Haha, I got another sew-in for a couple of months *PICS*


I said I'd update the thread with the sew in and so far, so good. It hasn't been a full month yet, but I've still been washing every week and it's still holding up pretty well. I wanted to update on my wash routine and how i generally wear it.

1.) separate the left out hair to wash and then I moisturize with my shea butter mix & blow dry the weave and my hair separately



Thanks for this update! You and your hair are so pretty. I didn't realize you were natural! (I'm transitioning. 13 months since last relaxer). I'm in the Weave challenge for six months so I did a self-install this past weekend. It's decent...I actually wore it out in public! Anyway, from looking at your pics, I can tell that I may not have left enough hair out in the front. I'm still learning how to do them on myself though - it's so much easier to do them on someone else so you can actually see everything. Do you know what braid pattern your friend uses?
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Girl you making me want to get a sew in. I never have liked sew in's for myself, they look uncomfortable and I don't know how I'd sleep. The stories of shedding and them being so tight.

Do you have a tutorial on how you do yours? Also if I did a sew in I'd want all my hair in it. I am scared of the wiggy look. But I might have to try this. I am liking PS my hair and hiding it from myself for these cold months we are experiencing in my area of TX. Is it still hot in Houston?

I seriously think I want to try this. I may do my sister's hair first. It looks fun and like a nice change.

ETA- read the thread and see you have a stylist. Darn! I still may try this.
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[COLOR="Navy[B]"]PLEASE DO NOT STOP THE WEAVE PICS...LOL I NEVER GET TIRED[/B] i am three months post and i am trying to transition with weaves (second attempt) i was not able to before without weaves BUT now i only keep it braided i think i can deal with the two textures this way. so this really helps TIA[/COLOR]

I'm new to the site. I love your sew ins. They look so natural and if you hadn't mentioned it, I would have never known it was a sew in.

I currently have a full sew in right now without any hair left out. It's my first one and I love it. Not sure why I've never done them before to grow out my natural hair. This may just be my protective style to grow out my hair for 2010.
To everyone, thank you soooo much for the love. If ANY of you want me to post more weave pictures of mine, my stylist, her other clients, and shoot, of other weaves I find cute, let me know. It will help with ideas for any of you guys thinking about getting one. I usually google Nia Long's hair to get ideas lol

Thanks for this update! You and your hair are so pretty. I didn't realize you were natural! (I'm transitioning. 13 months since last relaxer). I'm in the Weave challenge for six months so I did a self-install this past weekend. It's decent...I actually wore it out in public! Anyway, from looking at your pics, I can tell that I may not have left enough hair out in the front. I'm still learning how to do them on myself though - it's so much easier to do them on someone else so you can actually see everything. Do you know what braid pattern your friend uses?

Great idea! I'm going to do this next time! I do it for my ponytail holders, but never thought to do it for the thread.

Question: Does your stylist use a net?

Thanks Diamond!! I really appreciate your PMs and your compliments. I'm so happy this thread is helping someone.
-Please post pics of your sew in and i'm happy you can do your own, it says a LOT about the stylist IMO, if they can do their own.
-I am waiting on her to send me a pic I took on her camera of her installing hair on a friend of mine. Its somewhat beehive-ish but not really. It varies also depending on the style the client's getting so some may be out in the front in several different ways. Am i clear? Ill post the pic
-little known tip that i came up with, see, I think small details matter. the more moisture the better
-She does on some people that want it. She does on hers sometimes, I dont want it though, because I think it prohibits proper access to my braids/scalp on wash/moisturize day,

Girl you making me want to get a sew in. I never have liked sew in's for myself, they look uncomfortable and I don't know how I'd sleep. The stories of shedding and them being so tight.

Do you have a tutorial on how you do yours? Also if I did a sew in I'd want all my hair in it. I am scared of the wiggy look. But I might have to try this. I am liking PS my hair and hiding it from myself for these cold months we are experiencing in my area of TX. Is it still hot in Houston?

I seriously think I want to try this. I may do my sister's hair first. It looks fun and like a nice change.

ETA- read the thread and see you have a stylist. Darn! I still may try this.

Thanks Geminigirl!
I dont have problems sleeping at all, sometimes I wrap, and sometimes I ponytail and wrap my edges. No problem at all. My stylist does a lot of full head installs and they didn't look wiggy at all. I was so shocked. I too am worried about the wiggy look.
-Yeah, so it's pretty chilly in Houston, it's supposed to get warmer as the week progresses. It's in the 40's here and the sun is out, but its chilly. No bueno.
PLEASE post more pics in a new thread!! I'd love too see some from start to finish and various styles.

How much does she charge for a full sew in if u don't mind me asking. Thanks!!
Nichi, Thanks for the response...For some reason, I thought you wore the net weave, so I decided to give it a try this go round...:look:

I am also casting my vote for more weave photos from you!!!!!:grin:

ETA: I notice that you dont have much slippage on the track, I know that she doesnt braid tight, but how does she get the hair to stay in place for so long..

