Hair Anorexia...oh no!!!


New Member
Who here has reached their hair goal and then decided...their hair isnt long enough??

When i first started my hair goal i was like APL is all i would want...i honestly thought anything longer that APL is gross....was i hating??... i think

So i reached APL in June and i felt like i have no0o0o hair at all so i continued my journey to BSL hair.

I recently got my hair staightened and im an inch to a half an inch away from BSL ( if im not there already), i am sure i will reach it by christmas.

I feel like i have no hair on my head, my mom and aunts couldnt beleive how long my hair was. One of my aunts actually pulled my make sure it was real( what if it wasnt??...:ohwell:).

So now i think ill only be satisfied with MBL/WL...he he he.

Is ones hair care journey ever done???...*sigh*:spinning:
I have hair anorexia really bad!
Anyway, even if your hair doesn't feel long to you, it looks shiny and healthy in your siggy!
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I haven't reached my goal, but i do have hair anorexia! My hair has been growing, but it still seems like it's not long...i think because of all the WL+ hair on LHCF, mine seems short by comparison. :perplexed
@ Spins: you said HL again!!!! oh gurl i cant wait fro me to reach HL lol...i honestly feel like my hair is short idk what it is. lol.
i think that if i reach MBL/WL ill lose my Hair Anorexia...or maybe
Thanks girl..i also feel like my hair photographs better then it really is..your hair GORGEOUS!!!.
i did the same thing!!! all i wanted was bsl hair. when i got there, all i wanted was mlb. got there then all i wanted was wl... got there then all i wanted was hl!!! got about 4 inches away from there... then got a trim and now i have to start over lol
@Moniinthemiddle: youll never want to wish such a devasting dissease like Hair Anorexia on anyone..but you might just get to APL and be like...nope want longer hair.

@ Mz. MoMo: Girl i wish i could reach a MBL and WL...Good for you.. What was your time frames between BSl-MBL, MBL-WL? took me a 9 mo from NL to APL and 5-6 mo from APL to BSL.
I haven't reached my goal, but i do have hair anorexia! My hair has been growing, but it still seems like it's not long...i think because of all the WL+ hair on LHCF, mine seems short by comparison. :perplexed

I agree with the bolded 100% seeing all these beautiful long heads makes me feel bald headed sometimes. My current goal is BSL I hope to hit it next summer but im sure as I see another MBL WL thread in feel bald again
@ppg: i feel you girl ima get to MBL and see a thread about someone with beautiful WL/HL hair..and then illhave to have it never ends lol.
I feel you.. I'm APL and I completely feel bald. I dont ever wear my hair out because i feel it's too short. I only let my hair out when i am moisturizing and washing. sigh. Cant wait till MBL
I definitely have hair anorexia! :yep: I'm thisclose to APL (like half an inch) yet my hair still seems, I dunno, shoulder-y to me. :ohwell:
*raises hand* I have hairexia.

I constantly doubt the thickness of my hair. I am constantly looking at the videos, post, and pictures of forum members and being jealous of other's thickness. It's not until I wash my hair and look in the mirror that I think my hair looks good. I also think there is a difference between having thick hair and having a lot of hair. I have a lot of hair but I don't think my hair is that thick.
@ Mz. MoMo: Girl i wish i could reach a MBL and WL...Good for you.. What was your time frames between BSl-MBL, MBL-WL? took me a 9 mo from NL to APL and 5-6 mo from APL to BSL.

from bsl to mbl it was about 3 months (i was bottom bsl possibly slightly passed)

and mbl to wl around 4 months.

how ever after this last cut it seems to be taking longer. i guess i grow slower in the winter than i do in the summer. plus this time i was right at bsl.

also... since i only started paying attention to growth and lengths around march, my measuring wasnt consistent. like my bsl pic was on 2nd day stretched 2nd day curls while my mbl was on wet hair and then my wl was done on both wet and flat ironed. this time i'm paying closer attention and being consistent with the pix so that i can have a more accurate timeline of how my hair grows.
I know I sho'll do feel bald headed. I am a little past SL and I hope to be APL soon. But man, when I see all the long hair here. It makes me wanna just hang my head in shame and leave the forum. :lol:

It also makes me feel some kinda way for thinking that SL hair was long before I came to LHCF. Can't explain it. :scratchch
@BestBlackGirl: i feel you on reaching MBL.

