Hair damaged from fighting

i had a lot of fights growing up. Always bcus some1 underestimated my size. thy would go straight for my hair, every single girl:lol: after awhile i knew tht move so well and how to avoid and attack:lol:. i go straight for the throat or titties.
vaseline works against scratches too
i had a lot of fights growing up. Always bcus some1 underestimated my size. thy would go straight for my hair, every single girl:lol: after awhile i knew tht move so well and how to avoid and attack:lol:. i go straight for the throat or titties.
vaseline works against scratches too

You too? I had no idea this board was so hood! :blush::lachen:
And you know it's bad when you have to go to school with this person... you can't hang out in the courtyard during lunch; have to eat your lunch in the principal's office! :lachen:

Don't get caught walking to school or home... IT'S ON!

Yeah that's too much. That has to be an unfortunate way to live poor girl:lachen::lachen:
i had a lot of fights growing up. Always bcus some1 underestimated my size. thy would go straight for my hair, every single girl:lol: after awhile i knew tht move so well and how to avoid and attack:lol:. i go straight for the throat or titties.
vaseline works against scratches too

Witch hazel too!! Pack your face down with it and it works wonders!!!

That's why small chicks know how to fight because they have to know how otherwise y'all gonna get beat up every day.
Lol well last one was last month and my cousin got a good piece of my hair. She was actually nursin her daughter (1 month) and we got in an argument it escladed and we fought she forgot she had the baby in her arms and just jumped on me and pulled my hair so I had to beat her a$$.
The baby daddy was there so he caught the baby and tried to break us up. He cudnt cuz we was "too much for him" my cousins and aunts ran in the room tryin to break us up. I finally stopped. N den she just ran and jumed on me !! pulled my hair and dropped to the floor ...I mean dis h0* put. Her FULL body weight on my hair so I had to fall to the floor also to keep her from ripping out my Fu**ing scalp! Den I really let go and beat her face and ripped out her hair. Hair was allllll overrrr my hair kept brakin for 3 days and my scalp was so swollen it started to pus and I cudnt even touch that part of my head. To this day we no longer speak and I do not adknowledge her as my cousin.

And you know it's bad when you have to go to school with this person... you can't hang out in the courtyard during lunch; have to eat your lunch in the principal's office! :lachen:

Don't get caught walking to school or home... IT'S ON! :lachen:
Bump all that. It's time to change schools and start from scratch. That's no way to live!
i had a lot of fights growing up. Always bcus some1 underestimated my size. thy would go straight for my hair, every single girl:lol: after awhile i knew tht move so well and how to avoid and attack:lol:. i go straight for the throat or titties.
vaseline works against scratches too

:lachen::lachen::grin::grin: This is very funny!
If somebody wanted to get smoked right quick, that would be the way to do it...

ETA: I was always the tallest girl in class so people were not quick to pick fights with me and when did, they always ganged up on me. That didn't matter, I was too tall and to rough for them anyway...I grew up with boy cousins and used to beat them up all the time for practice. Those girls didn't know who they were tryna set it off with. There was none of that fighting like a girl stuff... we used to knock jokas out....LOL :boxing:
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i had a lot of fights growing up. Always bcus some1 underestimated my size. thy would go straight for my hair, every single girl:lol: after awhile i knew tht move so well and how to avoid and attack:lol:. i go straight for the throat or titties.
vaseline works against scratches too

:lachen: don't forget salt under the nails for when you lay dem scratches! :lachen:

I didn't get into many fights but it was always the "she think she cute because....". It was always the hair they went after....ALWAYS but I learned to bob, weave and jab right for the nose :hardslap:. Stops them in their tracks! :
vaseline on your face and big cheap cluster rings. i was one of the girls who grew up with a lighter skin tone and had hair down my back and those ugly ghetto grease monkeys hated me but my grandmother would kill us if we came home beat up. I didn't have many fights but those I had I'm sure the chicks would shake if they saw me now. I would totally blackout and just go crazy, only because I wanted that to be my one and only fight with them, don't want to do this everything I see you. My uncle said beat the head and that was my goal, get the head.

i had no brothers and sisters just little ole me. you hit me and and i didn't hit you back and my grandmother found out, it was a death sentence. either you or me and she ain't whipping me
:lachen: don't forget salt under the nails for when you lay dem scratches! :lachen:

I didn't get into many fights but it was always the "she think she cute because....". It was always the hair they went after....ALWAYS but I learned to bob, weave and jab right for the nose :hardslap:. Stops them in their tracks! :

we use to dig our nails in onions bcus thts spose to make them sharper for slicin sombody face quickr:lachen:
i use to take the stones out my rings so the prongs would cut u
There was one girl in my hostel that was known to be a bully!
She tried snatching my boyfriend but to her disappointment her plans failed and she thought she could beat me up.
When she attacked me with a broken bottle (luckily for me someone snatched the bottle off her hands) I reached for her hair and yanked 2 handsful out, leaving her with a large bald area on her scalp!!
Lol well last one was last month and my cousin got a good piece of my hair. She was actually nursin her daughter (1 month) and we got in an argument it escladed and we fought she forgot she had the baby in her arms and just jumped on me and pulled my hair so I had to beat her a$$.
The baby daddy was there so he caught the baby and tried to break us up. He cudnt cuz we was "too much for him" my cousins and aunts ran in the room tryin to break us up. I finally stopped. N den she just ran and jumed on me !! pulled my hair and dropped to the floor ...I mean dis h0* put. Her FULL body weight on my hair so I had to fall to the floor also to keep her from ripping out my Fu**ing scalp! Den I really let go and beat her face and ripped out her hair. Hair was allllll overrrr my hair kept brakin for 3 days and my scalp was so swollen it started to pus and I cudnt even touch that part of my head. To this day we no longer speak and I do not adknowledge her as my cousin.