And do you still have the info on your moisture mix? I need something for dryness as well
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Nichi, Thanks for the response...For some reason, I thought you wore the net weave, so I decided to give it a try this go round...:look:

I am also casting my vote for more weave photos from you!!!!!:grin:

ETA: I notice that you dont have much slippage on the track, I know that she doesnt braid tight, but how does she get the hair to stay in place for so long..

And do you still have the info on your moisture mix? I need something for dryness as well

thank you!!
no, i dont use a net for my installs, i feel like i wont reach my braided hair and it'll cause friction against my own hair. no my stylist doesnt braid tightly at all, and my edges and I are very thankful for that. I dont get slippage at all, and it lasts for a while and i'd be fibbing if i told you how she gets it to stay for so long, technique, I guess.

as far as the shea butter mix, i use raw african shea butter and i warm it up. dont let it melt into liquid, just enough so that it still looks solid and butters up when touched (this is important for the textue and consistency). add three tablespoons of coconut, castor, & olive oil and whip it with a spoon or mixer. It'll become buttery. I use peppermint oil essential oil for fragrance because it tingles, but you can use whatever other essential oil you like. I'm going to try vanilla next. a couple drops until you get your desired fragrance strength and there's your mix. I love it!

Ummm...why didn't you post pictures, missy?! When did you get your install!?!
I'd love to see more pics! LOL. I'll try and post pics. Remember though, this is my FIRST self-install. Still have a lot to learn about self-installing.
thank you!!
no, i dont use a net for my installs, i feel like i wont reach my braided hair and it'll cause friction against my own hair. no my stylist doesnt braid tightly at all, and my edges and I are very thankful for that. I dont get slippage at all, and it lasts for a while and i'd be fibbing if i told you how she gets it to stay for so long, technique, I guess.

as far as the shea butter mix, i use raw african shea butter and i warm it up. dont let it melt into liquid, just enough so that it still looks solid and butters up when touched (this is important for the textue and consistency). add three tablespoons of coconut, castor, & olive oil and whip it with a spoon or mixer. It'll become buttery. I use peppermint oil essential oil for fragrance because it tingles, but you can use whatever other essential oil you like. I'm going to try vanilla next. a couple drops until you get your desired fragrance strength and there's your mix. I love it!

Ummm...why didn't you post pictures, missy?! When did you get your install!?!


I have been begging my child to help me post photos...She keeps telling me that people are going to think I am a weirdo because I dont post pics, but she has yet to help me...As a matter of fact, I told her last night that I needed to post pics or I would be kicked out of a challenge. I am going to MAKE her help me tonight!

And thanks for the moisture mix info...I have all of these ingredients on hand so I am going to whip up a batch this weekend!
Updating this thread tomorrow for after I get my hair cut into a bob. Here are some more pics of the way I've been wearing my weave and I'll post pics of the bob style I want.

parted down the middle, pin straight.


from the back (im in the black)

side part here, i just unwrapped it, parted and went about my day. it was my usual style. no frills, simple easy and heat free.

Princess Tam Tam posted these bob pics in the weave install ideas thread. I loved these



and my stylist's (she's on the far right)

I'm really excited about this new cut and please if you ladies see any pics of any cute bobs, please post them on here so I can take more ideas with me.
your weave is awesome!... so natural looking... and your natural hair has beautiful texture... love the waves
Hey Nichi!

I just have a question for you .. you weaves always look really good.
but i was wondering how is your hair braided underneath. can u give me an idea of the braid pattern?
mu problem is that my braids always loosen up and because of it i have to take out my weaves early to avoid matting...

please help ..
Thank you all so much for all the compliments. I truly am appreciative!

Hey Nichi!

I just have a question for you .. you weaves always look really good.
but i was wondering how is your hair braided underneath. can u give me an idea of the braid pattern?
mu problem is that my braids always loosen up and because of it i have to take out my weaves early to avoid matting...

please help ..

My stylist does a general bee-hive looking pattern wit h some modifications, I wish I had the pic to show you. I took a pic of her doing my friend's hair, but I'm still waiting on her to email them to me, since I took it on her camera. Then with the front left out, she leaves a horseshoe shape and then my edges. Ok, don't laugh, but here's a whack :rolleyes: little rendering of what it looks like. I drew it in photoshop. The brown is where hair is left out (my edges). The red lines are the 3 ways I can part my hair in the front


Where are those bob pics at?

You still haven't seent it? (Yes, I said 'seent') lol.
Here it is

Very OT:

Do you by any chance go to law school? I know some of those girls in your pics :yep:

Nope. My close friends were in the law school at UT. Those are the girls you notice. Are you into NBLSA to notice that? See, at UT, the most black students in post grad education, (although very few) stick together. A couple I knew before they were in Law school though.
nichi thanks!!!!!! thats very helpful. im going try that when i get my hair done this weekend!
wish me luck
Ok Nichi, I was going to braid it up for all of 2010 but your pics lured me in...I'll be getting my sew in done by my favorite stylist on 03/01. I'm going to give Goddess Remi a try too.

Thanks for the inspiration!