What 2 do with relaxed hair after workout???

Ok ladies, the weather is warming up so it's time to get back into regular workouts.

What's your workout hair routine?

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My best suggestion is to rinse thoroughly with warm water while massaging the scalp (to remove sweat), then apply a CLEANSING.CONDITIONER like WEN or Suave Rosemary Mint...this will cut down on the amt of shampoo applied to the hair, considering the fact you may work out several days a wk.

Then, you can do your regular wash with shampoo once a week, or however often. You may also want to include a mild protein conditioner after or before the cleansing cond, to combat the effects of sweat in the hair and to keep it strong after sun exposure. Sunscreen spray used on the body is also acceptable to use on the hair to protect it.

Though Im natural, I was relaxed nearly 20 yrs and during summer did workouts, lawn work, gardening in hot, humid South Carolina.

You could NOT prevent sweat from saturating your hair. The rinse well and condition regimen kept my hair clean and moisturized.

Too much shampooing will break off relaxed hair...and I should also mention I retained all my length, and was between SL and MBL over the years I used this regi. HTH!

P.S. I also use the same regi for my hair while natural and working out, but I follow the cleansing cond with a moisturizing cheap one, and sometimes a deep conditioning mask. I dont currently workout, but I live in NC where it is still quite hot n humid.

Most Black women here cant avoid sweating their hair out some unless its braided, twisted, shaven, or just in a natural 'fro.
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Jewell - you are so right! I only shampoo 1x a week and use conditioner only the rest of the time.

My hair is soaked after I workout! There's no way around it. :nono:

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I work out several times a week and sweat heavily in my head. I simply wear a bun during my workouts. Always protect your ends and keep them covered when working out. After my workout, I take my bun down and moisturize and seal while it is wet/damp. I then let it air dry overnight in a bonnet and then wear a protective style to work almost daily. I wear a slick back bun almost daily. To cut down on manipulation, I try to only come through my hair when I bun it in the AM. Not at night. Hope this helps!
I don't cowash and I do not wash my hair in between workouts as I don't sweat a lot on my head only on my nape that gets sweaty when doing cardio.

I have 2 of these Buff headbands that are very light, in fun colours, wick away sweat and dry very quickly.

they can be worn as a headband,full head cover, on the neck,etc. If I bike to the gym I put my hair in a loose bun securing with pins and put the buff on and then my bike helmet. If I walk or my husband drives me then I'll use it as a headband.

I do not work out on Saturday and Sunday so I wear my hair down on those days and on Monday(that will change this month as I'm doing JM 30 day shred). After that it goes up in a bun, updo or ponytail, mine or phony pony. I bought some Batiste dry shampoo spray from Sallys and moisturize, put some big flexirods, silk scarf and silk bonnet and next day it goes on a ponytail.
I am a fitness instructor and I am relaxed. PLEASE do not stop working out. Obesity is such a problem. We HAVE to workout. What I had to do first is change my mindset. I do not expect to go to work looking like I just stepped out of a salon. I expect to look HEALTHY from head to toe :grin: !!!!!

It has taken me awhile to figure out what products work well for my hair after cowashing. My hair is ear length. Here is my routine. I cowash about 3 to 4 times a week. It is really important to me to keep my scalp clean.

Cowash with trader joe's conditioner
Apply leave-in conditioner (giovanni)
Apply almond glaze (hairveda) mixed with cream moisturizer (beemine)
Apply Chi Silk Infusion

To style...
Option #1: Put 2 - 5 rollers around the top of my head, gently comb the rest of my hair back or wrapped, put scarf on. This options requires that I curl part of my hair the next day.

Option #2: My no-heat style in my picture. To get my hair curly (no frizzy - very tricky) I use a combination of small rollers on top and pillow rollers around the rest of my head. Put on scarf and go to bed!!!
Maybe we should start a rumor that sweat makes your hair grow faster. :look:

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I had to go to a meeting tonight, but that's no excuse to skip a workout! :)

I worked out for 30 minutes and really sweated it up! :grin: I showered, cowashed, wet bunned and headed out for my meeting. I'm home now and unwrapped my bun and I'm airdrying a bit before bed.