Lol well last one was last month and my cousin got a good piece of my hair. She was actually nursin her daughter (1 month) and we got in an argument it escladed and we fought she forgot she had the baby in her arms and just jumped on me and pulled my hair so I had to beat her a$$.
The baby daddy was there so he caught the baby and tried to break us up. He cudnt cuz we was "too much for him" my cousins and aunts ran in the room tryin to break us up. I finally stopped. N den she just ran and jumed on me !! pulled my hair and dropped to the floor ...I mean dis h0* put. Her FULL body weight on my hair so I had to fall to the floor also to keep her from ripping out my Fu**ing scalp! Den I really let go and beat her face and ripped out her hair. Hair was allllll overrrr my hair kept brakin for 3 days and my scalp was so swollen it started to pus and I cudnt even touch that part of my head. To this day we no longer speak and I do not adknowledge her as my cousin.

Oh no! That's horrible. I'm so sorry that happened to the both of you and in your own family. I hope you two can find a way to forgive each other.
I can't imagine fighting with family like that now... I did back in the day though...
I've NEVER been the fighting type. I'm the type that thinks quick on her feet. I have a sharp tongue and can cut you down to nothing quick. Then I move around while everyone is like "ooohhhh, no she didn't". After a while people would try to provoke me just to hear me "ak a fool" and thought it funny. I wasn't trying to be a comedian and I had LOTS of wild hair to pull too. Thank goodness I came out ok from talking my way out of fights!
LOL @ How this thread has become a Fight Tactics 101 tutorial.

We are cousins, just trying to help each other out. I know people are taking notes. Shoot even I'm learning something. Salt and onions under the nails, didn't know that. But I don't fight anymore.
:lachen: don't forget salt under the nails for when you lay dem scratches! :lachen:

I didn't get into many fights but it was always the "she think she cute because....". It was always the hair they went after....ALWAYS but I learned to bob, weave and jab right for the nose :hardslap:. Stops them in their tracks! :
One cold cock punch dead in the center of someone's face will drop the average person like rock unless they are a scraper.

If that don't back em up, then I'm getting them off their feet on to the ground the quickest way I can and I proceed to kick the ish outta them because I hate breaking my nails.

I never scratch or pull hair but I have broken a few bones...
In HS-Had to do a group project with this really trashy, ill-mannered girl and she wanted to get in my face over a disagreement. I gave her several warnings to back up and it was on from there. My hair was a shaggy mess back then and she took a lot out:(, all you saw were broken hairs on my clothes-actually that was normal for my hair back then She always had lovely hair and I took some of hers out as well. That pulling must have did something because my hair actually grew very long after that! lol

Friend stole from me in college and I reported her. She and her cousin started playing pranks outside my door-I tried to ignore them. One day they followed me from the bathroom and the ex friend jumped on me-I tore her butt up! Thought I was getting jumped! It was funny because she had gotten her hair cornrowed, before I guess her plan to attack failed ,yet I pulled out several of them and she had a nice bald patch. Girls in the dorm were laughing their butts off about that. She tried to pull my hair out but I had curls in then and it was pretty greasy!

Another woman-took alot of her hair out! They said she looked like George Jefferson!

Lesson is-Dont judge a book by its cover! Greasy hair will give you slip, and to pull and tug at the roots!
This is why we must bring the Jherri Curl back :grin:, Try getting a good grip on Jherri Curled Locks!! Wait a minute . . . I just bought a bunch of Castor Oil and Jojoba Oil - I'm gonna slather it on and hand out the beat downs!!!
But, no seriously, I had the same thing happen to me in high school - I got in a fight with a girl with very short hair and first thing she went for was the hair. She didn't pull it out, but she yanked it hard enough to give me a bad headache. Girls are so much rougher these days.

OMG ... this thread has me over here crackin' up. Some of y'all are straight gully with it!!

Note to self: never mess with Sylver2 lest I want some onion in the eye!

Witch hazel too!! Pack your face down with it and it works wonders!!!

That's why small chicks know how to fight because they have to know how otherwise y'all gonna get beat up every day.[/quote]

the reason why my little bit behind was in fights every month :lachen: it aint easy being that "lil girl with the long (wsl) hair". man oh man did i beat my fair share of tall b*$hs :lachen:
We are cousins, just trying to help each other out. I know people are taking notes. Shoot even I'm learning something. Salt and onions under the nails, didn't know that. But I don't fight anymore.
I sure am. I haven't had a fight in a looong time but you never know when you may need to knock somebody out.:lachen: