Haha, I got another sew-in for a couple of months *PICS*

First off, thanks so much for all the compliments, ladies. I really appreciate all the kindness; it really means a lot to me.

It looks wonderful!! Did you use the two full bags?

I didn't. I think I have a couple tracks left from one bag that I saved. See, at some BSSes here, you can buy HALF a bag and pay half the price. I've saved up enough leftovers to make a half a bag from my three installs

You are too cute. That weave looks very natural. How will you manage your top natural part ?
Do you plan to flat iron on a daily basis ?

I'll wash/co-wash every weekend & flat iron as needed. Sometimes I just do a braid out or sometimes I blow dry and wrap it. I may do like my cousin & do the "Lauren Conrad" as she calls it. She does two twists on either side of her hair and pulls it back to the back like this: (look closely you can see it)

Nichi it looks great as always...!!

How does the hair hold up? does it tangle? Does it shed?

You asked me through PMs & we've discussed it. Hope it helps!
(but for those who may be wondering, I dont have any shedding/tangling issues with this brand. I wash often and I would have switched brands long ago if I had ANY issues with Goddess Remi. I don't intend on spending a ridiculous amount of money on hair, but I'd spend a good brand that works well & this does.)


Nichi - it looks very nice and natural. Just beautiful as always and I love the curls. Could you by any chance post your weave Reggie in this thread as I also use this hair and want to make the most of it ??? - TIA

- I separate MY hair from the weave hair first & wash every weekend with natural shampoo. I use my nails and get in and scrub inbetween my tracks on my scalp. I DC with Lustrasilk Shea butter DC on my left out hair. I use Herbal Essences Hello Hydration to condition MY hair and Suave coconut to condition the weave.
After letting it airdry a bit I then blowdry what's damp and use my shea butter mix (castor/coconut/evoo/peppermint oil & shea butter whipped) onto my scalp inbetween my tracks and a little bit on my left out hair. I part that hair over my tracks and flat iron/style as needed.
At night I just use a silk scarf and wrap the top and edges so they can stay smooth. I treat it really just like my own hair.

I am now thinking of sticking with this hair for the time being until I get a permanent job as its pretty good and I can use it twice. Also I am still not sure about spending more for hair as even though you can use it for 1 year its tends to get cut up into layers when you install it which makes it more difficult to use again and again....:perplexed

-This brand is a good mid range price. I don't buy from online because they're expensive and I need to physically feel it and match it up to my head to compare. I just have to. If you talk to your stylist or whomever removes your weave, make sure they don't cut it up. Tell them you want to reuse it and lay them separately in lengths so you know what goes where.

I never tire of looking at yours and Ediese's threads as I know it will always be good hair porn - LOL !:grin:

Also just a question but how are you able to change the part like that?
-I got my stylist to do a U shaped part in my front instead on the side this time. For instance, if you were getting a haircut for a bang, it's the shape you'd cut. Get it? This way it looks more natural and less bulky at the top. I love this method, don't know why I didn't do it before.

Finally I recently found out that Goddess Remi also do a closure parting so am quite excited about that.

answers bolded

Your sew in is cute!! How in the world do you get your natural hair to lay down so smoothly though????

-I do the same thing as I do when I flat iron. My hair matches the weave really well so it looks better. I use Smooth n Shine Polishing serum and a Tool Science Ionic Ceramic/Tourmaline flat iron. I think the method along with the blow dryer I use gets it straight.

Looks nice, cant wait to see style ideas and updates

OT- I love your natural hair...It is growing FAST..I remember you mentioned that you had very long, thick hair as a child, do u have any photos...Have you gotten back to that length yet?? Your hair is just thriving, I am so amazed :)

-Thanks so much! I actually don't have those pics in this country. I saw pics of my family in Nigeria right before I went natural and in the background were portraits of me and my sisters with our big long natural hair. I also saw them in our home when I was recently there but I didn't think about removing them from the frames. The pics I have of us younger before the perm are very few especially since we weren't natural for long AT ALL after we got here. Besides, we're all in protective styles that don't even show our lengths. When I go back abroad I'll get some pics and post em. I get sad thinking about it sometimes how I went from that to how my hair looked by senior year of college.
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I never get tired of your weaves! They have inspired me so much..but I have a question...
You said that you would be keeping this install in for about 4 months..and I know the last install you had in you kept in for a while too... Does your hair ever mat up or tangle really bad especially since you wash once a week? What is your detangling method once you take out the weave?

ETA: Also does your stylist braid your hair underneath with fake hair or is it just your own hair?

And I love your cousins "Lauren Conrad" style...my sister and I do that style all the time with our weaves :yep:
I don't get tired of your weaves atall!! :giggle: How much does the goddess remi cost? And does your hair in the front ever become heat damaged from being pressed more than the hair that's underneath?
Very nice!

I am probably gonna get another weave monday.. as much as i like my hair, weaving at all times brought me to from sl to almost apl in 4 months :look:

love the hair... blending looks to be on point for me... great weave ;)

..and this is what I'm hoping for, hence why I am now weaving my hair up for 2010 (or at least 1/2 of 2010).
Lookin' good chica!! That's great that you're able to lave it in for so long. I tried goddess for my last weave and as I got close to month 3, it started tangling something fierce! But the again had a #2 so maybe the color..
Love, love your bun!!! Ok I know this is about your weave and it looks good as always!!! I just weaved up as well in naij :)
Nichi - first, your natural bun is lovely. Secondly, ima need you to hook me up with this chick. (send me a pm with all tha particulars, pleeze).
I think I wanna hide my hair until summer....

You and Ediese rep Bayou City quite well!!!