Haha, I got another sew-in for a couple of months *PICS*


Well-Known Member
NOTE: Thread will be updated February 11, 2010 with new hair cut pictures, check back.

I know y'all are probably tired of me and my weave, but for those who aren't and are interested in sew-ins as a protective style, this may be of help. I'm doing LouLou's Weave it Up challenge. I hope to keep this in for maaaaybe 4 months.

I'm sorry, this time around, I didn't take many pictures of my hair out because I wore it in this bun most of my time out of the weave. I got lazy. I straightened it once and only kept it straight two days because of the humidity.

my everyday bun. My length is past APL now, I'm about an inch and half from BSL

To start off, I used my usual, Goddess Remi hair, it was on sale in Houston where Ediese told me about for $10 cheaper. I got 10/12 inch.

I changed it up this time. I left a tad bit more hair out because I wanted it to look a but more natural and I wanted to switch up my part. I think this is my most natural-looking sew in because of that. So on to the pictures.

I wanted to get a style similar to my cousin's in this pic, (she's next to me)

The way she gets it looks very natural to me, and as you can see, there's me in my usual bun. :look:

here's with the usual side part & I can do a middle part now also

Two pics of the blending done on the sides/top

Side and back of hair

I put a little too much shea butter mix in my own hair so it made it a tad bit greasy, but still matched well I think. I'm liking the fact I can switch my part around. Tinnell added long layers to my hair and she added a lot of curls, but they'll fall and the hair will look better. I plan to cut into another bob halfway. lol. I didn't get a full head, I have some of my sides out and a U shape at the front/top

What do you ladies think? I hope you guys like it. Sorry for the tired face, it's 1130pm here.

ETA: I'll update this thread a couple days or weeks in to show different looks and after washes


I said I'd update the thread with the sew in and so far, so good. It hasn't been a full month yet, but I've still been washing every week and it's still holding up pretty well. I wanted to update on my wash routine and how i generally wear it.

1.) separate the left out hair to wash and then I moisturize with my shea butter mix & blow dry the weave and my hair separately



2.) I flat iron the weave and my own hair separately & here are front/back/side views



Styles I've worn it in:

My super bootleg attempt at Nia Long's curly side pony:

don't laugh, I tried. It was harder than it looks!!

and slightly curled and worn down for a family event

I like how it still looks natural in the front & some people have even thought it was all my hair!!

Still, in a few weeks, I'll be doing the bob again, but i want it even badder than the last. If any one sees any pics of any cool bobs, please post. Im looking for ideas


Updating this thread tomorrow 2/11/2010, for after I get my hair cut into a bob. I got this sew in on Dec. 18, 2009, so it would have been in about 8 weeks. Here are some more pics of the way I've been wearing my weave and I'll post pics of the bob style I want.

parted down the middle, pin straight.


from the back (im in the black)

side part here, i just unwrapped it, parted and went about my day. it was my usual style. no frills, simple easy and heat free.

Princess Tam Tam posted these bob pics in the weave install ideas thread. I loved these



and my stylist's (she's on the far right)

I'm really excited about this new cut and please if you ladies see any pics of any cute bobs, please post them on here so I can take more ideas with me.
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I am probably gonna get another weave monday.. as much as i like my hair, weaving at all times brought me to from sl to almost apl in 4 months :look:

love the hair... blending looks to be on point for me... great weave ;)
You are too cute. That weave looks very natural. How will you manage your top natural part ?
Do you plan to flat iron on a daily basis ?
I like that you can change your parts.

It looks nice and I think it will look really great once the curls fall.

Your bun is so neat!
You know we never get tired of your pics :-) Looks very nice and your bun is/was adorable! Can't wait for your BSL updates...thnx for sharing!
You know, if you said that was your real hair, I'd believe it. I'm quite impressed actually; I usually don't like weaves, but I like it. I also like the sweater you got on (I got it in orange ;))
I love your weaves Nichi, you are tempting me to get one done but my mother is fed u p with weaves because of my two sisters.

Anway you look good
Nichi - it looks very nice and natural. Just beautiful as always and I love the curls. Could you by any chance post your weave Reggie in this thread as I also use this hair and want to make the most of it ??? - TIA

I am now thinking of sticking with this hair for the time being until I get a permanent job as its pretty good and I can use it twice. Also I am still not sure about spending more for hair as even though you can use it for 1 year its tends to get cut up into layers when you install it which makes it more difficult to use again and again....:perplexed

I never tire of looking at yours and Ediese's threads as I know it will always be good hair porn - LOL !:grin:

Also just a question but how are you able to change the part like that?

Finally I recently found out that Goddess Remi also do a closure parting so am quite excited about that.
Looks nice, cant wait to see style ideas and updates

OT- I love your natural hair...It is growing FAST..I remember you mentioned that you had very long, thick hair as a child, do u have any photos...Have you gotten back to that length yet?? Your hair is just thriving, I am so amazed :)