Rest of tomato and 3 bean soup + Ham Sandwich + greek yoghurt.
Lots of water/ unsweetened tea.

Yeah I'm on a ham flex today because I need to finish what's in my fridge!
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Today will be day 3 of the first 28 days/10 min a day work out. Found an ideal workout by fitness blender and will build stamina slowly and use the treadmill intermittently so as not to become frustrated (again!) and quit.

Ate a lot of junk during the holidays, so I refuse to weigh myself this first go around as I know it will discourage me.

Eating a lot of protein and coconut oil. Cutting back on sugar and excessive carbs.

Here's to success, ladies. Poo-ya!
You sound like me. I got a cold and my hair is dry! Lol the kids go back to school today! So I can get a good workout in!

I'm gonna join
Current -sl
Goal - full apl
Relaxed 4a stretch 8-10 weeks. Use my crusty bun and occasionally wear a wig.
Weight goal is to maintain and build lean muscle definition
I want to drop 3 more inches from my waist
19%-20% bodyfat
Work on my curves.
I'm back in. Last year I started out real hard, but I feel off with my work outs toward the end of the challenge. I want to stay consistent. My hair on the other hand has thrived. I went from grazing APL to BSL.

Hair Goals
Current Length: BSL
2014 Goal Length: Full MBL or grazing WL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural
Hair type: 4 A/B
How you will achieve goal: I am trying out long term protective styling such as keeping in my braids (own hair) for at least four weeks at a time.

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight: 134
Goal Weight: 125
Current Dress Size: 6
Goal Size: 4
Fitness Goal: Slim down in my mid section and thighs.
How you will achieve goal:I just need to cut down on snacking and sweets, consume more water, more veggies, and get my protein up. I also need to stay consistent with my work outs.
So I haven't gone to the gym in two months...although I have been working out sporadically during that time at home. I had four teeth pulled almost three weeks ago, so during that time I didn't feel like doing much working out. I feel better now, so I'm back on it.

Yesterday I went back to the gym to do some arm work. My arms are still pretty diesel despite not working them out, so that's good. I don't have any back fat, so that is also good. However, I need to slim down this mid section and thighs. I was happy though because one of the personal trainers said I looked thin. :grin:

This morning I did an early morning ab workout with fitness blender. This afternoon after work I will go back to the gym for a back work out and some more cardio.
I stayed home from work yesterday and did absolutely nothing. NOTHING!!!! Oh, I did 10 squats :look:. Downloaded squat counter & pushups apps.

My eating was ok - day 2 of eating home prepared foods, and not going out.

Workout plan today: squats, pushups and may be 5K trainer on my treadmill or if DVD's come I'll do one of those.
Hair Goals
Current Length: Shoulder length
2014 Goal Length: BSL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: texlaxed
Hair type: 3C/4A
How you will achieve goal: Shampooing every week, apple cider vinegar rises every 2 weeks, deep conditioner x1 week, protein treatment every other week. Keep hair in twists under wig-no more braids! No more boar bristles brushes. Moisturize hair with spray and seal every other night. Take prenatal daily. Get back to being a pescetarian.

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight: 113.6
Goal Weight: 105
Current Dress Size: 4-6
Goal Size: 0-2
Fitness Goal: My goal is to close my trans-ab gap from pregnancy. Tone up, especially my thigh. Smaller boobs would also be lovely! I want more flexibility, energy, and stamina.
How you will achieve goal: TVA exercises daily to eliminate trans-ab gap. Ballet or other at-home workouts daily. Running at the gym whenever the little one will let me get out the house. Eating healthy, pescetarian, and clean.
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Looking forward to lunch today. Im eating soup, salad and a deli sanchwich. I love making my own food, because I know whats in it and how many calories im consuming.

I have a habit of weighing daily. But that gets frustrating because our weight fluctuates so much. I think wednesday will be my weigh in day. I was 164 this morning
Looking forward to lunch today. Im eating soup, salad and a deli sanchwich. I love making my own food, because I know whats in it and how many calories im consuming.

I have a habit of weighing daily. But that gets frustrating because our weight fluctuates so much. I think wednesday will be my weigh in day. I was 164 this morning

I have embraced my habit of compulsive daily weighing :lol: by using an app that plots trends in weight rather than focusing on the small fluctuations. This reassures me i'm going in the right direction, and I sweat the small stuff much less :) The app is called Libra Weight Tracker on android, maybe there's an iPhone version too.
Today was meh. I didn't eat breakfast, just had a clementine. Lunch was homemade indian fare from home, dinner will be melba toast, smoked salmon & creme fraiche. Its late so I don't want anything heavy. Will prob have another clementine.

Got my dvds today! Did JM for beginners. Its similiar to 30 DS but at a slower pace. My butt was still kicked!

Hair is holding up well in mini twists. Still nice & soft. Will spritz w/ water, moisturize & seal.
Worked out my back today at the gym. Felt great to get back in there. Got home and massaged my scalp with some Keravada Fenugreek, moisturized with Oyin Hair Dew & Annabelle's Pumpkin leave in spray, and added a little My Honey Child Buttery Soy to the ends. :lick: Yummy.

Tomorrow I have to get some studying in, so I might just do a fitness blender lower body workout at home.
I was good today. I went to happy hour with my coworkers but I just had water. No drinks no appetizers. For dinner I'm having homemade turkey chili with beans zucchini. Gotta get my vegetables in.
I want in!

Hair Goals

Current Length: BSB
2014 Goal Length: BSL by June, MBL by December
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural
Hair type: Not sure
How you will achieve goal: Less heat, more moisture

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: 156
Goal Weight: 130
Current Dress Size: 10
Goal Size: 6
Fitness Goal: I want to be able to run at least a half marathon by the end of 2014. I also and going to try to work out 3x a week.