@Barbie83: the way you are thisclose to APL is teh way i am thisclose to BSL.. you can taste cant

@cmw85: im doubting the thickness of my hair as well...*sigh*

@Mz. MoMo: Your hair grows fast!! 5'4"

@exotic: girl when i see some of these heads on this site... i have to quicky leave while i hang my head in
I'm definately HA!! And have been since I was only 4 y.o. While growing up my hair would never seem to grow or it would always break faster than it grew:wallbash: Several years ago all I wanted was for it to get to APL. When it got to APL it still seemed way too short so then I wanted BSL (it seemed like it took an eternity to reach BSL). I still don't feel that I've fully reached BSL, but it's very close... Now that it's close to BSL -- that still seems waaaaaaaaayyy too short!!! Everytime I look at the lovely long hair on TLHCF I just cringe and ask, "Why can't my hair grow like that?!" My very next goal is to reach MBL - seems to be taking forever!!! My hair is longer than my fotki, but until I feel it's "really" BSL or longer I'm not posting ANY updates!!! Sorry, had to vent a bit:sad:
@2themax: i know how you feel. honestly i do... i swear these ladies hair on this board be growing in 2 days and for me it takes least it feels like it. lol. my hair is about BSL, and i think its so00oo0o0 short. lol.
from bsl to mbl it was about 3 months (i was bottom bsl possibly slightly passed)

and mbl to wl around 4 months.

how ever after this last cut it seems to be taking longer. i guess i grow slower in the winter than i do in the summer. plus this time i was right at bsl.

also... since i only started paying attention to growth and lengths around march, my measuring wasnt consistent. like my bsl pic was on 2nd day stretched 2nd day curls while my mbl was on wet hair and then my wl was done on both wet and flat ironed. this time i'm paying closer attention and being consistent with the pix so that i can have a more accurate timeline of how my hair grows.

Wow regimen please.

I feel hair anorexic but that's because while I judge lengths on stretched hair my hair won't feel long until it's long curly for me which will be forever. My hair before my hair cut was a few inches from BSL and shrunk up to mid neck length and that wasn't even fully shrunken. Right now I just want Sl curls so that could be WSL for me. I think I won't be so HA once I hit MBL (if that's possible that is) but I don't know because APL seemed quite long to me back in the day...
I have mixed feelings about this topic…...:ohwell:… I love my length but then my braidouts look shorter than what I desired…..:perplexed...…so I would prob be growing a couple more inches………..:look:
I got it too! When I first joined and I would see someone type that they are only APL, I would be like :rolleyes:, okkkaayyy. Now I'm APL and it doesn't feel like alot of hair. Everybody says my hair is sooo long, but I don't feel it. I've started wearing more bantu knot outs and it looks good, but it feels short to me.

I'm beginning to wonder if I'll be satisfied with WL hair or will I have to keep growing it out to TBL to cure this hair anorexia I have! :spinning:
Wow regimen please.

I feel hair anorexic but that's because while I judge lengths on stretched hair my hair won't feel long until it's long curly for me which will be forever. My hair before my hair cut was a few inches from BSL and shrunk up to mid neck length and that wasn't even fully shrunken. Right now I just want Sl curls so that could be WSL for me. I think I won't be so HA once I hit MBL (if that's possible that is) but I don't know because APL seemed quite long to me back in the day...

i have a summer and winter reggie (just developed as i just found my summer reggie doesnt work in the winter lol i'm still new at this).

but when i got the growth in the summer what i was doing was:

poo wash sundays and dc
co wash wed

prod: moisture spray (water/infusium/glycerin), evoo, pantene relaxed and natural cond as a leave in (in this order). moisturize as needed... if extra moisture is needed i'll use my magic butter lol (shea butter and evco whipped)

bun 5-7days a week. heat 1x every other month or less, go nite nite with a pretty wrap.

as it got colder i noticed this reggie seemed to have too much manipulation cause i was shedding way more than usual. but the winter reggie is still being tweaked, thank god i live in az and not some place that gets close to zero lol

i hope this helped though :D
Oh I have some serious issues

I thought APL would be good enough for me, but it wasn't. Then I got to BSL.. kept going. In my adult life I've never been MBL and although I do love my hair, I still feel like its not good enough. I'm almost at waist length and it STILL feels short. My goal is tailbone and if I still think I'm bald I'm outta luck because I refuse to go any longer than that. I hope.
YES!!! I have it bad. I am always pulling my hair to see how long I can make it stretch when curly and when straight, I run for the mirror and look at it constantly. I just have this desire to see how long I can grow it. I need to get over the constant checking. I know from experience that when I left my hair alone (while I was pregnant and too miserable to care about vanity) it grew to almost WL.
yes i suffer from this horrible disease....*sigh* my hair is a little past BSL and it still feels "shouldery" i think i have a severe case though
I am too am a Hair Anorexic..All I wanted was APL. When I got there it just seems soo short..I'm loving the thickness but still it's short. WL is my goal now. I just want beautiful long healthy hair. I want t be unique and prove to myself that I can make it to WL.

I'll try not to straighten my hair for a while to see if I can suprise myself with the length :ohwell:
After seeing all the WL and beyond ladies I have definitely suffered from hairanorexia, I used to think I would be happy with full thick bsl hair but now i can't see myself with anything less than full WL. I feel anything less than that is short on me.

I think with all the beautiful heads of hair on lhcf I will never be satisfied, if its not more length then I'll want more thickness, if not that then I'll want blunt ends, maybe after that I'll start wanting relaxed hair lol. Everyone's hair on here is just so beautiful I want it all wrapped into one, but on my head. So idk if my journey will ever be over.
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