Hair Growth and Weight Loss Challenge 2013

I'm doing the 6 week 6 pack workout M W F and running / walking T Th F for starters this week.

Improved muscle endurance and aerobic fitness by training with #PolarBeat.

I did a quickly workout this morning. Monday's are the worse for me. :/

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So today I officially starting to increase my water intake and vitamin. I am taking my one a day and EVCO tabs daily. I am working on bringing lunch to work so I won't get out of control with eating out for lunch daily. Baby steps one day at a time.
SimJam I am most definitely dairy intolerant. I don't drink milk, eat ice cream, etc. But I have a love affair with cheese :ashamed: never really considered gluten intolerance...I hope not though because gluten-free is extremely limited.

Froreal3 would u like to he my partner? I will also be joining myfitnesspal. I'll come back and post my username
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@SimJam I am most definitely dairy intolerant. I don't drink milk, eat ice cream, etc. But I have a love affair with cheese :ashamed: never really considered gluten intolerance...I hope not though because gluten-free is extremely limited.

@Froreal3 would u like to he my partner? I will also be joining myfitnesspal. I'll come back and post my username

actually i thought so too but it really is not.

I live in Jamaica and its been easy to find gluten free subs for the wheat based carbs I used to eat. rice,potatoes, corn products,pumpkin, oats (once processed in a gluten free factory), quinoa are all gluten free. And now Im learning to bake with gluten free flours (rice, coconut, pea and bean flours) so at least I can have my pancakes and breakfast muffins on the weekend.

and i just need to read ingredients to look for hidden sources of gluten.

So Im sure the variety is much more in the states :lick:
Is anyone doing fitness buddies as well? As I think it would be nice to have someone hold you accountable.


I agree, I need a fitness buddy because I find to many excuses not to get all of my workouts in per week. I need to be more faithful with my workouts.
I usually co-wash w/ my Garnier fruictis but I saw that I had a brand new bottle of Motions Moistureplus conditioner that has been hanging out in the bottom of my cabinet so I thought What the heck? I've never used it as a co-wash and only as a regular conditioner (long before my hhj began back on Sept 7th) but this morning, I saw that it actually did a better job than the Garnier fruictis. I DC'd w/ Elasta QP DPR 11 for about 2 hours (while I exercised-the heat worked great under my plastic cap by the way!!) then rinsed and used Cantu Shea butter leave in conditioner. Wrapped w/ Motions foaming wrap. My hair was soft and fluffy this morning when I unwrapped it. I used to flat iron after unwrapping but I stopped and have been heat free for about 2-3 weeks now. Used a wig for my protective style today.

Stayed under my 1500 calorie goal yesterday! Logged my calories in (Thanks fitness buddy for inspiring me!) Drank 80 ounces of water, took Women's multivitamin, 5000mcg biotin & 1000mg vitamin C. Did the "Workout trainer" app on my phone. 16 minutes of "Natural Booty Pop" program & 16 minutes of "Amazing Abs" (supposed to be 31 but couldn't make it :blush: so many crunches!!). Will hit the gym at work today on my lunch!!
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Hair Goals

Current Length: Shoulder
2013 Goal Length: BSB
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural
Hair type: 4a
How you will achieve goal: I don't have a solid regimen yet but I'm working on it. I make all of my hair products and will be including herbs and ayurveda. I will also be taking Biotin and MSM daily.

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: 220
Goal Weight: 160 for now but will re-evaluate when I get there.
Current Dress Size: 16
Goal Size: 10
Fitness Goal: Kettlebells, Shadow-Jitsu, Focused Flexibility, Floor 1
How you will achieve goal: Paleo/Primal, Green smoothies daily (getting a Nutribullet soon), keeping a schedule. I need to do SOMETHING every day even if it's not intense.

I don't know if I'll add pics. I used to keep them in a hidden app on my phone and it got deleted cuz I forgot the password.
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This is perfect timing for me. Thanks OP!

Hair Goals

Current Length: Full SL
2013 Goal Length: 4-6 more inches with full ends
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: relaxed
Hair type: 4 A/B
How you will achieve goal: co-washing,, minimal heat, wigs

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: 199.9 literally! :blush: :wallbash:
Goal Weight: 155-160
Current Dress Size: 14
Goal Size: 8-10
Fitness Goal: complete a full hour of old school Firm workout (step aerobic)
How you will achieve goal: Use Loseit app to track calories and exercise at least 5x a week for a minimum of 30 minutes each session.
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I agree, I need a fitness buddy because I find to many excuses not to get all of my workouts in per week. I need to be more faithful with my workouts.

Same here! Let's buddy up! I have a headache that's making me drag this evening. I'm going to take some meds and then lay it down. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I have two little ones with homework and everything else on their agenda it's hard for my workouts to be consistent. But I wore some pants today, size 6 that I hadn't been able to get back into in over 3 months, so I've made progress!

How was your workout today?
BGT: I'd like to join, please!! I need to apply the zen-like focus that I have to my hair growth to fitness! I am hoping this will be a motivator and support!

Hair Goals
Current Length: grazing WL
2013 Goal Length: HL or WHIP Length
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: natural
Hair type: 3 a,b,c
How you will achieve goal: frequent cowashing, avoiding heat, regular dustings, wet bunning, deep conditioning, vitamins, healthy eating, water.

Weight/Fitness GoalsCurrent Weight: 230
Goal Weight: 175-185
Current Dress Size: 16/18
Goal Size: 12/14
Fitness Goal: run and workout several times a week, increase endurance, complete at least 2-5k's, return to belly dance classes.
How you will achieve goal: DVDs in my basement, gym with hubby, winter walks and runs, running FB group, healthy eating changes, increase water intake.

I will post pics and measurements later, gators!

