Guy asking for your # at a party

Last weekend, I was at a party thrown by one of my friends. The next day she told me that a guy who she knew wanted my phone # when he found out that she knew me. I hesitate to let her give him my #. After I found out who she was talking about, I remembered that he was at the party with a date. After more questions, I found out he is dating this lady.

So, I think that if he was trying to get someone's # while at party with this lady who is already dating him then I figure he would do the same thing to me if we were dating. Also, he is a DJ at a parties occasionally which makes me think he is nothing but a flirt.

Ladies, would you give him your #? Maybe I am just thinkng too negative.

Thanks for your input.
Last weekend, I was at a party thrown by one of my friends. The next day she told me that a guy who she knew wanted my phone # when he found out that she knew me. I hesitate to let her give him my #. After I found out who she was talking about, I remembered that he was at the party with a date. After more questions, I found out he is dating this lady.

So, I think that if he was trying to get someone's # while at party with this lady who is already dating him then I figure he would do the same thing to me if we were dating. Also, he is a DJ at a parties occasionally which makes me think he is nothing but a flirt.

Ladies, would you give him your #? Maybe I am just thinkng too negative.

Thanks for your input.

No, don't give him ur number. Just say you are no longer interested.
I wouldn't give him my number either. I would be so hurt if I was on a date with someone and I found out they were asking for another girl's number while they were with me. That's messed up. On the other hand you can try to rationalize and say that he's not in a relationship with the girl, but still this story really rubs me the wrong way. I mean what happens when you give him your phone number? Is he going to be dating two girls instead of one? It sounds messy, leave it alone.
Heck no! So, your friend didn't even know he was with another chick at the party? Why wasn't she acting like your first line of defense?
Heck no! So, your friend didn't even know he was with another chick at the party? Why wasn't she acting like your first line of defense?

Thanks so much to all of you who have responded. You are ALL in agreement with what my gut is telling me -- Don't give him my #. My first red flag was he was trying to get another lady's # while on a date. That would hurt me tremendously if it was me. I rather stay solo and alone than put up with that drama.

And, further background, the friend is not a close friend who I would confide everything to. She is a just someone I talk to occasionally.

Thanks again, Ladies!
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Absolutely not. He should have approached you and asked for your number if he was interested; he didn't because he didn't want to seem like a dog. Boy please, GTFO.
What is the definition of "dating" that people are going by? Because if the guy is not in a relationship I don't see the issue.

We encourage women to date multiple men, but a guy dating more than one woman is a dog, worthy of Maya Angelou quotes? Good grief.