This is what helped me get from scraping APL to an inch past BSB

See, my hair doesn't like being wet constantly.. it gets too mushy. I'm thinking of using the 14 in 1 to mist my hair, then using my Silken Child and some coconut oil to seal it in.

I'll try it for a month or so. I'm bunning every day (UPA clip) anyway. :) I'm gonna go get some satin stockings on my lunch break today.

Thanks for sharing Tiffers.. you know I love your hair!!
I do this every day.

Dunk my ends in water and the saturate them in AO HS and then bun my hair.

Also instead of buying satin/silk scrunchies I make my own. I buy a pack of silk stockings at target and cut the feet out and then with the rest of the stocking I cut strips (1 inch thick) and ta-dah! - silk scrunchies. I can make about 30 scrunchies with just 1 pair of stockings.
Thank you!
Great thread, Tiffers!
Thank you for sharing. I am looking for a good moisturizer too, so I will try the Hawaiian Silky one.
This gives me inspiration and hope because that's all I really do. Wet my hair until it's really damp and add conditioner/oil. My hair has never been in better condition. When it gets longer I'll bun more often too :)
Okay, okay I'm talking about wet length here. I'm not BSB yet unless my hair is wet, but it STILL counts for what I'm talkin about! :lachen:

Through most of my journey, my hair has been back in a wet bun. I stopped co washing a few months ago, but still wanted to keep my hair, and especially my ends, moisturized.

So what I do is this: Each day, I take my bun down and saturate it in moisturizer. I make my ends dang near dripping wet and I thoroughly wet my nape too, because it tends to be pretty dry. Then I put my hair in a bun and secure with a satin scrunchie.

This keeps my hair damp and my ends are constantly protected, wet and very moisturized. I have retained every single centimeter of growth that I've gotten :drunk: I went from scraping APL while wet to past BSB while wet in a few months doing this. I'm actually ahead of my schedule to reach BSB by December! :grin:

Just wanted to share. If you wanna reach your goals faster, keep your ends wet and moisturized, it works wonders!!! :yep:
good for you girl your hair is beautiful! thank you so much
I started bunning about 2 weeks ago. Then I was upset bc I wanted to start wet bunning but of course this time of year is not great for that. Thanks for giving me this alternative. I will start tomorrow.

Where did you get your garlic supplement? I was thinking of getting mine from Whole Foods or VitaminShoppe.
Okay, okay I'm talking about wet length here. I'm not BSB yet unless my hair is wet, but it STILL counts for what I'm talkin about! :lachen:

Through most of my journey, my hair has been back in a wet bun. I stopped co washing a few months ago, but still wanted to keep my hair, and especially my ends, moisturized.

So what I do is this: Each day, I take my bun down and saturate it in moisturizer. I make my ends dang near dripping wet and I thoroughly wet my nape too, because it tends to be pretty dry. Then I put my hair in a bun and secure with a satin scrunchie.

This keeps my hair damp and my ends are constantly protected, wet and very moisturized. I have retained every single centimeter of growth that I've gotten :drunk: I went from scraping APL while wet to past BSB while wet in a few months doing this. I'm actually ahead of my schedule to reach BSB by December! :grin:

Just wanted to share. If you wanna reach your goals faster, keep your ends wet and moisturized, it works wonders!!! :yep:

Thanks for the tip. Your hair is beautiful!