I was the same way about stating my weight, but there is thread on here where these women were discussing their weight loss and a lady whom had lost 114 pounds said something to knock the shame right out of me.

She said,"The first step in weight loss is to put yourself on FULL blast".

So I did. I am 304 pounds and hope to be 200 pounds by the end of 2013. Am I proud of my weight? No. Am I going to change it? Yes. Is there going to be bumps along the way? (As Mya on Girlfriends use to say) O HELL YES! BUT its GOING to happen. I love this challenge because we all are working towards a common goal, OVERALL HEALTHINESS!

I hope this makes you feel more comfortable in discussing your weight with us, if your still not comfortable then I completely understand. Just know there is no judgement here :hug2:
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Started working out with Insanity dvds my friend lent me. I'm working hard and I sweating like cray! Then I take a well deserved shower and co-wash my mini-braids before sealing with castor oil. This 2 for the price of 1 challenge is awesome!:yep:
So my workout routine actually started last Monday with Zumba. I took off on Tuesday and picked back up on Wednesday-Saturday with zumba/treadmill workouts--skipped Sunday-- and jumped back in it on Monday (early morning 3-mile run).
Thanks to a personal trainer of mine, I figured out that my old workout routine was causing me to build up abs on top of my already fat stomach :ohwell:
So for the next two weeks I'm going to be doing strict treadmill exercises to trim up and THEN build muscle later on down the line. With that being said, today is my Zumba/Treadmill day....and I'm so ready to get to it!
Hair Goals

Current Length: APL
2013 Goal Length: BSL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: natural
Hair type: 3C/4AB
How you will achieve goal: low heat, protective styling (buns, wigs, ceilies, etc.), cowashing, dc with baggie,

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: 209
Goal Weight: 150
Current Dress Size: 16/18
Goal Size: Don't have one. Was a 6-10 in college
Fitness Goal: Lower the effects of my fibromyalgia and be able to workout without being in pain, lose my belly, and strengthen my back. Um, not lose my boobs lol.
How you will achieve goal: juicing, incorporating more whole foods, lowering the amounts of caffeine and sugar consumption, yogalates, yoga, pilates (lighter versions)
Didn't do the treadmill like I'd wanted to but I completed my workouts last night. Burned 85 calories on "Art of Exercise" & 108 calories on "Natuarl Booty Pop." LOL! I know 193 calories don't seem like a lot but my body definitely felt it when I finished both workouts :woot:. Will aim a little higher this evening for maybe 3 workouts.

Oh & I'll be doing my co-wash this evening before I workout then put in the DC & keep it in while I workout.
So I been eating a little better. More water and daily vitamins. Daily intake of coconut oil and more veggies. Instead of a bagel I am choosing instant oatmeal. Small steps make big changes. So hopefully my hair and body will soon thank me.
Posted in the health forum too:

About to start week 3 of livefit. I have been working out for almost five weeks now and the scale hasn't budged much. At first i was going to the gym 5 days a week doing 20-30 mins of moderate cardio, then strength training for about 30 minutes. Then i found livefit, which in phase 1 (first 4 weeks) you don't do any cardio...just strength. I agree with the concept of more ST over a ton of cardio to lose weight.

Now i recently found out that i probably haven't been eating enough calories. My TDEE is 2170. 15% cut is about 1844. That means i should have been eating at least 1700-1800/day. I have been averaging 1400, which is only enough to keep me alive if i were doing absolutely nothing...laying still in bed all day. Smh

You live and you learn, right? Good news is I can eat more. My diet is already 95% clean, so hopefully I will start to see more results!
Had a good workout with TurboFire 45 and then weights and abs today. Feeling great. Shampoo and deep condition on yesterday. Running and crossfit tomorrow. On a roll for this double whammy!!
I'm on my second week of Insanity (day 2 completed). I'm loving this workout and every grunt, cramp and drop of sweat that comes with it lol. Now I just need to clean up my diet a little more. I'm also going to start to eat most of my calories in the morning and have a light diner and see how that goes.

On another note, I took my mini-braids out and wore a twist-out yesterday. I like how it hung around shoulder length. Very happy with my hair right now. At this rate, I'll be full BSL just in time for my birthday in march :) (I hope I can have my abs by then too!)
Hair Goals

Current Length: Full APL
2013 Goal Length: Full BSL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: natural
Hair type: 4 A/B
How you will achieve goal: Weekly DCs, CG method, lunar trims

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: 200
Goal Weight: 180
Current Dress Size: 12/14/16
Goal Size: 10
Fitness Goal:Finish P90x
How you will achieve goal: Insanity, swimming.

Fat pics to come!
I'm in,

Hair Goals

Current Length: SL
2013 Goal Length: Full APL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: texlaxed
Hair type: 4B
How you will achieve goal: learning to roller sets, u-part wigs, buns, texlaxing ever 4 months, weekly steam treatment

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: 157
Goal Weight: 125-130
Current Dress Size: 8
Goal Size: 4
Fitness Goal: Tone Up, Stick with my personal training
How you will achieve goal: Meet with my personal trainer 3 times a week for 30 min. Do 30min of cardio 2 times a week on my own.Try to follow the 1000 calories, 5 meals a day, increase protein decrease carbs

I will post pics when I get home
Hair Goals

Current Length: EL
2013 Goal Length: past SL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: relaxed
Hair type: not sure
How you will achieve goal: up deep conditioning, JBCO, protective styling, keeping hair moist daily, up biotin and vitamin intake

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: 160
Goal Weight: 150
Current Dress Size: 10
Goal Size: 8-10
Fitness Goal: I lost 27 pounds and need to tone and strengthen more, build more muscle and definition
How you will achieve goal: working out at the gym, using the weight machines/strength training, cardio classes, bodypump, turbo kick and zumba.