Never let your hair stop you from working out! :grin:


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I work out at least 5 days a week and I sweat in all the activities I do (except my yoga class). I have been co washing more ever since my hair broke off in the front (which I believe was from wiping the sweat back into my hair constantly). But now I dont know what to do with it. I have been just pulling it back in a short ponytail. But I want some other ideas. I'm just barely at shoulder length and when I bun it looks super skimpy. Any ideas?
I work out 3-4 days per week and I think I sweat a normal amount. If I didn't co wash (which is what I usually do after working out) or wash and condition immediately after a workout I would feel disgusting. If I have to go out afterwards I'm putting my hair into a bun and putting on a cute headband or scarf to airdry. I'll choose fresh hair over straight hair any day.:yep:
I hear you but imagine all that sweat soaked up into your hair all those days of not washing. That would disgust me and I'd be forced to wash even if I didn't want to. Maybe you can try a sulfate free shampoos or maybe cleanse your hair with ACV to remove the sweat.
I'm disgusting....:ohwell:

I wash once per month( going to change due to tangles)

I swear it doesn't smell until week 4...:look:
I put in Mega tek 3 times a week. ( going to get some good ol smelly sulfur 8 tomorrow for the itchies):grin:

I wear a head band & wig cap when I work out
I tie my wet hair down until it dry, then I put another wig cap on...

I have washed the rows in the shower before....
Easy solution for this. Spritz with water, oil of choice, and bun. There is no reason for relaxed ladies not to work out.:nono:
When I was fully relaxed, I would co-wash after a work out and put in a few braids to sleep.

Now that I am transitioning with twists in my hair, every 2nd or 3rd day of working out, I spritz my hair with ACV mix then rinse with water in the shower.
I workout 4 - 5 times a week and I only wash once per week. My hair does not like manipulation. I have no issues with smells even though I sweat a lot. I always wear a hairband though to absorb the sweat.

Most days I just bun my hair after my workout. I relaxed in November 2011 and went from SL (see my avatar) to APL (see my siggy).
Went bike riding this morning and really sweated it up!

When I got home, I put a teensy amout of NTM and carrot oil on my hair and put in A loose bun. After showering, I just slicked back in a flexi 8 ponytail.

I'm out and about now, and my pony looks fine to me! :)

I plan to shampoo/dc tonight though!
Don't these suggestions apply to all hair? Natural or otherwise? I sweat in my head a lot too, dadgummitt!
I just usually cowash after or in the morning or wet it down real good and twist or braid. But I was reading this thread for more tips.
I run anywhere from 3-8 miles, 4 to 5 times a week, also im relaxed. When I finish working out, I wet my hair and apply conditioner and slick down my edges, put back in a bun, apply a scarf take a shower and go to work. I have less than a hour to get to work, therefore don't have alot of time to do to much. On the weekends, which by the way I still run, I either go to the beatician or wash, DC and do the scarf method.

Sometimes I co wash at night, but the next day im running again. It just depends on how my hair and scalp is feeling.

No extra breakage or shedding. This work well for me.

Also its a female on the team im with, her hair is APL and she wears her hair straight at work daily. I notice she wears a scarf during workout and it be hot too. But it works for her. When I see her at work, her hair still straight, silky and shiny with a nice bump to it, from it being wrapped.

ok I think we are work out twins!:lol: I run 4-5 times a week a minimum of 4miles (currently trg for the Hershey Half). I have natural hair though but prefer to wear it straight but find myself wearing it in a damp/wet hair zing or banana clip most times. But if i could find a way to have straight hair AFTER i run with minimum heat, it would be great!!!
I workout in the mornings now before work. I actually wash/cowash my hair less that I did when was originally posting in this thread.

I bun and put my workout scarf on around my edges. After showering, I bun most time and head to work. If it's time for my regular wash, I do it at night.

I pretty much have made no special changes to my hair routine because of my workouts.
Did you buy it in the store? I went to Sally's last week and she said they don't carry it. I was wondering if it was just that Sally's or in general.

I ordered my set off their website. Not all stores keep them in stock. I think I bought about 15 at the same time. :look:
Looking for additional workout hair tips.....

My coworkers are beginning the T25 workout next week and I decided to join them. I feel like my hair will be soaked from this workout. Lord help me. :headspin:
Did you buy it in the store? I went to Sally's last week and she said they don't carry it. I was wondering if it was just that Sally's or in general.

I might Try this to. I just finished a run and rewrapped my hair. Let's see how this goes.