Hair Anorexia

I just told my MIL over the weekend that the next time she will see my hair down is when it's BSL so get used to the bun baby! :lol: I'm only at collerbone right now so I have a ways to go. :ohwell:
KiniKakes said:
Me too!!! :lol: And i know that is sooo crazy, right??!!!!

Man, i feel u on the feathery hair. That is so me! *smh* Omg, esp. after a fresh relaxer. :ohwell:

On my last relaxer, my hair relaxed so straight that I looked bald :lol: for the next few weeks whenever I washed my hair, not to mention that my hair was limp and lifeless. Talk about having one's fine hair feel wimpy and wispy. :lol:
I have hair anoerexia. Now I just braid it and scarf it because I feel like I am not progressing as faast as I would like to. So I have put the hair away, not that I would ever wear it down outside of the house. But even in the house it is put away> Maybe when it gets to waistlength, which is my goal, I will get over myself. bonjour
breezy said:
Me...and I don't even have long hair yet! I've made a little progress since I started in January, but I have a feeling that however long my hair gets it will never be enough. My ultimate goal is a little below brastrap which I'll hopefully make in a year and a half...I hope this will satisfy me but I doubt it :look:

Preach sista-friend-- I feel the same way. I just realized that I have to wait 2 years before I make it to MBL what the heck am I gonna do til then??
Denim And Leather said:
I've seen a couple of posts here lately from some of the ladies here about re-setting their goals for a longer hair length than they initally had. I'm the same way.

When I started my journey, I was barely APL and was shooting for BSL and that would've been that for me. But NOOOOO, now that I'm just about BSL, MBL still doesn't seem long enough to me, so I've gone straight to waist length or tail bone length as my ultimate goals. :eek: :lol:

Sometimes I think that I might have to actually be sitting on my hair before I'd consider it long! :lol:

How many of you ladies are suffering from hair anorexia and is there a cure it?

lol waistlength isnt long enough for me either...i want hipbone jet black, blunt cut...ooooooooooooh how beautiful does that sound?!

and sorry there is no cure! the longer u get it, the more u think: "HOLD ON, LAST YEAR/2 YRS AGO, MY HAIR WAS JACKKKKKED UP AND SHORT...SO IN ANOTHER 2 YEARS....WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
Denim And Leather said:
Same here. I'm almost 8 weeks post and the new growth is making my hair anorexia worse! And besides wearing a weave for years, my hair never grew past my shoulders. The length my hair is now is the longest it's ever been, too.

BTW, did you ever get that trim you had talked about?

I did a mini-trim myself. I am on schedule to do another one in about 4 more weeks. I am just going to do mini-trims (sort of an aggressive dusting) regularly.

Isn't it weird when you really go back and put the whole growth progress in perspective? We are ahead of the curve right now! :)
Candy_C said:
lol waistlength isnt long enough for me either...i want hipbone jet black, blunt cut...ooooooooooooh how beautiful does that sound?!

and sorry there is no cure! the longer u get it, the more u think: "HOLD ON, LAST YEAR/2 YRS AGO, MY HAIR WAS JACKKKKKED UP AND SHORT...SO IN ANOTHER 2 YEARS....WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Hipbone jet black blunt cut sounds very beautiful, that'll look gorgeous on you! :)

And on the other comment, you're so right! Last year my hair was growing past my shoulders and I thought it was getting long! :lol: Now that I've found this board, I'm like "What was I thinking?!" Please! :lol:
CantBeCopied said:
I did a mini-trim myself. I am on schedule to do another one in about 4 more weeks. I am just going to do mini-trims (sort of an aggressive dusting) regularly.

Isn't it weird when you really go back and put the whole growth progress in perspective? We are ahead of the curve right now! :)

That's great that you did the trim yourself, no worries about a scissor happy stylist! :lol: It's also good that you're going to do them regularly. I don't plan on doing an actual trim until probably April 2007. In the meantime, I'll just dust the best that I can.

It's true, we are really ahead in hair growth. I was looking at other ladies' Fotkis and noticed how fast their hair has been growing, it seems to me that they are averaging at least an inch a month in hair growth. Since starting my journey in April, I've had almost 5 inches myself! I hope it keeps up at this rate, because then I can make waistlength by next summer (one can dream, can't she?) :lol:
determined_to_grow said:
Preach sista-friend-- I feel the same way. I just realized that I have to wait 2 years before I make it to MBL what the heck am I gonna do til then??

Girl, I felt like that when I was at shoulder length, so I wore my hair in braids until it got to APL. :lol: During that time I "felt" like I had long hair. :D
Candy_C said:
lol waistlength isnt long enough for me either...i want hipbone jet black, blunt cut...ooooooooooooh how beautiful does that sound?!

and sorry there is no cure! the longer u get it, the more u think: "HOLD ON, LAST YEAR/2 YRS AGO, MY HAIR WAS JACKKKKKED UP AND SHORT...SO IN ANOTHER 2 YEARS....WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

You are too funny! Go for it! I'm sure it will look fabulous on you.

I really think I would be satisfied WL. My ultimate goal is actually MBL, but I have a feeling that won't satisfy
me. :D So I'm thinking WL will, and that only because I think I'm too short for anything longer since I'm
only 5'2". :lol:
OK I give, I've been doing this re-setting goals everytime I get to a milestone, shoulder passed-check new goal, BSL check-new goal etc...
This is how bad my case is, someone posted progress pics on here and I saw the straitened length and thought wow she has alot of hair, then I looked at her length she's midback, I went and looked at my pics, and I've been mid-back since Jun/July---then it hit me I really do have hair anorexia. I'm glad I'm not the only one.
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Hmmmm... I seriously have a problem I use to just want APL or BSL and now I am like naw-- that's not long enough I want MBL - what the heck is wrong w/ me.

Kinda O/T: I was watching TV1 yesterday- they play old shows - so I was watching In the house- show w/ LL Cool J as a nanny anyway Tiffany - I forgot her real name- has always been my hair idol and then I saw her hair and I thought to myself that is not long enough I want to go longer- help I have a problem and my hair is not even APL@@@!!!! :eek:- imagine when I get there!!!